Review by Buddy

Road House 2024


Review by Buddy

I really can't understand why so many people are hating on this movie. I understand if you think it's not a great movie but it certainly isn't horrible. I question your joy for movies if you say you can't even have fun watching it. 6/10 for me.

I thought the action was great, the callbacks to the og were really nice and subtle (not like those obvious ones that throw the movie off), and it was just a fun movie to watch.

Here's my pros (Excluding above for the most part)
1. I loved what they changed from the original and how they did it. Ex-UFC fighter, book store family, etc. I felt it worked well with the story.

  1. The characters felt like they were real individuals. They all felt like their own. Even each biker felt like even though they were the baddies, they had their own thoughts. Especially the funny nice guy. Sorry to say, unlike the og. The bad guys mostly felt generic with a few solid ones and the barmembers were mostly there to fill slots besides a few.

  2. I loved how Dalton was teaching the other's how to handle their clients. In the original, it was more of "just be nice until things get rough" but this one was slowly teaching them how to be rough when needed.

  3. And even though Connor's acting isn't great.. He was a blast to watch. Absolutely hilarious.

  4. Even though the ending was very Hollywood action film, it was still way less corny than the og ending.

Now for cons:
1. The storyline isn't fantastic, nothing to really complain about though.

  1. Sadly, acting wasn't phenomenal across the board (except Jake ofc)

  2. Even though Dalton killing that dude was sick and clearly his anger showed, I wish there was a more wild scene with him going nuts till he controlled himself. Like he did in the Octagon but actually stops himself. He was a beast during the fights but that rage wasn't quite there to bring the story home.

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