Review by Frank Carrizo Zirit

Road House 2024

Just watched this "Road House" remake, and oh boy, where do I even start? The original with Patrick Swayze was an absolute gem, right? That mix of 80s grit, charm, and Swayze's undeniable cool made it iconic. But this 2024 version with Jake Gyllenhaal... I feel they missed what made the original so special.

Gyllenhaal tries his best, sure, but the whole thing feels like it's stuck in a weird limbo between wanting to pay homage and trying to be something new, and it just doesn't gel. The action scenes, which should be the highlight, feel like they've been zapped straight out of a video game with all that CGI. Remember the raw, in-your-face brawls from the original? This one's got none of that visceral punch.

And Conor McGregor as the villain... I mean, I like the guy, but acting might not be his calling. It's like watching a tiger trying to moonwalk - amusing but ultimately you wish it would stop. His character's like a cartoon villain but without the charm.And what’s with that walk? Cringey as F.

The whole thing just feels like a missed opportunity. They had the chance to build on the original's legacy but ended up with something that's more forgettable than memorable. There's a reason classics are classics, and some shoes are just too big to fill, I guess.

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