Review by PorterUk

Road House 2024

Christ almighty, what a catastrophic mess.

If you ignore that it is a remake, then it is an overblown, generic, piss-poor CGI laden, irredeemable, straight-to-streaming pile of crap.

Add in that it is meant to be a remake of a cheap-but-lovable 80s classic and it takes on a sinister twist.

Suddenly the lead character is a psychopath who kills for any old reason, not to mention waits until the bar he is hired to protect is smashed to smithereens before intervening, and is plagued with a sketchy set of morals.

And the equally homicidal nemesis this time isn't genuinely fearful, he's a cartoon steroid rooster with a terrible set of veneers. Oh and he can't act his way out of a paper bag. And he's playing himself - which is, in case you haven't worked it out, a total prick with an arrogance problem.

It's an insult to the viewers from start to finish. From the first "oh look I just got stabbed and the blade is sticking out of me, isn't that something" to the final killing spree with 180-degree changes of behaviour from all involved... It's just a pointless tedious exercise.

None of the charm of the original exists. None of the peril. None of the character.

Hollywood and Amazon should be rightfully ashamed.

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not to mention that he trains the guy Billy (Lukas Gage) sending him against a knife armed man...but hey the life is brutal...
This film kind of lost me exactly with that initial stab
