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Late Night with the Devil 2024

One of the most anxiety-inducing horror movies I've ever watched. The film teases and builds throughout its runtime until it implodes in horrendous and glorious fashion. A must watch for horror fans.

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I really like the vibe and the performances. I appreciate what they are going for but it didn’t wow me in the end. Maybe the hype killed it a little for me.

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It is honestly so refreshing to watch a movie that is trying new things! i was paying attention to everything every second of it. i'm still not sure of how i feel about the ending, but the experience was totally worth it!

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how is this 72%? seriously? how? you can not be serious! this is SO BAD!

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Good movie. The makers tried something different and it sort of worked. With all the crap 2024 is producing, this is one of the best horror movies of 2024.

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Short, punchy, and a lot of fun. A solid horror movie without the traditional jump scares.

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It was cool and unusual! Indeed, at some point you forget that you are not watching an old show on TV at night at home, but. For the immersion itself you can get 10:star:. But I’ll take a point for the idea with the cassette, I didn’t have enough details of the story, how they found her. And yes, I also came up with a different ending. This one is good, but mine...

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A fun ride. The beginning 45 minutes or so was a bit slow, but I enjoyed the 70s nostalgia enough to keep involved in the story. Then, the fun began and built up to an awesome ending. Certainly a different type of movie - kind of akin to how the Blair Witch Project was so different when it came out.

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how is this 72%? seriously? how? you can not be serious! this is garbage.

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I didn't know that they could still make a unique horror film. The story is a bit original, it has some similarities with some 80s and 90s horror like the one with the VHS tape but here is it done masterfully a found footage film (blair witch project style but in a good way not an overhyped super advertise "real" thing).

I was captivated from the style and direction, the cinematography was fantastic and the casting was well done. The ending for me explains it all, you do not need to overanalyze it and just end the film. Also a true horror for only 90 minutes no need to drag it out like modern times.

This is an instant classic with no extreme violence of slashing, just pure phycological.

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I was excited for this movie and it was a huge disappointment. I loved the premise but it never really went where it could have or should have. It was more comical than anything. The acting was terrible and the story was laughable. Don't waste your time

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It was the movie I was waiting for, but it wasn't good at all. I never liked the plot and feel of that old movie. Of course, these are my personal opinions. I have endless respect for those who love the movie. I was very disappointed and this is the first time I gave a movie one star. :pensive:

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 6.5

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The movie stands out from other modern horror movies, making it an enjoyable watch due to its unique approach.

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Lots of great build up. Great environment, the acting was believable. The horror is aspect is tame until it isn't but it then still mild in comparison to most horror movies. It was nice, refreshing, and I was watching intently.

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With an imaginative and different first hour, which leads to a somewhat more inconsistent third act, it ends up being great entertainment that is not afraid of being unclassifiable. Halfway between found footage horror and nostalgic late night show, it skillfully uses aspect ratios to build a journey through the paranoias of the 70s related to demonic possessions and contacts with the dead. What it presents as an artifice just as false as the predominant talk shows on television designed for hypnotized viewers.

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Dreamer awakens
I was expecting more honestly...
The scenes with the guests and their demonstrations seemed little to me, maybe it was enough for a little more...
The cult to whom he sold himself was interesting and it was obvious the price he paid...
The development didn't seem bad to me, but I repeat, the story could have given more...
The possession was something already seen, but it has its charm...
The introduction of how june knows lily I liked, and how they show her sect...
I liked the hypnosis part, and the Carmichael was a good character...
The last part with them going through the tapes was good....
But the deaths, and how lily's head is opened didn't enchant me....
The scenes lived and how she remembers or makes him hallucinate, I liked....
The setting I like a lot gives it a special touch, but I repeat the film could have had more development...
I honestly expected more from this movie, since it was said to be the movie of the year in terms of horror, but I think there could have been more...
It's recommendable, but it's not the big thing....

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You can skip the first 55 minutes and just start watching from there, first our was a waste of time

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this film was AWFUL. 1/10

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A M A Z I N G! Such a fresh take on such an unoriginal subject! Based on true events and ppl (if you know you know) Superb acting, casting, directing! The set up, premise... FLAWLESS! EASILY TOP 10 OF 2023!

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72%?????? how??? you can not be serious. this is GARBAGE!

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It was awful. Ridiculous and meaningless

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I knew I had to watch this when I saw it was by the producers of Barbarian, and I wasn't disappointed. It's not a "scary" horror film, but it did keep me on the edge of my seat. It plays to classic horror tropes, and gives me a classic Twilight Zone vibe. If you've seen a lot of classic horror then you can probably guess where it's headed part way into the film, but despite it being somewhat predictable I didn't find it any less entertaining.

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Absolute garbage. Like a SNL skit, but really bad and embarrassing.

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While not really that scary, this is a quirky and creative watch. The format definitely gives it some extra character.

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It could have been better if it leaned more into looking like found footage. The whole thing should have had more "VHS" style noise. It was too obvious it was a movie when they mixed actual older footage with noise with the movie shots. The back and white scenes to show the background footage should have been shaky cam footage to explain why we were getting those shots. We could already tell it was background shots it didn't need to be black and white. The guests could have talked over each other to seem like actual talk show guests.

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Great build up with a terrible ending.

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Shout by Phil

I enjoyed it, I thought it very influenced by Ghostwatch (1992)

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Very entertaining! The setting is obviously an easy draw, and the lead is always great whenever he is involved. The ending and effects were a bit campy and low-budget, but that was somewhat charming to me

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Decent movie for sure. Really picked it up in the final 20-25 minutes on the “wtf level”… watched it the first time fairly late into the night, fell asleep, and I went back to finish the last 30 minutes on a different day (which happened to be now)… I’ll probably have to give it a rewatch later on.

However, I do gotta say that the “behind the scenes” action with black and white to the actual “on air” being colored is a nice touch. It’s more of a suspense movie.. couple jump scares but other than that, it’s more “on edge”.

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Being old enough to recall the aesthetic of this movie helps it to establish the atmosphere needed to appreciate what the filmmakers were attempting to convey. The changing aspect ratios and black and white versus color were a mistake. This should have committed to the found footage format that it claimed at the beginning of the movie. Maybe they figured that modern viewers would become annoyed by a VHS-like presentation. Who knows.

Much of the time, this came off as comedic or maybe it was just so over-the-top that it just seemed like it. The concept of a talk show gone south is appreciated, but this was most certainly not scary. It was entertaining overall.

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Not as good as expected and the ratings indicate, totally meh.

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I was really engaged and enjoying the viewing throughout almost the entirety of the film. The footage aspect was a fresh angle, our lead played out his role well and the plot kept you guessing where it was going. For me the finale is what made me lower my rating as I was disappointed in the final 10 minutes or so for reasons I won’t get into on here since I want to keep this spoiler free.

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It was a different type of horror that I enjoyed.

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This was very well done as advertised. Captured the essence of a 70s late night talk show expertly. Loved the idea of having the cynic play a large role. Wonderfully creepy, yet understated on the whole. Strong 7.7 for me.

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A fun ride. The beginning 45 minutes or so was a bit slow, but I enjoyed the 70s nostalgia enough to keep involved in the story. Then, the fun began and built up to an awesome ending. Certainly a different type of movie - kind of akin to how the Blair Witch Project was so different when it came out.

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A fun ride. The beginning 45 minutes or so was a bit slow, but I enjoyed the 70s nostalgia enough to keep involved in the story. Then, the fun began and built up to an awesome ending. Certainly a different type of movie - kind of akin to how the Blair Witch Project was so different when it came out.

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A fun ride. The beginning 45 minutes or so was a bit slow, but I enjoyed the 70s nostalgia enough to keep involved in the story. Then, the fun began and built up to an awesome ending. Certainly a different type of movie - kind of akin to how the Blair Witch Project was so different when it came out.

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A fun ride. The beginning 45 minutes or so was a bit slow, but I enjoyed the 70s nostalgia enough to keep involved in the story. Then, the fun began and built up to an awesome ending. Certainly a different type of movie - kind of akin to how the Blair Witch Project was so different when it came out.

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It definitely kept my attention, the setting was great, I would have liked for a better a different ending but I thoroughly enjoyed it

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A decent horror film on a budget. Please don't ruin it by turning it into a franchise.

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I laughed my way throughout the movie. It's a comedy.

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For a horror genre movie. This was quite the show. The ending could have been much better though.

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Massively overhyped. It would have been ok, but it was pushed so much that I expected something better.

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Massively overhyped. It would have been ok, but it was pushed so much that I expected something better.

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The movie is painfully a waste of a good concept and it doesn’t even stick to its own themes to make a coherent film

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A funny mix of intentional retro cheese, some intentional contemporary retro cheese and a slew of unintentional cheese on top. Parts of it works but others don't really. It feels like a creepy pasta that has a neat core idea but sorta gets out of hand. But I'm also not American and have no relationship with late night shows of this kind. Maybe the referential parts and nostalgia is the glue that is missing for it to work for me. Then again, referential shortcuts are the bread and butter of creepypasta, aren't they.

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This is a good film. It's a strong 7 that's closer to an 8 than a 6.

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This movie is simply canned manure. How can I rate it 0, please?

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This movie is simply canned manure. How can I rate it 0, please?

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This movie is simply canned manure delivered to your doorstep. How can I rate it 0, please?

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This movie is simply canned garbage delivered to your doorstep. How can I rate it 0, please?

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This movie is simply canned garbage delivered to your doorstep. Can I rate it 0?

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This movie is simply canned garbage delivered to your doorstep.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Late Night with the Devil’:

  1. It started off with so much promise. I was totally sucked in and so excited to see where this was gonna go… and then it went absolutely nowhere. Everything and nothing managed to happen all at once with that ending. Anticlimactic AF.

  2. I loved the 70s late night talk show vibe. This is was such a great environment for a solid spooky story. Again, so much promise.

  3. Some of the acting kinda took me out of it. The guy playing the skeptic was particularly awful.

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A distinctive and different dose of horror films, but the ending needs more clarification

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I enjoyed this movie, it feels fresh and leans heavily into horror and effects of its time setting (not the sfx we have now where everything looks realistic). The set itself is great, TV talk show goes horrendously wrong. The skeptic pissed me off throughout, but most do so it's no real surprise. I think the young lady playing the devil was brilliant and her kooky and strange behaviour really added to the film.

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It's trashy horror (who works to some extent), not a bad watch

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I liked the way a horror movie has been presented in a form of a tonights show. Good storytelling.

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What a boring movie this was. Was hoping for a good horror movie based on the trailer but man was i wrong. No suspense whatsoever. Bad acting except for the least, cheap cgi and the ending is just mediocre. I give the movie points for originality but thats about it.

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I had so much expectations because of the hype online. What a disappointment. It's a good idea on paper but I thought it was boring. The CGI is awful (the best death scene involves practical effects).
Maybe it would have worked better as a short film.

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I'm not sure how I feel about the documentary style opening, which is effectively a long exposition dump, but once we get to the live broadcast that represents the bulk of the lean runtime, I was on board. I'm a sucker for films/TV that explore their own industry, so the live gimmick was appealing. I haven't watched a lot of late night television (and even less from the 1970s), but for what it's worth, this felt pretty authentic - David Dastmalchian's central performance and the production design in particular. Combine that with a reasonably compelling, though admittedly simplistic, demon possession story and you've got a solid horror film with a unique backdrop. Ingrid Torelli delivers an suitably off-putting/chilling performance as Lilly, carrying the tension through the back half. As far as critiques go, some of the interactions during the "cut to commercial" segments feel a bit superficial/rushed (e.g., conversations with the producer and/or Gus), but it's not a major issue. As a final comment, perhaps the biggest impact of the film was making me want to re-watch This Time with Alan Partridge, which makes brilliant use the same live TV gimmick, but for comedy rather than horror.

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I liked the setting and the vibe the movie had going. The final payoff was pretty good but maybe overhyped a bit. But overall, I thought it was pretty good.

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Once again I am faced with the problem of hype and the ratcheted expectations that it sets going into a movie. While I appreciate everything here, from the 70s styling, unhinged meta storyline and twisty narrative, I can't help but think it didn't meet the sky high bar that was set by the people championing this movie online. It's good, don't get me wrong, but not exactly the horror genre revolution they'd have you believe it is on Reddit and Twitter. Still, a very good time and one I can see myself watching again with the hindsight achieved from the initial watch, I just wish I'd gone in a little blinder and a little less influenced.

There is also a funny irony in the fact that the current cinematic devil (Generative AI) is present in this movie, and has become the sole conversation around it. Intentional? Almost certainly not, but apt nonetheless given where the story goes.

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Spooky good!! Great setting for a horror film.

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Wonderful aesthetics, a captivating story full of interesting elements, one of the coolest horror films I've ever seen.

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I may be biased towards demonic cult found footage but this is fun, delivers what I want out of demonic possession. Enough comedy bits to draw the horror elements tight, retro looks with modern special effects, and I loved the commercial break format.

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As great as the acting, dialogue, and storytelling was, a part of me can't give this a good rating for the use of AI. Any movie that uses AI automatically gets a stiff finger from me. Why? Because movies are made by and watched by humans all over the world. As well as music, which this movie incorporated really well, movies are one of the only forms of media that can reach anyone. We need movies, with the help of technology or not, to be human generated. What we don't need is computer generated movies, with human inputs. Even if it's just an image, why does it need to be AI generated?

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10/10. I don't think I have ever been this hooked and spooked on a horror movie. I don't believe in the supernatural, however, I was disappointed to find out that this isn't based on true events.

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I watched this and The Cleansing Hour back to back. And, I think I enjoyed The Cleansing Hour probably more. While the premise is similar, that movie goes more to the point, while the buildup in this one feels just to slow. Still, not a bad horror. Once it gets going it's really good.

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It's fine, but too gimmicky and sort of all over the place with its themes. The Cleansing Hour (2019) is a better attempt at this kind of premise.

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2024-03-30T06:05:23Z— updated 2024-04-06T17:09:32Z

Late Night with the Devil is a peculiar film. The characters are overplayed and the horror gets a little goofie, but it's not a bad time. Just don't take it too seriously and enjoy what it has to offer.

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Disclaimer- I was very exhausted while watching this and caught myself almost nodding off. Had nothing to do with movie, just that I got back from bachelors trip the previous night and lack of sleep was catching up to me.

That being said I really liked this movie. The 70s vibe was absolutely nailed and I enjoyed every aspect of it. The story itself was interesting and fun. The way this goes off the rails is pretty great as well. I will be rewatching this one as soon as it comes out digitally to see if I like it even more than I already do!

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Late Night with the Devil is like a late night camping trip with your cousins during summer break: a little scary, a little wholesome, and a whole lot of fun.

As the original found footage slut:tm:, I found this horror mockumentary to be wholly entertaining. From the narrated montage of the introduction to the impeccable 70s design to the final zoom out at the end, the attention to craft in the writing, acting and directing made the film feel like a true documentary.

The story, though well-executed, did feel a bit déjà-vu and the third act slipped a little when it left the confines of the story to withdraw into an explanation of the plot. Overall, however, the film succeeds in taking us back to late night TV in the 70s and the madness of the era.

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