Shout by Saint Pauly

Late Night with the Devil 2024

Late Night with the Devil is like a late night camping trip with your cousins during summer break: a little scary, a little wholesome, and a whole lot of fun.

As the original found footage slut:tm:, I found this horror mockumentary to be wholly entertaining. From the narrated montage of the introduction to the impeccable 70s design to the final zoom out at the end, the attention to craft in the writing, acting and directing made the film feel like a true documentary.

The story, though well-executed, did feel a bit déjà-vu and the third act slipped a little when it left the confines of the story to withdraw into an explanation of the plot. Overall, however, the film succeeds in taking us back to late night TV in the 70s and the madness of the era.

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