Dreamer awakens
I was expecting more honestly...
The scenes with the guests and their demonstrations seemed little to me, maybe it was enough for a little more...
The cult to whom he sold himself was interesting and it was obvious the price he paid...
The development didn't seem bad to me, but I repeat, the story could have given more...
The possession was something already seen, but it has its charm...
The introduction of how june knows lily I liked, and how they show her sect...
I liked the hypnosis part, and the Carmichael was a good character...
The last part with them going through the tapes was good....
But the deaths, and how lily's head is opened didn't enchant me....
The scenes lived and how she remembers or makes him hallucinate, I liked....
The setting I like a lot gives it a special touch, but I repeat the film could have had more development...
I honestly expected more from this movie, since it was said to be the movie of the year in terms of horror, but I think there could have been more...
It's recommendable, but it's not the big thing....

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