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Independence Day: Resurgence 2016


Shout by stormsm

And another comment w/ spoilers -

  1. Why the hell did the queen leave the mothership? She has the largest fcking weapon ever, its almost bigger than earth, and she goes alone! the most important individual runs off to the front line !! Thats the dumbest military move someone has ever made.
    (Don't tell me the ship had to drill. they could have done it after they got that tennis ball).

  2. And if you, the Queen, already decided to leave- why the fck do you care about a stupid school bus?!?!?! chasing it for 2 hours!!?? Just go and do what you came to do !! damn that's stupid..
    (And if you already took the bait - get the hell out of there!)

Good for you W. Smith not joining this LoL of a movie (even though it's coz they didn't offer you enough money, and not coz of creative differences).

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This movie will be enjoyed best by 13-16 year old boys. Its a children's movie.
Its 100m$ on CGI and 1000$ on script and story. You can guess the whole movie from the first 5 minutes, it has all the worst used up cliche's in the book.
The first movie made much more sense from the actions the characters took. Here, they're all idiots (humans and aliens).

If you choose to watch it, expect only normal level of GFX and nothing else. If you're looking for gripping storytale - move along sir, nothing to see here.

barely 5/10.

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Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2016-05-04T16:47:23Z— updated 2017-09-23T08:49:15Z

Havent watched the movie but my guess is that humans will win and Liam aka Jake Morrison will be thought dead but will not be and gets to kiss a super hot actress... But im still curious about it :D

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If it wasn't for the dialogue, drama, and characters, this would have been a hit. The tension to jaw-dropping ratio is so perfectly balanced. I was intrigued even though the plot was predictable. It unfortunately felt too much like a tv sitcom, but the alien execution and score was astonishing. I could only imagine the terror in those moments, but then it cut to the humans being understandably idiotic. Also, more people should have died. Once certain people survive for the 9th time, it gets annoying. I'd only recommend it if you like sci-fi alien stuff where humanity is at risk.

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Hokum... and it so pisses me off with its American stance. If I were the Independence creatures, I'd want to wipe the humans off the earth.

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Mindless, lacks substance. You don't really give a shit about anyone but hey the 2 hours flew by.

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I don’t know if there anything I can possibly say that hasn’t already been said on how horrible this movie was. This movie didn’t even have the same feel to it as the first one did. This should of just been a completely different movie with a completely different name. I could go forever, but I just going to leave it at that.

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The idea is good, the execution is horrible. The casting is so bad. I wished if it was good, and I hope part 3 won't be as bad as this one.

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There were special effects, there were aliens, the heroes of the previous action too, but there wasn't just a little idea what to do with it. And a minor slasher with aliens came out. ;)

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This is so, so bad. I cannot wait to give it a 1 or 2 out of 10 rating. It truly is painful

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Yet another movie where the story and actors are just good enough to justify my enthusiasm for the special effects. Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, and Brent Spiner expand their characters some, while the new members of the cast make little to no impression.

I like the overall story and the setup for a third film. I guess there is enough of an ending here that I'm not pissed off at the movie's true lack of a conclusion like I was after "Prometheus" or after "Back To The Future Part 2" years ago.

The scale of the alien ship is ridiculous. I couldn't stop thinking about how the ship's massive size wouldn't alter the Earth's rotation or cause extreme seismic shifts or something. C'mon, it lands on the Earth like a big bug and covers the entire Atlantic Ocean! Then again, I'm totally okay with the silliness of a Queen-bee alien the size of Godzilla. I'm contradicting myself. Is it cool or dumb? Can it be both?

Actually, the more I think about it, the more fun it gets.

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more like regurgitation.

very weak overall.

a movie to leave.on in the background for some white noise.

pity could have made a deeper movie with more staying power and potential for other movies.

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Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2021-08-01T02:23:36Z— updated 2021-08-03T17:44:25Z

for the second time, the best part of the movie was the storyline with the people in the car driving. most interesting thing ever

edit: it's kinda like ads on a program you're not interested in; the ads are more interesting than the actual program lol

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The aliens are back for round 2 in Independence Day: Resurgence. Twenty years after their failed invasion aliens return to Earth, but this time with a single command ship intent on drilling into the planet’s crust to extract its molten core; meanwhile humanity attempts to mount a counterattack after its planetary defense system fails. It’s a ridiculous plot and is cluttered with superfluous characters. But despite the sloppy writing, Roland Emmerich delivers some extraordinary action sequences that are incredibly exciting. It doesn’t live up to the original, but as a big-budget disaster film, Independence Day: Resurgence is entertaining and fun.

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This is a good sequel and I enjoyed it very much. Great family movie. I hope they do another one to continue the saga...

Also.... HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!! :ok_hand_tone2:

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I wasn't a fan of the original, but the sequel is much worse. It is extremely boring. I hung in until the end, but barely.

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The second coming of independence day is terrible. 90% bad story telling. 63% we need more CGI. 39% characters I don‘t care. This makes 192% of 100% in the kackehaufen skala.

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They probably should have waited until Will Smith was available. His character was the best pilot. Yet, he was killed off screen during an alien ship test run ?

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Well, I don't know why everyone is hating this movie so much. In my opinion, this is quite a good sequel, especially since it accounts for the 20 years inbetween the first and the second movie. And they managed to bring a lot of the original cast back.

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Much better than the movie snobs say. Enjoyable alien flick.

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Great movie but missed the last 15 minutes just as the queens head hit the ground.

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It's not bad, but it did not beat the first independence day

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Shout by Deleted

Muito legal, várias regências ao filme anterior, uma sequência com sentido!

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My main problem with this movie is that Will Smith is not in it. Without him it feels like a remake/reboot, not a sequel. Despire the effects and stuff it's just nah.

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and i thought the first one was bad ....this is shocking

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Ugh. What a terrible movie. They could have done so much with this sequel, but instead went with a nonsense story, horrible acting, bad casting, and awful dialogue. I really liked the first one, so despite the bad reviews, I wanted to enjoy this movie. They made that impossible. Nothing but CGI effects that don't blow us away anymore, and paper thin characters doing idiotic things. What a waste.

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What a great continuation of independence day..was worth waiting for

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This was terrible.

Typical kids movie cliches:
Everyone is a damn hero
Last second escapes
Witty one liners all day every day during extremely stressful situations
Pointless love story
Irrational actions that never go wrong

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What started off as a really neat concept which was in the future (present), the alien technology was adapted and used by humams was quickly doused by the cheesiness and predictability of the movie. Everyone sounds tired, the new characters are all boring and the added sense of urgency was way too over the top. I do enjoy the original, mainly because of how it is quite silly but still entertaining, this one tries to hard to tug at the heart strings, a shame really because I enjoyed the first 5-10 minutes immensely.

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I still can't believe they made this. Very poor replica of the first one.

So the purpose of creating this is to introduce a franchise I see.

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Pretty decent, doesnt have the magic of the first one. Will Smith would not have made this movie better either...its ok, I may watch again some year lol

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This truly is as bad as everyone says it is.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2016-11-29T18:51:25Z— updated 2016-12-13T22:32:58Z

The first ID:4 was a really good movie and I always thought the story wasn´t finished and there is a sequel in it. Now that they´ve done it I wish they hadn´t.

There must be some kind of script software out there called "Generic Movie Script Maker - Just add genre" What a crying shame.

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Well... That was underwhelming to say the least :\

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so bad it is good

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This one is really bad.
Just keep it to Part one and use your imagination for part two..
You'll be better off!

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I'm feeling generous giving it a rating of 4, but it would've been lower if it wasn't for the CGI, which was maybe the only good thing about it.

It's been maybe 15 years now since I last saw the original movie as a kid, so I'm probably a little nostalgic about it, but it surely must've been a lot better than this, right?

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Worste movie of alien ever, only CGI was good, im thinking, WHY ONLY 3 PPL TRY TO KILL THE QUEEN? WHERE IS THE TTHER HUMAN ON EARTH?????? bad bad bad 1/10 dont see this only for kids!

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Well....10 for effects and cast, 4 for the poor story the end 7, enjoyable movie to be seen with children.

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This HAS to be the WORST movie I've seen in a long time. Acting is horrendous. The plot is ridiculous. CGI is obvious. No character development. Events are predictable. Plot has more holes than swiss cheese. Don't waste your time watching this garbage.

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I really wish I had not listened to the critics and had gone to see this on the big screen, because this movie was great fun and not rubbish! Indeed, Brent Spiner was excellent... just stunning special effects and surround sounds... loads of nice nods to the original... loving the new Alien technology... funny, interesting, exciting... I really don't understand what the critics didn't get. It was exactly what the director wanted. If you like well done, entertaining action, watch this... preferably on the biggest damn screen you can and crank the volume up loud! 7.5/10

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Not as good as the first and maybe a little too rehashed and unoriginal in important places, but I still liked it quite a bit. It feels like it belongs in the franchise - and that, perhaps, is the most important element. I don't know if they'll ever make the third, and I don't think it's necessary either, but if they do... I'll be right there to watch it.

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There's clichéd, and then there's taking the piss.

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I dunno everybody's problem, I loved it and can't wait for ID3!!! #ShiftvW8

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I feel like this movie tried so hard, I mean too hard. Forced diversity, forced humor that is barely even funny, ofc none of the main casts died, acting was worse, come on who casted these people? tsk tsk. the alien queen looks like a combo of the predator and the alien (ya know from the alien movie?) that school bus was like a school tour/trip for the kids watching aliens get pwned. I think this is a good movie to hate-watch. lol

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Hollywood must really be desperate for content. This film took what was a campy, fun movie and turned it into a sequel that is a fatuous, dull roll in an algea-contaminated hog's wallow.

When Will Smith wouldn't be involved, it should have told the studios all they needed to know before spending millions of dollars on this effort. Smith would have filled the role of President quite exceptionally, allowing the script to hang much of the plot off his prensence in an altered role.

Instead, like the first film, the cast is made up of B actors, who, unfortunately, give a D-quality performance working with a 0-percent script seemingly written by high school students in the after-school Movie Club.

Only watch this film on a sick day while being coked to the gills on Nyquil.

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(Written July 4) 2/3 of my Forget the Fourth marathon. This movie was okay, sure my eyes hurt from rolling at all the ridiculously corny lines and ways they "called back" (aka "redid") stuff from the first one. But what drops this down to dislike is the offensive amount of green screen in it. Just atrocious. I know what you're thinking, it's gotta be green screen for the action that's par for the course these days. Nope, I'm talking about green screening almost every scene of people just talking in a room. It was AD season 4 level of green screening. I felt like I was watching the most expensive episode of Battlestar Galactica ever made. Except this wasn't a Syfy show it was a friggin huge budget summer blockbuster. Seriously watch this movie and watch your jaw drop as the green screen the backdrop of Pullman redoing his big speech. Honestly you couldn't afford some extras in flight gear standing in a hangar?! Really?!!? It's a joke. The backgrounds look like generic background movement shot for Star Tours at Disneyland or during a Patrick Warburton intro to Soarin California. Arghhhhh was this frustrating. So mad.

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Shout by Deleted

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i dont know what to say,after first one you kinda expect some more even that they now have some aliens tech but no! the scenario was very very similar to the first one.i sure hope if there's a third one it better be good.

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Shout by Bugs1972
BlockedParent2016-08-02T16:46:54Z— updated 2016-08-04T19:24:50Z

Nice to watch, but spending a lot of money for this? No, its definitely not good.

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Not a patch on the original. Bored half way through, shouldn't have bothered.

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This reminded me of a (bad) China movie with added western actors. Maybe China trying to compete with Hollywood? In any case it was terrible.

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Shout by Deleted

A lot of CGI and weak storyline and on top of all that some questionable actors.
You really have to be a big fan of this genre to give it a thumbs up.
Makes the first one look like a masterpiece!

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We had 20 years to prepare for this ...... And that's all we got? They really shouldn't have bothered to make this film. Was just a mess with cringe worthy lines and acting. 2/10.

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Wow. People are haters! I liked it. Was it predictable? Yes. But it's a sequel from 20 years ago! I loved the nostalgic parts! I enjoyed the new cast for the most part. The CGI was good. It's your typical Sci-Fi summer movie flick. But I guess I'm just easy to please. I'm kind of hoping with the way that it ended that they make a third one.

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This was my second movie of the afternoon at Dartmouth Crossing Cineplex​. I have a double confession: 1) I went to it because the start time worked with the "let out" time of Tarzan movie and 2) I haven't seen the first Independence Day movie (I wasn't interested in disaster movies 20 years ago). It was good to see some actors that I hadn't seen much of in 20 years, as well as some shining stars of the moment. The movie was true to its genre - big action with no surprises as to who would win and why. I'm thinking the "why" of this film was broadened from the flag waving of the first movie, which was nice for this Canadian, and the set up for the a sequel seems to point to a universal 'Hoo-rah!". There were some nice small moments. I gave it a 7 out of 10, and wouldn't bother to see it on anything less than a big theatrical screen.

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2 hours of pain likened to going to the dentist & having your teeth pulled with rusty pliers!,I'll start by saying Independence day:Resurgence is BAD very very BAD,it's one of those movies where the director Roland Emmerich cared more about how much crappy CGI he could cram into a 2 hour movie & couldn't have cared less about 1) The Script 2) The characters who by the way i wanted each & every one of them destroyed by the Harvesters! Also the fact they wasted a reputed $155 million on this movie is just sickening, This movie failed miserably where Independence Day flourished with Character development,we cared about Capt' Steven Hillard mainly because it was Will Smith because lets face it thats why so many people like the movie apart from the then ground breaking SFX but this movie was just plain dull & disjointed i could go on & on about just how bad this movie is but im depressing myself!! So to sum up if you want to watch a great sci-fi movie & got a couple of hours spare just watch Will Smith in Independence Day again

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I was a fan of the first movie, I am a big fan of Roland Emmerich, however this is a mess, really bad script, and it is a total cash in of a movie, nothing like the original, such a disappointment.

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Data, Brent Spinner! Loved him in this movie. This was the best sci-fi, war movie in 20 years. The first 45 minutes were rough as the characters were developed. The lack of Will Smith cost about 100 million at the box office. But the action and geeky sci fi kept me glued to the screen. Draining the lizard and giving the bird to the aliens was perfect, sorta like a Will Smith tribute. And the ending, that was brilliant. I can't wait to see us "kick some serious alien butt."

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the part not attack this better than attack, they do everything bigger but not better than one, but I entertained

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Just saw it. Well...I expected more, much more. I don't want to give spoilers here so no big comment. I just want to say there are too many stupidities I can't even count them and it's bad for movie like that. It's the shame. It could be hell of a movie but it's the average sci-fi movie you won't probably don't want to see again. The first ID4 was great. This one is average.

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in 4Dx cinema it was great, because the effects, the smoke, and moving chairs... the story is not that big "uhh", but all together I really enjoyed it, as I had not much expectations ;-)

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Not too bad. It's a sequel so it doesn't exactly tread new ground, but it's got a lot of the spirit of the original. Kind of weird to see some of the actors again after 20 years, but also weird to see some of the same characters played by different actors. I really missed Will Smith, but considering how they used the original characters in the sequel, not sure what they would have done with him that would have paid tribute to his role in the original. HOWEVER, the reason they gave in the movie for his absence was pretty lame.

If you liked Independence Day, you should go see this. It's got great visuals and I liked the notes of humor they used to lighten the tension. But you pretty much HAVE TO see the first movie or this is just another generic, post-apocalyptic, earth-vs-aliens movie.

Not a perfect movie but much more enjoyable than I feared it would be.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-06-24T03:16:30Z— updated 2021-07-05T01:55:05Z

The movie isn't bad but by the end it just felt like Independence Day Kids. Where it's just about introducing all new young heroes with two of them children of characters from the original. With some of the new additions kind of annoying.Otherwise Independence Day: Resurgence wasn't that bad and made a pretty good popcorn flick. Some would say Roland Emmerich is a worse director than Michael Bay but I think his direction wasn't too bad here at all. I just don't think it will go on to be as memorable as the first though 20 years from now. There is some fun though and nice visuals so I would recommend it anyway.

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Unnecessary sequel almost a copycat of the first movie. Nothing new just a rerun with some better visuals

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This movie will hopefully be good..

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