Not too bad. It's a sequel so it doesn't exactly tread new ground, but it's got a lot of the spirit of the original. Kind of weird to see some of the actors again after 20 years, but also weird to see some of the same characters played by different actors. I really missed Will Smith, but considering how they used the original characters in the sequel, not sure what they would have done with him that would have paid tribute to his role in the original. HOWEVER, the reason they gave in the movie for his absence was pretty lame.

If you liked Independence Day, you should go see this. It's got great visuals and I liked the notes of humor they used to lighten the tension. But you pretty much HAVE TO see the first movie or this is just another generic, post-apocalyptic, earth-vs-aliens movie.

Not a perfect movie but much more enjoyable than I feared it would be.

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