(Written July 4) 2/3 of my Forget the Fourth marathon. This movie was okay, sure my eyes hurt from rolling at all the ridiculously corny lines and ways they "called back" (aka "redid") stuff from the first one. But what drops this down to dislike is the offensive amount of green screen in it. Just atrocious. I know what you're thinking, it's gotta be green screen for the action that's par for the course these days. Nope, I'm talking about green screening almost every scene of people just talking in a room. It was AD season 4 level of green screening. I felt like I was watching the most expensive episode of Battlestar Galactica ever made. Except this wasn't a Syfy show it was a friggin huge budget summer blockbuster. Seriously watch this movie and watch your jaw drop as the green screen the backdrop of Pullman redoing his big speech. Honestly you couldn't afford some extras in flight gear standing in a hangar?! Really?!!? It's a joke. The backgrounds look like generic background movement shot for Star Tours at Disneyland or during a Patrick Warburton intro to Soarin California. Arghhhhh was this frustrating. So mad.

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