Yet another movie where the story and actors are just good enough to justify my enthusiasm for the special effects. Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, and Brent Spiner expand their characters some, while the new members of the cast make little to no impression.

I like the overall story and the setup for a third film. I guess there is enough of an ending here that I'm not pissed off at the movie's true lack of a conclusion like I was after "Prometheus" or after "Back To The Future Part 2" years ago.

The scale of the alien ship is ridiculous. I couldn't stop thinking about how the ship's massive size wouldn't alter the Earth's rotation or cause extreme seismic shifts or something. C'mon, it lands on the Earth like a big bug and covers the entire Atlantic Ocean! Then again, I'm totally okay with the silliness of a Queen-bee alien the size of Godzilla. I'm contradicting myself. Is it cool or dumb? Can it be both?

Actually, the more I think about it, the more fun it gets.

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