Pradipa PR



Berserk: 1x08 Reunion in the Den of Evil

The battles aren't the best, but it still looks good choreographically. Except a few scenes (Puck around the tower and Nina with Casca), no one blurts out speech anymore. SFX gets better. Generally consistent with eps 7, which was also a good episode. Significant improvement from episode 1-6 indeed!

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Berserk: 1x07 The Black Witch

Finally a decent episode of the anime. The plot flows naturally, the pace is enjoyable (not rushed like previous episodes), and the characters finally speak like they are actually having conversation (not like a speech competition).

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Berserk: 1x06 A Nighttime Feast: Burning at the Stake

This episode only makes much more sense if you've read the manga. It cuts a lot of things and compressed a number of subplots into shallow scenes. You know this happened and that happened, but you can't really understand why it happened and what is its relevance.

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Suicide Squad
When Strangers Appear

Under-rated thriller movie. The first half of the movie is intense, as we are brought into confusion as much as Beth (Radha Mitchell) experiences throughout the film. The movie spray a little hint here and there, but it's not obviously clear who is who until the second half of the movie.

This second half though, while still maintaining the intensity, have some scenes which don't really make sense. Like the scenes with the cops and villain, and the final scene where Beth face the villain (when somehow she became suicidal). When better options were available, the characters chose the worse.

Still worth a look though for a low budget movie.

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Berserk: 1x05 Tower of Conviction

Much improvement from previous episodes. The pacing gets better: the characters no longer feel like they have prepared a speech when they're having conversation; there were more moments of silence between scenes; and they apparently fixed the weird sound effect of the sword. The episode still tries too hard to portray Guts' action scene as "badass", but at least it's not as cringey as before (no more loud, irrelevant generic metal music).The CGIs, however, look worse than before. The difference between 2D and 3D animation is really jarring.

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Berserk: 1x04 Revelations

Still a bit too fast-paced here and there, but generally an improvement from the previous episode. Some dialogues seem to be hurried without enough break, but the CGI is overall well done (except a few parts) and there are a number of hand-drawn scenes. There is no awkward music playing in inappropriate moment, and the sound effects isn't jarring like before. Not bad!

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Berserk: 1x03 Night of Miracles

The characters talk too much. This is very notable in the battle: instead of trying to kill each other, there were about a minute the episode trying to portray the antagonist's background by a lot of talking. And Guts there just stand still (while being wounded!) and listen to his mumbling.

The episode still has this terrible pacing where every characters machine gun every line without any pause. From one talking to another one talking. It makes some supposedly important scenes to be off and forgettable because the episode just glances it over with the pacing.

A lot of stuff is crammed in this episode, and instead focusing on the available scenes, it dedicates a lot of time with a build up for the next episode. Making this one feels like a filler episode.

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Berserk: 1x02 The Holy Iron Chain Knights

Not bad but not good either.

The pacing seems to be off; every characters seem to talk a lot of things in a short amount of time, like they already prepared them as a speech. This especially look weird in the dialogue between Guts and Farnese. The scenes are jumping quickly between one person talking to another, without a moment of silence.

However the animation is slightly better than the first episode. CGI still can't handle expression well (look at some Farnese's expression and the soldier who Guts punched), but it's okay-ish. The adaptation from the manga is also good, unlike the abrupt lumping-it-all-together in episode one.

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Berserk: 1x01 The Branded Swordsman

I don't really have problems with CGI, but it seems off here and there (especially when Guts throw the knife to kill a rabbit). The face also looks pretty jarring somehow.

As for the story itself, I think Isidro's presence is a bit distracting there, cutting off the interaction Guts should've had with Puck. Also why the heck they skip to the Iron Chain Knights right after this episode?

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Independence Day: Resurgence
The Last of the Mohicans

This is more of "The Adopted Son of the Last of the Mohicans who Dabble in His Love Story" than "The Last of the Mohicans" himself.

The first half of this movie is a tad difficult to watch. Without being familiar with the time period, it's hard to navigate the context of the film, and the scenes in the first half seem to be rushed: there were massacres of people who are supposed to be emotionally close with Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis) but not to the audience, and then the romance developed too soon without enough bonding.

Last of the Mohicans only got interesting in the last half of the movie, though with its ups and downs; at times it escalates with the combats, the drama, the bonding of one character with another, but another times the characters make poor decisions with only slight or no hint of reasons for their actions.

The acting is pretty decent, scenery is beautiful, the soundtrack is really memorable. But other than that, it feels like a jumbled epic movie. Maybe because I'm seeing this first time in 2016 and not in 1992 though.

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Real Steel

Father and son movie bundled as robot-boxing movie. Pretty good overall, with stunning acting from both Hugh Jackman and Dakota Goyo. Goyo is especially fantastic.

The plot however feels a bit lacking here and there; especially in the last quarter of the movie where things seem to be rushed to the grand final championship with family drama in-between. There seems to be some things left unresolved and unexplained; e.g. what's the point of hinting that the robot might have had emotional connection with the user (with the frequent stills of the robot's "expression")? Also the grand final doesn't have enough screen time, as if the battles were cut and sped up because of time constraint.

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Ex Machina

The story of how men (males) interact with their technology. And of one man's naivety...

No dialogues are wasted in this film. Throughout the film it guides the audience to Ava's narrative of her life, as if we were Caleb who have been speaking with her. Only near the end of the film that we realize what actually have happened all the time.

With minimal casting and low budget, the film strikes close to home--an event which might be happening some time in the near future. From the setting to characters' profile, all feel too familiar. However, that familiarity might also the reason the film feels a bit bland. As once everything in the film is revealed, the character's motivation (especially Caleb's) isn't so much. Until you realize that it feels how troubling that something so mundane might result in such consequence.

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The Drop

Intense crime drama, it's like the audience is made as clueless as Bob (Tom Hardy) was, wondering which all these events will lead up to. It takes the time for the audience to connect the dots, and remain it as such, however, so some subplots might feel a bit disjointed for a while.

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John Wick

Flashy and stylish action, reminds me of Equilibrium and The Matrix. Has a distinct neo-noir atmosphere, with sleek suite, art deco building, neon lights. sharp colors serve as the background of all the fights. However there's nothing much beyond that, as in the second half of the movie it seems that the plot decisions are resolved too quickly.

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Captain Phillips

Very intense, gripping performance from Tom Hanks (Capt. Philips) and Barkhad Abdi (Abduwali Muse). The tense holds you on the screen, wondering what would happen next from one scene to another.

However, one thing that sticks with me is how easy to see this in black and white American heroism. Though the movie took its time to explain briefly that the Somalis had to do piracy because they are left with no choice, it doesn't give much room to outline how the pirates were just a small part of bigger problems in Somalia. The dialogues and flashbacks give hint here and there, but for average audience it's easy to dismiss as a mere background to spice the film. Yeah, piracy is wrong, it's illegal--but the question was why it happened?

Granted, Captain Philips is not exactly the movie to explore that question. It's an intense survival thriller, and it delivers. But it'd be nice if there's more room for the audience to stop and ponder, "yeah, it's not like they're doing this because they want to--they just have to."

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

As a thriller movie, the combat was intense. You can't be so sure which one is going to take casualty. The terror feels real as militias strike through the embassy and, later, CIA compound.

However, with a lot of dialogues and characters having much screen time, the drama in this survival movie feels almost non-existent. The dialogue lacks any depth, the characterization left almost nothing to the viewers to empathize with. Of all possible ways, Michael Bay choose to emphasize the drama by sporadically showing the soldiers communicating with their families back in the USA. But the relationship between the soldiers themselves are hardly shown aside from random conversations, leaving the movie with no remarkable character that the viewers can relate when a few of them met their demise. As a film based on real life events, it's really such a shame: because this means actual people were actually murdered in combat. Compared with how Lone Survivor was directed, 13 Hours was a really terrible drama.

There also seems to be a political tension going on in the background, but the movie gives no explanation, making the viewers difficult to catch up.

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The Walking Dead: 6x16 Last Day on Earth

Okay so the episode was kind of dragging on with Rick's group being played around with Negan's group, but I guess it's purposeful to make the viewers the feeling of being toyed with and to give more screen time for the characters for the emotional build up.

However, the ending... with that kind of build up, the episode ends with a goddamn cliffhanger! What the hell is the purpose of 45 minutes long build up? The scene with Negan screams terror, the moment he started to swing his barbed wire lashes out fear, but the episode ends without revealing anyone. It's a shame. Should have shown the victim's face, or at least hair, or anything from his/her back, so at least the viewers can speculate.

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The Walking Dead: 6x15 East
The Walking Dead: 6x14 Twice as Far
The Walking Dead: 6x13 The Same Boat

It feels like it's been a long time since Walking Dead has a thoughtful, story-driven episode.

First of all I like how we are shown a glimpse of living a woman's life in a post-apocalyptic world here. Issues like motherhood, pregnancy, are handled very well through the talks of the all women characters in the episode. Second thing, is how the show gives an alternative perspective on the post-apocalyptic world seen through another survivor's eye. It's not just Rick and co here who are trying to survive--there's another group, as much as capable as Rick, with their own set of survival skills. As uttered by Michelle, from their PoV (whose group has just been robbed and murdered), Rick's group "are not the good guys."

Third, it actually makes all the pragmatic, ruthless murders we've all been seeing all this time from one episode to another, is not just about "another" murder. Killing people is actually a deed with terrible moral consequence, even when it's done for the means of survival. Interestingly, this theme is explored through the eyes of Carol--who has been known as pragmatic and ruthless.

Very well done episode.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Strange Days

The film has interesting set of characters. Our hero Lenny (Ralph Fiennes) is not the typical action hero with martial prowess, instead he got his loyal, reliable friend Mace (Angela Bassett) who always come at desperate measure. It puts Lenny closer to us the audience, with us hoping Mace would come when Lenny slowly unveils the mystery he is facing.

However, with a considerable one hour-long build up, the ending to Strange Days seem to be a bit rushed and turned out the answer to the mystery pretty much simple--too simple, even. The characters involved in the mystery also don't seem to have a strong motive to be involved with the round of events to begin with. It makes the tense kinda wear off really fast and left an unsatisfying feel as the credits roll on.

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Got me hooked at the start, as the movie started as a curious investigation of Casey (Britt Robertson) to a whole new world. Casey's discovery and adventure with Athena (Raffey Cassidy) and Frank Walker (George Clooney) went fun and put me to wonder, but exactly when the mystery unveils, it reveals a rather hurried and uninteresting problem. The scene when Casey wonder how to solve the problem is presented less than 10 minutes--really fast compared to the 1,5 hours build up. The movie also doesn't spend much time for the audience to be informed as much as Casey when they hurriedly find the solution.

Putting that aside, Tomorrowland has an amazing visuals and marvelous acting. Especially for Cassidy (the girl Athena), whose convincing acting really led me to believe that she is really at the same age at George Clooney!

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The Walking Dead: 6x12 Not Tomorrow Yet

It was intense, to say the least. This episode is good in that it can maintain the action while still doing several character developments: Fr. Gabriel, Heath (the eye-glasses Alexandrian supply-runner), and of course Carol. While everyone is focusing on Carol, I'm hoping Morgan to have more interesting development in the future, especially when his pacifism finally has to face The Survivors' brutality.

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The Walking Dead: 6x11 Knots Untie

Pretty enjoyable, enough tense with this new Jesus character (though it's less the tense if you're familiar with the comics), introduction of new community, and the expected calm before the storm.

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Beasts of No Nation

Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2016-02-25T16:38:36Z— updated 2016-07-11T18:39:09Z

The lines and dialogues are so powerful, especially in the scenes when Agu (Abraham Attah) reflects on the brutality of the war as a kid. It is most disturbingly heart-breaking when he compares dead bodies under the sun to a scent of "burnt mango". The process of normalizing violence among the African child soldiers can't be captured more grimly without Idris Elba's impressive performance as the warlord The Commandant. The only little thing the movie seems to lack is on Agu's bonding with Striker, but other than that this movie delivers the life of African child soldier astonishingly.

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There Will Be Blood

Just from early glance you can see how historical depth and accuracy has been work throughout this movie, even to the tiniest bit like accent and the character's grammatical structure. Supported by Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano's impressive acting, There Will Be Blood is a intriguing look on an oilman's life in 19th century. However I feel as a movie the director spent some scenes a bit too long and let the bridge from one scene to another unexplained (like Plainview's relationship with his son), especially with the 2,5 hours long duration. This is not to say the movie is boring--I keep being intrigued to see where it eventually ends--it's just it feels a bit disconnected sometimes.

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