Saint Pauly


Omicron Persei 8


The film was as well made as it was important in these days of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen. While I think the movie ironically took some liberties with the true history, the message came through loud and clear, and without beating anyone over the head.

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@kicknnz Oh thank God! I was afraid I was being too subtle in my hatred for fascists.

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

Farming montages, just what I love in my sci-fi.

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@tedford But picking wheat for one day made the admiral give up drinking and the lonely mother stop missing her dead kid! :joy:

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The Last Voyage of the Demeter

Like a one-floor house in a suburb: flat and no story.

What starts off as a really good idea (what happened to the crew on the boat that brought Dracula to England) makes some good decisions but eventually founders with uneven pacing and is scuttled by its shallow storytelling.

(There is also a slight anachronism in that the film claims to be based on Stoker's Dracula [which does discuss the Demeter's voyage], but in Stoker's version vampires can exist in daylight unscathed, while in this film they cannot.)

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@jim222001 I did say it was a slight anachronism. And I'm not even saying the other versions (most notably, perhaps, Anne Rice or Stephanie Meyers, as there was big crossover into cinema with those novels) were 'wrong' per se, as it depends on the world you build. But this movie is based specifically on Stoker's Dracula (it's the only on that I know of that mentions the Demeter) and changed this one fact. Interesting addendum, in Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula film, based on Stoker's book, Gary Oldman as Dracula can walk in the daytime without dying because, again, it's based on the original novel. But hey, to each his own! :pray_tone2:

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Ordinary Angels

A neo-horror flick about how the criminally aggressive US health care system is hell bent on crushing the working class out of existence after stealing all their money, and an evil God that will do everything in his power to prevent you from saving your daughter's life on your own unless you get on your knees and beg. Scary shit.

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@timekeeperseven :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::wink: /s

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Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Like Rob Schneider, I thought people didn't like Shazam 2 because of the anti-vax rhetoric but in fact it's because it's infantile and it sucks.

This pale Disney knockoff suffers from an insistence on bad jokes, a glut of product placement and a rash of bad acting. I mean, come on, this made Thor: Love and Thunder look like a comedic masterpiece.

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@wpafbo79 Yeah, I meant 'knockoff' as in 'cheap counterfeit forgery' like a Rollex watch or Blew de Chanel. Shazam was trying to copy Disney and did a sucky job. :thumbsup:

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Sorority Row

This film is, in fact, a whodunit. As in "Who thought this movie was a good idea, and who in the hell green lighted it?"

But the biggest mystery is why in the world would Carrie Fisher agree to appear in it?

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@mrkesu Gotta be, though I didn't know Fisher was close to the Willis's. :thumbsup_tone1:

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To Catch a Killer

Like a part-time cop with the blues, this movie has a lot of down time.

This remake of the every 1980s thriller starts off with a bang -- which is the absolute bare minimum -- and then degenerates into the cliché depressed cop trying to catch the killer (whose motivation for perpetrating the big intro is basically ignored throughout the rest of the movie) despite her inner demons and constant challenges from internal authorities.

There's a tiny bit of action and zero suspense but lots of brooding, if that's what you want in a thriller.

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@leeps While it's true that it's very easy to fall asleep during this movie, I assure you I was able to stay awake and pay attention throughout the film.

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The Fabelmans

Like a photograph of oatmeal taken with a CANON Eos R6 II: technically perfect but still boring.

To kill time during the slow parts, I watched the guy in front of me play games on his phone. Seriously. At least I wasn't the only one who thought Spielberg overestimated how interesting his childhood was.

This was also the first film in a while I watched someone walk out on. So, you may cancel me for my opinion but I am not alone.

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@jidar Stick to learning people may have an opinion different to yours and that's ok.

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Bergman Island

As exciting as packaged sheets on the shelf in a suburban Ikea.

Maybe if I knew more about Bergman? Maybe if I liked Bergman? Maybe if I liked movies about relationships tucked inside movies about relationships?

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@eringilmour Saw you gave it an 8! Do glad you liked it :thumbsup:

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Bergman Island

As exciting as packaged sheets on the shelf in a suburban Ikea.

Maybe if I knew more about Bergman? Maybe if I liked Bergman? Maybe if I liked movies about relationships tucked inside movies about relationships?

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@eringilmour I sincerely hope you loved it :pray: (Sorry for the late reply)

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Ticket to Paradise

If it's a ticket to paradise, how did I wind up in hell?

I'm not a fan of rom-coms and this epitomizes everything I don't like about them... The lack of any actual humor, the dearth of originality, the predictable story...

George Clooney comes out of this looking good and Kaitlyn Dever is her incredibly talented and charming self but the rest of this film is like a trip to the proctologist's: a pain in the ass that one must endure rather than enjoy.

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@yellowheart Fair question! I'm a cinevore. I literally go to the cinema every day in Paris and would rather see a bad movie than no movie. I'm glad you liked this one, though! :pray:

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One Cut of the Dead

The perfect zom-com! It starts off dead (some people even walked out and I thought perhaps the critics' raves were ravings) but then it comes alive and bites you in the ass. And once it sinks its teeth in you, you're hooked!

Stop reading here if you plan on seeing the film! You should go in as blind as possible!

Synopsis: The first half hour is a low budget zombie film, shot real-time and in one take. This is NOT the comedy, no matter how much intellectually Parisians chortled at what they were convinced were the appropriate places. No, the comedy takes place in the faux 'making-of' that follows, and I haven't laughed so hard in the cinema in a long time. Stick around for the credits, which is the real making-of the short that begins the film.

Creative and outside the box, One Cut of the Dead is not the movie you expect, but it is the zom-com you deserve.

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@jordyep Oh, for sure! Actually, I loved this movie (so much better than the recent French remake), so if I have the contrary impression, it was accidental.

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2017-02-01T21:41:22Z— updated 2017-06-04T16:54:50Z

Do me a favour and don't see this because of me. That way I can feel I'm getting my revenge for sitting through an hour and a half of PG-13 boredom. I just hope they make another so I can not see it.

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@ratutu Thank you, my friend! :pray:

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Operation Mincemeat

Like playing Frisbee with your dog in the park on Sunday, it's all good fun until the romance kicks in.

I thought all that true story intrigue and real life espionage and secret military strategy involving Churchill and Ian Fleming was exciting but, wow, when they added a fabricated Harlequin romance love triangle, that's when I knew what the film really needed!

Trust me, the Wikipedia article about Operation Mincemeat is far more interesting than this overly-romanticized syrup festival. Tragic, really, because the actual story was so fascinating it didn't need to be helped right into the garbage.

PS This film might pair nicely with At War With Love (In guerra per amore, Italian, 2016), the story of how the American invasion of Sicily eventually led to the spread of the Mafia throughout Italy.

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@ackerbilk I'd have to watch the film again to remember the details, but the film's distributor says it's "An adventurous and romantic journey that unfolds the complexity of organized crime in its early days." I'm sure you know far more about Mafia history than I, I'm just repeating the film's message.

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Turning Red

Like designer tampons: not just important, it's also very well made.

A perfect introduction to womanhood for young women at that stage, though the clown father figure was a cliché that stood out in a film with very few clichés.

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@leoniefnk Thanks for the comment! I'm sure that you have had those experiences and I'm glad you enjoyed the way they were portrayed here! I think my personal issue that 1) as a film goer, the non-existent father trope doesn't bring anything new to the film, 2) a father who tells his daughter to be herself but then won't defend her in front of the mother is infuriating for me, 3) as a father of 2 who's ex-wife really isn't in the picture, I find this cliché slightly insulting. But we each have our own experiences and, as I said, I'm glad you enjoyed the film and the father / daughter interaction! :grin::thumbsup::family_man_girl:

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The Worst Person in the World

Like a man at a feminist parade, it tries hard but is more self-serving than it realizes.

Historically, movies were often centered around white males who were banal and self obsessed. Well, in these modern times, women now have their turn in this spotlight.

Julie is a 29 - 30 year old woman in Norway who can't make decisions and to whom nothing exciting ever happens, except resembling a lot of other heroines in a lot of other movies. Or maybe I'm just too old and have experienced all of these things in my life, repeatedly, and so don't need to see them reiterated back to me by a narcissistic stranger.

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@davisnl Lol, how do you get 'progressive' from this? You should be trolling me by saying I'm 'old fashioned'. Troll better, please.

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Drive My Car

Like eating adult cereal when you're a teen and sad there isn't a prize in the box.

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@pamerlaedschn Absolutely, but I'd rather be a man-child than a rando troll hiding behind a bunch of numbers spending time on the internet telling people that their personal tastes are 'wrong'. If you appreciated the film, so much the better, I'm happy for you. But for you to say you liked the film so everyone in the world has to like it, too, rings even more juvenile than my cereal joke.

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An African remake of Scarface. They should've called it Scarfrica, except for the ending... Quite the let down.

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@misterkoat Oh look, another news flash:

From Google: Mali, landlocked country of western Africa, mostly in the Saharan and Sahelian regions.

From the film's wiki page: The film is about Ladji, a 20-year-old van driver in Mali who becomes a West African drug lord during the 2012 Mali War. Originally the shooting was planned in Mali, but later relocated to Senegal for security reasons after the Bamako attack occurred in November 2015.[12] Then the film was shot in Thiès, Senegal.[13]

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Like a Happy Meal: not disgusting but not enough meat and made for kids.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife isn't a film for all ages, it's more for just the younger ones. It was nice to see the original cast reunited and the references were cute but I prefer the 2016 reboot, tbh.

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@nescobar-a-lop-lop Lol, guilty as charged, please don't hold it against me! :sweat_smile::rofl::wink:

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The Snowman

Don't believe the pack mentality concerning The Snowman. This Cult of Rotten Tomatoes and piling on after one bad review is a tad ridiculous, especially concerning solid films like this one. For example, I liked the filming style here and found the cinematography often gorgeous.

On the other hand, the story was like a child who tries too hard to be clever, and watching Michael Fassbender act is like making love to someone who's always looking in the mirror when he fucks because he's more interested in his own image than your pleasure. On top of that, what was up with Val Kilmer's voice that they had to dub all of his scenes? Whatever the reason, the Christian Bale Batman voice they chose was extremely distracting...

Bottom line: don't believe everything you read. Like with every other movie, see it and judge it for yourself. Don't let other people tell you what you think!

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@rlj1965 Thanks for the info! :thumbsup_tone2::pray_tone2:

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Team Foxcatcher

The reason I don't like documentaries is that they aren't enough like this one. No narrator, no melodrama, just authentic home videos and interviews with the people involved. A must-watch if you saw the film Foxcatcher.

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@emjay2d Same here! I think that's the best order to see this pair of movies.

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Final Set

Scriptwriter: In Final Set I present the whole woman -- both dimensions.

And you thought you hated tennis before this...

Final Set is a tennis movie where the tennis scenes are the worst parts. Alex Lutz, on the other hand, turns in a tour de force performance that should win him all the awards.

The female characters, however, are nothing but shallow, superficial blow up anchors. It's clear the writer / director thinks little of women because the wife and mother charcters are shown here as morose binches who do nothing but hold the lead character back.

It's a shame, really, because the immense talents of Kristen Scott Thomas and Ana Girardot (who can play an incredible range) are totally wasted on these sock puppet women that populate the film.

Oh, BTW, the ending is the worst ending to any film I've seen in at least 5 years, so watcher be warned.

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@syqesa I'm a huge fan of Ana Girardot. She was magnificent here, though I felt her character wasn't allowed to show depth.

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Contracted: Phase II

Why would anyone make a sequel and not try to surpass or at least equal the original? As much as I didn't hate the first one, this "film" is a waste of everyone's time, cast and director included.

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@brokenntwisted I'm glad! Movies are made to be loved, so I'm glad this one is finding its audience :thumbsup_tone2::blush:

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Two of Us

Deux / Two of Us is the kind of film you've never seen anything like before and wonder why the hell not.

It's the story of a romance between two closeted elderly women that, following an unforseen incident, turns incredibly intense. First time feature director Filippo Meneghetti delivers a magistral movie that mixes romance and suspense with taut writing and a wonderful use of sound that heightens each emotion like light on a masterpiece. Not a minute is wasted, and you won't waste any in seeing it.

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@van-nyx I live in France and it's on OCS, though this review is from when I saw it in the cinema here in Paris.

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Promising Young Woman

Batman suffered a trauma, used his anger as fuel take down scumbags and became a super hero. That makes Cassandra Thomas a super hero and Promising Young Woman the best Super Hero movie I've seen in ages.

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@erebos Lol, if that was your take away of what I wrote, then I'm not the one with issues.

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Bad Seeds

I can't really comment on this film because I'd had a shite day before it and this 'feel-good' story of con artists taking care of troubled teens only made me angry and my day worse.

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@pennywise_ziza Hmm, 2 years and 2 months later and I still feel the same, so I guess I didn't like it.

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Honest Thief

Reply by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2021-01-09T09:31:20Z— updated 2021-07-25T11:43:50Z

Imagine a nation with only 3 FBI agents and a city with only 1 cop. You'd think there would be worse crime there than this script, but you'd be wrong.

The ridiculous stretches made in this screenplay suck all of the fun that could possibly be had in this predictable yet stupid outing.

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@arcelivez Good for you (?) Look, if you want to look on this movie as a documentary, that's your right, but in my 57 years, after living in 2 countries and 11 US States, this movie doesn't reflect my experiences and no amount of insistence on your part will make me believe I haven't seen what I have seen with my own eyes.

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Honest Thief

Imagine a nation with only 3 FBI agents and a city with only 1 cop. You'd think there would be worse crime there than this script, but you'd be wrong.

The ridiculous stretches made in this screenplay suck all of the fun that could possibly be had in this predictable yet stupid outing.

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@arcelivez Possible... Try this: Google 'police on the scene' and let me know if your image search shows as many cop cars as mine does. I live in a city and, if there's an emergency, I definitely see more than one cruiser speeding past. :person_shrugging_tone2:

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Night Nurse

Yes, it's a black and white movie but that doesn't make it better. Like night rounds in a clinic with no lights, there's nothing to see here.

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@mattardo I'll concede that point! :pray_tone2:

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The Nightingale

Producer: Wow, I don't know... There's an awful lot of rape scenes in this movie.
Director: Don't worry, we're gonna break them up with lots of racism.

What a vile little film, and all the more so because it's fairly well made.

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A lot less rape and racism there, as well.

You should read the whole comment before responding. And if you don't see the difference between the way rape is treated in Salò and The Nightingale, then there's no point in continuing the conversation.

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