Tyberious Calhoun


San Jose, CA

Killing Eve: Season 3

It's obvious that the show isn't is as good as season 1, or even season 2, but it's still watchable and better than most television out there. The acting is still very good, but it's clear that the writing is not very good; all of the storylines this season weren't that interesting. I hope they can rebound next season, or this might be a show where fans abandon ship (if they haven't already).

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The Soul of America

This was really great. I love the connections he draws through the United States history. I wish it was longer though; it would really work as a short series.

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The Trial of the Chicago 7

Like others have mentioned, this is a really good movie, with an incredible cast. I've heard about the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention, and protesters clash with the police/National Guard, but I never heard of this event. I'm glad I was able to learn something, but also be thoroughly entertained.

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Right off the bat, it doesn't quite compare to the first Borat. It does have its moments, particularly the political moments. The addition of the daughter was a nice touch, she did hold her own. It doesn't have the magic as the first one, since he's not able to catch people by surprise in the Borat costume. The babysitter in the film has a heart of gold.

Finally, Giuliani is definitely a creeper, I've never seen someone tuck in their shirt quite like that.

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Falling in Love

It's great to see these two incredible actors sharing scenes together in any film! I must say the story seemed to be lacking something.

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Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band

I loved the old footage, and the interviews with various musicians that crossed paths with The Band. I will say that this was definitely more of a Robbie Robertson documentary versus a straight The Band documentary. I feel like they kind of glossed over a lot leading up to the Last Waltz, and didn't discuss the lives of the members after the breakup. Overall, it was nice to hear the old tunes.

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The Devil All the Time

The movie was pretty good, it was slow at times, but really interesting. The beginning was a little confusing, getting used to the different story lines. The acting is what really stands out here; really outstanding cast.

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Chef's Table: BBQ: Season 1

This was a good season. I love how diverse "BBQ" or cooking with fire can be. It's a simple concept that can be taken in so many directions.

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Best in Show

I've been wanting to watch this movie for years, and I wasn't disappointed. I love the ridiculous characters they concoct in an already weird environment like a dog show. I think the late Fred Willard really shines here, he has the funniest lines.

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The Sixth Sense

It's really neat to re-watch it, and pick up on details you might've missed the initial time; granted I was a kid when I first watched it! There might be a few holes in the story, but it's easy to overlook them. The acting by Haley Joel Osment is outstanding! One of the best performances by a child I've ever seen. Bruce Willis and Toni Collette were quite good as well.

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The King of Staten Island

I was looking forward to this movie, but I was a little disappointed. It can be a little slow in some parts. I did love the acting from Marisa Tomei, Bill Burr, and Steve Buscemi. I was especially impressed with Bill Burr. However, even though it seemed like Pete Davidson was playing a character true to himself, it felt like he was the weak link. I think if someone else was cast for the lead, the movie would've been better. The ending left me with a "that's it?" type feeling.

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I'll Be Gone in the Dark

It's a pretty good documentary series. The story of the Golden State Killer is really interesting, and might even give you nightmares. I think they might concentrate too much time on Michelle McNamara, but it's understandable because it's based on her book and research.

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Running on Empty

I'm a little late to watching this one, but it was pretty good. Whenever I watch River Phoenix's movies, it makes me what could've been, because he had a ton of talent. Judd Hirsch was also good in this one too

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The Outsider: Season 1

I thought overall it was a pretty solid short series. I went into it not knowing much about what it was about, so I was surprised by the turn it took. Like others have said, this shouldn't have been 10 episodes long, there's just not enough material to justify it. The last 4 episodes seemed kind of unnecessary, and could've easily been 2 episodes tops. I was sort of disappointed by the last episode, and how it seemed underwhelming.

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Zombieland: Double Tap

It's a fun to see all four of the main characters back and interacting with each other, but beyond that the storyline and supporting characters are kind of weak, besides Rosario Dawson. Some jokes start out as funny, but end up dragging on too long. Overall, this felt like a really lame episode of a good tv show.

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The Peanut Butter Falcon

The film was a lot of fun to watch. I love the chemistry between Shia LaBeouf and Zack Gottsagen. Zack's character was really funny and charming. Every time you see Shia in a movie, you're reminded of the talent that he has.

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Such a talented cast and director couldn't save this film from being bad.

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Where'd You Go, Bernadette

This had a great director, good cast, but unfortunately, it just falls flat. It never really takes off to be honest. I think the movie fails in figuring out what it wants to be: a comedy or a drama. I haven't read the book, so I can't speak on if it's supposed to be like this, but from what I saw I was disappointed. It's all pretty forgettable. The movie itself felt really similar to The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, in which case I would rather watch that.

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I went into this being a little skeptical, mainly because they're pumping out "comic book" movies like crazy nowadays, but this fortunately didn't feel like a "comic book" movie at all. Even though it takes place in the Batman world, it has more in common with Taxi Driver than anything. Robert De Niro is even in this one! Joaquin Phoenix's performance can't be compared to the previous Jokers because it's completely different. He is simply amazing in this! Even though I love Zazie Beetz, I thought her character was a little unnecessary. Overall, it was a very good film. Todd Phillips really came through with this one.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 3

Sure, this season wasn't as good as the first two, but it was great nonetheless. The show has set a high standard for itself. I love every character that comes through the show. The interactions between the Weissman's and the Maisel's was a highlight for me this season

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Marriage Story

This film was fantastic! The acting of Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver was simply amazing. Their chemistry together made everything seem so real. The supporting actors such as Laura Dern, Alan Alda, and Ray Liotta were all great as well. They injected some humor into everything. I would say that this is one of the best portrayals of divorce I've ever seen. Netflix has delivered on some great films as of late

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The King

I usually don't like films set during this time period, because they tend to bore me, but this film was actually pretty good. I loved the cinematography, along with the costumes. I thought everything and everyone looked the part. The acting was top notch as well. Timothee Chalamet definitely commands your attention. He was exceptional in this. I was impressed with Lily-Rose Depp and Robert Pattinson for their bit parts. The ending was quite good as well.

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

This movie was solid, it wasn't amazing, but it was decent in terms of Fast & Furious films. The chemistry between The Rock and Jason Statham is what really stands out here. The film itself is comprised of a lot of action scenes - which all look amazing. I would've loved for the storyline to be fleshed out more. I wished they would've dove into Idris Elba's backstory, because it seemed like there wasn't enough there.

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This was one of those films that's fun to watch. It's not going to win awards or make a bunch of money, but it's certainly delightful to watch. It has a really fun concept, and who doesn't love listening to the Beatles!?! (well, sort of)

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This one felt completely unnecessary. I'm not sure why they even made this one. Overall it was really forgettable. I thought Dumbo looked really nice though, the technology is really amazing. The story, however, is really boring.

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This movie is bad. The good thing is that it could've been a lot worse. Without Samuel L. Jackson, this movie could've been unwatchable. He definitely brings the cool factor to Shaft. The whole storyline with the son is kind of boring and played out.

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The Aftermath

You don't see too many movies about post-war Germany during this era, so I was definitely intrigued, and wanted to check it out. I personally like all three of the main actors, but they can't save the mess that is this film. I wish it focused more on the big picture, instead of the whole romance angle.

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First off, Taron Egerton did a fantastic job in playing Elton John. I thought he captured the essence of him quite well, and his singing was pretty good. As for the movie, I thought it was good, but not great. It might be an unpopular opinion, but I would've loved a more straight-forward biopic, but if someone is ever going to get a musical, it might as well be Elton John! As a fan of his music, the timeline of events and songs was confusing at times, because some songs didn't exist for another 10 years in some scenes, (Ex: "I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues"). After the Richard Madden character was introduced, everything sort of felt rushed, especially the ending - so nothing noteworthy happened in the last 35+ years?? I wished the film was actually longer.

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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

I actually liked Zac Efron as Ted Bundy, but the storyline is a bit of a drag. I think it makes the mistake of focusing too much on his relationship with Liz Kendall (Lily Collins). The documentary series on Netflix is definitely worth a watch.

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The Dirt

I love listening to Motley Crue's music, but even I went into this expecting that it would be bad. It was actually worse than I thought. The acting is probably the worst part of it all. It all felt like Lifetime channel quality. Like someone else mentioned, the pacing and tone of the movie completely changes in the second half of the film. The first half was at least decent, but the second half feels really rushed, and doesn't know how to properly capture the "sad" moments. It all doesn't transition well at all. Hopefully people don't avoid their music because of how bad this film is.

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