Tyberious Calhoun


San Jose, CA

Silicon Valley: Season 6

This season is solid, not amazing, but not bad. I wish the ending could've been better. The last episode felt half-assed. I wish they would've brought TJ Miller back, despite their differences. I'll always remember the earlier seasons though

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The Man in the High Castle: Season 4

It's disappointing that this is the end. The show should've gotten another season or 2 in order to properly stick the landing in terms of ending it right. It introduces things that should've had more time to develop and explain. It doesn't really feel like a final season of a show until the final 2-3 episodes. I's interesting to see the BCR characters introduced, but it would've been nice to see them introduced sooner, because it felt like they didn't have enough time. The last episode specifically felt like a disaster. It ended up leaving so many unanswered questions. I loved this show, so it sucks that it had to end like this.

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Killing Eve: Season 4

This is just a very strange season, with an awful, unexpected ending to the series. It's a shame how bad this show ended up getting. The pacing of this season was so weird. It's been somewhat slow the whole season, and then the Twelve storyline felt so rushed the last 20 minutes of the final episode. It was so anti-climatic.

Sandra Oh & Jodie Comer were masterful as always, but not even them could fix the terrible writing. 4 seasons of brilliant acting and electric chemistry and this is what you decide. 20 mins of their interaction this episode was better than the entire season.

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Transparent: Season 5

It's sad that the show had to end like this. They made an interesting choice by making it a musical. It's cool to see everyone sing and dance, but overall it just feels like a long, average episode. Oh well, I can always watch the old episodes.

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The White Lotus: Season 2

I loved it but wish we got more of Michael Imperioli and F. Murray Abraham. They felt really sidelined in the later half. I think I may have liked it more than Season 1...

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Killing Eve: Season 3

It's obvious that the show isn't is as good as season 1, or even season 2, but it's still watchable and better than most television out there. The acting is still very good, but it's clear that the writing is not very good; all of the storylines this season weren't that interesting. I hope they can rebound next season, or this might be a show where fans abandon ship (if they haven't already).

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Chef's Table: BBQ: Season 1

This was a good season. I love how diverse "BBQ" or cooking with fire can be. It's a simple concept that can be taken in so many directions.

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The Outsider: Season 1

I thought overall it was a pretty solid short series. I went into it not knowing much about what it was about, so I was surprised by the turn it took. Like others have said, this shouldn't have been 10 episodes long, there's just not enough material to justify it. The last 4 episodes seemed kind of unnecessary, and could've easily been 2 episodes tops. I was sort of disappointed by the last episode, and how it seemed underwhelming.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 3

Sure, this season wasn't as good as the first two, but it was great nonetheless. The show has set a high standard for itself. I love every character that comes through the show. The interactions between the Weissman's and the Maisel's was a highlight for me this season

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