

Tokyo, Japan

The Big Bang Theory

It was a fairly decent show to watch while eating or doing stuff, it got boring in a couple of seasons as it's pretty much the same jokes and routines all over again. They just kept rehashing the same old stereotypes and emphasizing the annoying personality traits of each character. For a show that supposedly wants to speak to the nerds, I don't think it even remotely encapsulated what it's like to one.

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Will & Grace

The humor feels a little dated and stereotyped, but it's still one of the funniest old-school sitcoms. While the horizontal plot is usually quite lazy and repetitive, the individual episodes are always pleasant to watch. The revival kept the very same atmosphere of the original run, and even though they pretty much repeated the same storylines for each character, I appreciated how both the cast and writers are aware that they belong to an older generation.

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The Office

Probably not worthy of its fame, but it's definitely a decent show to watch when you just want to put something on and chill. The mockumentary format is perfect for the show and generates the biggest paradox of television: this is supposed to be a documentary that follows a common American workplace, but there is no way people like this could exist in real life. The jokes are fun but wear thin quickly. The writing is rather consistent but mediocre, always relying on the same caricatural exaggerations of the weird characters' personalities. Michael in particular started to get incredibly annoying after the first couple of seasons, with the same gags rehashed over and over again. After he departed at the end of Season 7, there might have been times the writers lost their way, but at least could give room to the other characters and actually go back talking about "the office" rather than "Michael Scott's mental issues" (until Andy starts to become the new Michael as we approach season 8, only 100 times more annoying).

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Grace and Frankie
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Attack on Titan
The Sopranos
Twin Peaks
BoJack Horseman
Rick and Morty

A rare gem that could make creative use of the boundless opportunities offered by science (fiction) concepts and the acknowledgment of multiple dimensions and infinite planets. While the narrative ventures into overwhelmingly extravagant territories, it consistently grounds itself in relatable experiences and mundane human dilemmas. The abnormous amount of meta references and movie quotes is also a trademark of the show, although this abundance may border on the tedious at times.

Initially starting with a relatively coherent linear narrative, the shift to a more episodic structure in the fourth season coincided with a perceived decline in writing quality. Despite the occasional solid episodes, the overall seasons tend to be somewhat of a mixed bag, contributing to a sense of inconsistency in the show's trajectory.

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Twin Peaks: Season 2

This season starts strong and offers some of the best episodes ("Lonely Souls", above all), but it gets completely lost after Laura's killer is revealed. The cheap soap opera elements are the only things left and it doesn't even feel like a parody anymore. Characters have completely different personalities and do silly things all the time. Ben Horne's descent into senile dementia and James new cringe-worthy love interest could be counted among the worst moments in television history. Windom Earle had some potential as the new threat, but he ends up just fooling around and acting like a weirdo with no real consequences. The last episode "Beyond Life and Death" makes little sense but is visually interesting. It might be what David Lynch's wanted to do but made me feel the previous 10 episodes even more useless.

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Better Call Saul
The Walking Dead
Twin Peaks: Season 3
Neon Genesis Evangelion
The Good Place
F is for Family

Mediocre show but fun to watch nevertheless. I have a weak spot for bittersweet family drama and offbeat humor, but everything felt mechanical and derivative. It either sticks to stereotypes or tries too hard to be quirky. Both Frank and Sue felt like interesting characters at first, but they hardly get out of the usual stereotypes of these adult family comedies.

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Mr. Robot
Money Heist
Death Note

I have read the manga back in the day but never happened to watch the animated series. It looks like a faithful adaptation, with good pacing and an overly dramatic tone that makes up for the lack of action and suits the story well. More than opening a new page in the history of animation, it went along the emerging trends of the time in Japan and delivered a taut psychological thriller able to appeal to audiences beyond the anime/manga niche. Unfortunately, things start to get a little monotonous after the first dozen episodes, with the same cat and mouse game being repeated on a gradually larger scale with different characters. It sometimes feels like the writer is too busy preparing the next plot twist rather than focusing on character development or moral dilemmas.

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Ted Lasso
Only Murders in the Building
Attack on Titan: Season 4

The first part has a confusing start with the sudden change of perspective, but it's hand down the best bunch of episodes in the whole series. Great action scenes, mature writing, and stronger political overtones. Obviously, the best thing about this season is that there are no bad guys anymore: each side has its own motivations and questionable beliefs, as in all wars after all.

The second part has its highs and lows, especially towards the end where there are a lot of slow episodes with classic anime chitchat, obvious plot armor, and questionable ways to get the characters out of problematic situations, two examples being the Conny/Falco story arc and the easy way the new "Avengers" could forget the bad blood between them.

Funny how they billed the first 16 episodes as "Final Season", came out with a "Final Season Part 2" one year later, and now we have to wait for one more year to get a "Final Final Season". Glad to be still looking forward to seeing more AOT, but seriously, what were they thinking?

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Boris: Season 2

La seconda stagione è decisamente migliore tecnicamente, ma in certe cose sa un po’ più di stantio. Inizia ad esserci la sensazione che stessero campando un po’ troppo sui vari tormentoni e sulla gente che strilla in romanaccio. I drammi di Biascica e in particolare l’insipida storia d’amore tra Arianna e Alessandro ammazzano un po’ il ritmo generale, per non parlare del Machiavelli di cui onestamente non ho esattamente colto il senso. Tra le new entry abbiamo un Guzzanti un po’ sprecato e due cagnacce niente male.

Season two is a big upgrade technically, but tends to rely a bit too much on jokes and situations we have already seen multiple times. The side stories that span over multiple episodes like Alessandro’s love interests, the nonsense Machiavelli quest, and in particular, Biascica’s panic attacks, dragged the pacing down a little.

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Boris: Season 1