Review by manicure

Succession 2018


Review by manicure
BlockedParent2022-12-01T14:04:57Z— updated 2023-06-03T01:55:44Z

Kendall Roy, true tragic hero of our times.

Although the first few episodes didn’t click with me, my interest skyrocketed after the gala fundraiser episode. Despite not having a clue about stocks and board meetings, it was incredibly easy to empathize with the characters, as their interpersonal problems and career issues are universal regardless of where you work. Although one could argue that it's basically the same dynamics repeating themselves, we are getting deeper and deeper into the mud with each reiteration. The fact that the big corporations always get an easy way out and win the game felt realistic.

The characters’ flaws and incoherences make them feel so authentic, and the fact that they are all loathsome assholes makes everything even more entertaining. What caught me off guard was witnessing unexpected depth within the characters while they maintained their narrative roles. The most grotesque aspect is everyone's inability to break their bad habits and cut ties with their abusive family relationships. As much as I despised Logan in the early seasons, the siblings' deserved their fair share of misery. Shiv and Roman have been unlikeable from the get-go, but it's Kendall's descent into darkness that leaves the most painful imprint.

The main roster is flawless, with perhaps a minor exception for the "wacky" characters like Greg and Connor. They serve their purpose as providers of comic relief, but at times, their characterization feels a tad heavy-handed. Tom treads a similar line, yet gradually sheds his layers, revealing a satisfying progression. Although, it must be said, he has a knack for acting like a complete imbecile throughout seasons, only to miraculously awaken and take a single step forward in the finale.

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