

Grangemouth, Scotland

This Is Us: 2x01 A Father's Advice

Gosh I've missed this show so much. I am so glad it's back.

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x01 Break Down the House

I never realise how much I miss Grey's until I start watching it again and then suddenly boom I'm right back in that wonderful place, the heart of the hospital.

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American Horror Story: 4x13 Curtain Call

Best series so far, the heart and soul in all of the lovely characters in The Freak Show were brilliant

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American Horror Story: 4x12 Show Stoppers

This has probably been my favourite season so far, the horror level is really low but the stories and the relationships between the characters and all the links to the Asylum series have been really well done. I've enjoyed it more because it's got much more heart about this season, all the Freaks are the normal people whilst all the so called normal people have turned out to be the ones to watch.

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Parenthood: 1x03 The Deep End of the Pool

Love, love, loving this show so far...feel like it's not taken long for the characters to establish themselves and start geling together

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American Horror Story: 4x11 Magical Thinking

Brilliant to have Neil Patrick Harris in this episode, he was absolutely suited to this series of the show

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American Horror Story: 4x10 Orphans

What an amazing episode, the story of Pepper was so touching and the way they linked it all back in with Asylum was great. My heart was breaking for her, the way she trusted Elsa then was let down and then being blamed like that for the murder was just so sad.

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Cold Feet: 7x03 Episode 3

I found this a really really difficult episode to watch, having lived a similar experience to Olivia and walked in her shoes it's not easy and it brought it all back for me. So well acted and very realistic and just very hard hitting drama which is what cold feet does so well

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Parenthood: 1x01 Pilot

I have heard truly brilliant things about this show and even from the pilot episode I can see why, the warmth from the show is really great and it is like This Is Us in it's stories being about family at it's heart. Think I'm going to really enjoy this.

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Ghost Whisperer: 1x10 Ghost Bride

This episode was let down by the really annoying ghost in this episode, she was awful and difficult to feel sympathy for her.

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The West Wing: 1x13 Take out the Trash Day

Great to see Paris from Gilmore Girls make a little cameo in this episode.

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Liar: 1x02 I Know You're Lying

Okay, loved the second episode. Wondering if they are deliberately continuing to make Laura seem unhinged and unreliable. It's almost like we are so busy looking at her we aren't looking at Andrew at all. Is this a ploy on the writers part? To make us so sure he's honest and reliable to have it twist completely?

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The West Wing: 1x12 He Shall, from Time to Time

Jed's speech to the designated survivor before his State of the Union address was wonderful. When Martin Sheen holds the screen by himself and does what he does best it's so brilliant to watch. He is a legend

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Liar: 1x01 The Date

A really good first episode. Not sure if Laura's character is deliberately being portrayed as a little bit flaky and suspect on purpose to throw us off? She is not appearing very reliable. Think this is going to be an excellent drama.

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Strike: 1x02 Episode 2

a good second episode, starting to see the relationship between Robin & Strike which I love in the books appearing on screen. Think from reading the books I'm at a disadvantage as I know who did it and so I'm not watching with the same suspense as a new viewer.

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American Horror Story: 4x07 Test of Strength

This was one of the most disturbing episodes so far this season.

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The West Wing: 1x11 Lord John Marbury

not one of the stronger episodes, a little weaker in the storylines.

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Cold Feet: 7x01 Episode 1

I love that this show is back again for another season. I am really happy with how they have had the characters mature and yet stay the same. Actually don't miss Rachel that much, I think Adam seems happy and it doesn't leave a gap in the show like I expected.

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Ghost Whisperer: 1x08 On the Wings of a Dove

one of the more creepy episodes but goes to show you cannot judge a book by it's cover.

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The Vampire Diaries: 5x08 Dead Man on Campus

I thought Jesse would have lasted longer than that, he seemed a good character. The whole Bonnie being the anchor is a bit nuts, she's like Ghost Whisperer for the supernatural. Loved Katherine being saved by Stefan.

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Nashville: 5x21 Farther On

Bye bye Zack, don't slam the door on your way out and please take you ad lady with you she's annoying.

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Chicago Fire: 3x02 Wow Me

It's heartbreaking watching Severide try to cope, he looks like he is going to continue to fall apart for a while. Loved the whole pitching ideas for Molly's storyline, a bit of light relief in this episode. Missing Shay still but liking the new girl too, it's hard for her.

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The Following: 1x06 The Fall

This show is really widening the mystery....the sheer scope of who is involved, the previous knowledge of the cult specialist and her past with her parents. It's nice to have the multi facets to the story rather than it just focusing on Joe.

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The Following: 1x06 The Fall

This show is really widening the mystery....the sheer scope of who is involved, the previous knowledge of the cult specialist and her past with her parents. It's nice to have the multi facets to the story rather than it just focusing on Joe.

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Lucifer: 1x01 Pilot

A really strong pilot, very funny and Lucifer instantly is a stand out lead character. Just literally watched Lauren Graham's last episode of Chicago Fire yesterday, didn't know she was in this show so was nice to see that I won't have time to miss her in Chicago Fire because she is clearly going to be Lucifer's partner. Tom Ellis is a favourite of mine anyway from Miranda here in the UK but it's great to see him finding a role he can get his teeth into in the US, especially after his Robin Hood in OUAT didn't work out and Sean Maguire took over.

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Nashville: 5x19 You Can't Lose Me

A heartbreaking episode, absolutely beautifully handled and wonderfully of the best episodes this season

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Nashville: 5x18 The Night Before (Life Goes On)

I love it when we get Deacon centered episodes, I love watching Charles Estens' raw emotions on screen. You geniuinely feel Deacon's grief

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Band of Brothers: 1x01 Currahee

Great first episode, so many appearances by well-known actors. Loved the premise of this episode where they all stand up for their beloved actual leader not Sobel who thought he was the man.b

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Strike: 1x01 Episode 1

Wasn't sure how this would translate to screen because so much of the clever dialogue in the books that built the tension had to be glossed over in order to set the scene as to who Strike is and his background. It was a good adaptation, keen to see where episode 2 goes.

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X Company: 2x10 August 19th

Such a sad episode and what a great way to leave off the season by setting up a great story for next.

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