

Grangemouth, Scotland

The Following

So many dark creepy moments, the ending of that episode was intense

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Anne with an E: Season 1

I love the original series with Meghan Followes in it and it's interesting to see a new adaptation of this scale. Really enjoyed it the true spirit of the story is still there and it has true potential to be amazing. Really liked the actor playing Matthew and Anne is a great young actress.

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Grey's Anatomy: 1x01 A Hard Day's Night

rewatching as it seems so long since those early days of Meredith, Christina, Izzy, George and Alex and sometimes I feel it's nice to go back and relive that time again.

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Me Before You

I cannot explain just how much I love this movie, every single time it has me so invested in Louisa and Will's friendship and growing relationship that I am a sobbing mess by the end. Definitely one of my top ten movies of all time.

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The Alienist: 1x01 The Boy on the Bridge

Was really excited about this show, first episode was good and I like the different characters we've already been introduced to surrounding the murder victims and the building story we are going to be following. Not enough time to get to know our main 3 protagonists but hoping this will build slowly, for me it had very much the feel of ripper street and that surely can't be a bad thing.

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Lucifer: 1x01 Pilot

A really strong pilot, very funny and Lucifer instantly is a stand out lead character. Just literally watched Lauren Graham's last episode of Chicago Fire yesterday, didn't know she was in this show so was nice to see that I won't have time to miss her in Chicago Fire because she is clearly going to be Lucifer's partner. Tom Ellis is a favourite of mine anyway from Miranda here in the UK but it's great to see him finding a role he can get his teeth into in the US, especially after his Robin Hood in OUAT didn't work out and Sean Maguire took over.

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Grey's Anatomy: 2x09 Thanks for the Memories

enjoying watching all the early episodes again, love them so much

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Black Mirror: 2x01 Be Right Back

This was a fabulous episode. It was really thought provoking. Loved how they proved that no amount of technology will ever replace human interaction.

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Band of Brothers: 1x01 Currahee

Great first episode, so many appearances by well-known actors. Loved the premise of this episode where they all stand up for their beloved actual leader not Sobel who thought he was the man.b

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Gilmore Girls: 6x08 Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out

God bless you Jess, at long last the honest words that needed to be said

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Gilmore Girls: 7x22 Bon Voyage

I know I still have the revival to watch but I still sobbed buckets watching this episode, it feels like the end of an era, the last episode Richard will be in, the emotion from all the actors. It was just wonderful. One of my favourite shows of all time

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This Is Us: 2x05 Brothers

I love this show, the way that we think we are reaching a point we know everything about the characters and suddenly there's another story to be told, something more to learn about their past or their future. I think this was an excellent episode

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x01 Break Down the House

I never realise how much I miss Grey's until I start watching it again and then suddenly boom I'm right back in that wonderful place, the heart of the hospital.

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Gilmore Girls: 5x17 Pulp Friction

Best moment was Lorelai telling Emily to shut up....she's had that coming for a while and eventually Lorelai found the guts to say it.

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This Is Us: 2x04 Still There

Brilliant episode and the reveal at the end of the episode was lovely.

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Gilmore Girls: 7x09 Knit, People, Knit!

Thank God Luke has finally found the gumption to stand up to April's mom and say enough is enough.

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Gilmore Girls: 7x01 The Long Morrow

I love Lorelai and am always her biggest supporter but in this storyline she is so in the wrong, she allowed herself to go beyond the point of no return and that is very sad for her and Luke

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Gilmore Girls: 6x22 Partings

Sad ending to this series, so sad after the progress we were making at the start of the series.

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Vikings: 1x04 Trial

Love the direction this is going in, it's a show that with no messing about has established it's heroes and villains and is improving each episode from what was a strong starting point anyway. Worthy competitor to Game of Thrones.

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Vikings: 1x01 Rites of Passage

I wasn't sure how I'd get on with this show, I know it's had great reviews but I was still cautious. Loved the pilot episode, lots going on and setting up for the action ahead. Beautiful scenery and wonderful filming. Looking forward to continuing this.

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Gilmore Girls: 5x22 A House Is Not a Home

Okay, Rory, we all know she's had some sort of meltdown but that was so hurtful to Lorelai. And as for that cliffhanger OMG....

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Anne with an E: 1x03 But What Is So Headstrong as Youth?

that poor little girl, guess it shows that bullies have always existed even all that time ago

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Gilmore Girls: 7x13 I'd Rather Be In Philadelphia

It is well seeing what two men showed up to support our girls. They are the best. My heart was breaking for Emily though.

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Gilmore Girls: 7x05 The Great Stink

Logan is so romantic, he's my favourite of Rory's boyfriends hands down

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Gilmore Girls: 6x21 Driving Miss Gilmore

What an amazingly wonderful gesture by Richard & Emily, they truly do care very much for Lorelai it's just they struggle to show it in a way that is more tactile

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Vikings: 1x07 A King's Ransom

I have an episode of Game of Thrones to watch but somehow I keep ignoring it and clicking for the next episode of this. Love the way I've fallen in love with all the characters in such a short time, totally invested in this show.

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Gilmore Girls: 5x16 So... Good Talk

This was a great ending to the episode, so glad Emily realised she was wrong and climbed down from her high horse and fixed her mess. All is now well with the world again

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The West Wing: 1x19 Let Bartlet Be Bartlet

I love this episode, Leo's speech to the President is amazing, the way he stands up and makes him realise what they are failing to do is incredible. Just love this one.

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American Horror Story: 4x12 Show Stoppers

This has probably been my favourite season so far, the horror level is really low but the stories and the relationships between the characters and all the links to the Asylum series have been really well done. I've enjoyed it more because it's got much more heart about this season, all the Freaks are the normal people whilst all the so called normal people have turned out to be the ones to watch.

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American Horror Story: 4x11 Magical Thinking

Brilliant to have Neil Patrick Harris in this episode, he was absolutely suited to this series of the show

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