

Grangemouth, Scotland

Liar: 1x01 The Date

A really good first episode. Not sure if Laura's character is deliberately being portrayed as a little bit flaky and suspect on purpose to throw us off? She is not appearing very reliable. Think this is going to be an excellent drama.

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Lucifer: 1x01 Pilot

A really strong pilot, very funny and Lucifer instantly is a stand out lead character. Just literally watched Lauren Graham's last episode of Chicago Fire yesterday, didn't know she was in this show so was nice to see that I won't have time to miss her in Chicago Fire because she is clearly going to be Lucifer's partner. Tom Ellis is a favourite of mine anyway from Miranda here in the UK but it's great to see him finding a role he can get his teeth into in the US, especially after his Robin Hood in OUAT didn't work out and Sean Maguire took over.

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The Greatest Showman

This was hands down my favourite film ever. I loved every single second of it, the sheer joy of watching it was next to nothing else. Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams the songs, the costumes, the dances, the sets. Absolutely incredible.

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Me Before You

I cannot explain just how much I love this movie, every single time it has me so invested in Louisa and Will's friendship and growing relationship that I am a sobbing mess by the end. Definitely one of my top ten movies of all time.

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead

Whilst the cinematography is great and the Black & White effective as far as storyline goes this is by far the least enjoyable episode of all 4 seasons

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Anne with an E: 1x03 But What Is So Headstrong as Youth?

that poor little girl, guess it shows that bullies have always existed even all that time ago

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This Is Us: 2x13 That'll Be the Day

I honestly don't know if I'm strong enough to watch the next episode, I'm not ready for this and we've had a season and a half to prepare for it....

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The Alienist: 1x01 The Boy on the Bridge

Was really excited about this show, first episode was good and I like the different characters we've already been introduced to surrounding the murder victims and the building story we are going to be following. Not enough time to get to know our main 3 protagonists but hoping this will build slowly, for me it had very much the feel of ripper street and that surely can't be a bad thing.

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Call the Midwife: 7x01 Episode 1

This show continues to be the jewel in the BBC's Sunday night crown, seven seasons in and it is still as good as ever. Loved the new midwife, love Nurse Crane's growing friendship with the police sergeant. Missing Patsy a little though and Barbara.

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Grey's Anatomy: 2x09 Thanks for the Memories

enjoying watching all the early episodes again, love them so much

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Anne with an E: 1x01 Your Will Shall Decide Your Destiny

I loved the old adaptation with Meghan Followes and watch it regularly, it is brilliant to have a new adaptation and it has loads of character and potential. I really like the actor playing Matthew and the girl playing Anne is a great little actress.

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Anne with an E: Season 1

I love the original series with Meghan Followes in it and it's interesting to see a new adaptation of this scale. Really enjoyed it the true spirit of the story is still there and it has true potential to be amazing. Really liked the actor playing Matthew and Anne is a great young actress.

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Black Mirror: 2x01 Be Right Back

This was a fabulous episode. It was really thought provoking. Loved how they proved that no amount of technology will ever replace human interaction.

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Reign: 1x13 The Consummation

What an episode, didn't expect everything to turn around so quickly. Feel sorry for Bash

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The Good Place: 2x01 Everything Is Great!

Interesting start to the series - funny how they all figured it out so quickly.

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The Good Place: 1x13 Michael's Gambit

Amazing way to end the series, totally didn't see it coming, gives a whole new perspective to Season 2. Can't believe it's taken me so long to watch this.

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The Good Place: 1x09 ...Someone Like Me as a Member

This show has grown on me so much, love it. Have fallen in love with all the characters.

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Reign: 1x12 Royal Blood

This is my favourite episode so far, was really excited to see Francis back again and he and Lola are lovely together. I really am rooting for Bash and Mary though. They are so well suited.

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The Crown: 2x01 Misadventure

Really nice to have the show back again. Interesting series opening and intriguing for us to find out just how bad things got between the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh. Not much Margaret in this episode.

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This Is Us: 2x09 Number Two

This was one of my favourite epsiodes so far this season, really great to have one focused on Kate and Toby. Such a sad subject matter but filled with so much hope by the end. Great episode.

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The West Wing: 1x19 Let Bartlet Be Bartlet

I love this episode, Leo's speech to the President is amazing, the way he stands up and makes him realise what they are failing to do is incredible. Just love this one.

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Grey's Anatomy: 1x01 A Hard Day's Night

rewatching as it seems so long since those early days of Meredith, Christina, Izzy, George and Alex and sometimes I feel it's nice to go back and relive that time again.

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This Is Us: 2x05 Brothers

I love this show, the way that we think we are reaching a point we know everything about the characters and suddenly there's another story to be told, something more to learn about their past or their future. I think this was an excellent episode

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The West Wing: 1x15 Celestial Navigation

Great episode, couldn't stop laughing at poor CJ trying to communicate with them after her root canal.

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This Is Us: 2x04 Still There

Brilliant episode and the reveal at the end of the episode was lovely.

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Scandal: 7x03 Day 101

This has been the best episode this season so far, perhaps because Olivia wasn't in it this time. Great to have Fitz back.

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A Place To Call Home: 5x02 Fallout

I am finding this season a little slower to get started, hoping it's going to pick up with some drama soon.

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Cold Feet: 7x06 Episode 6

What an incredible episode, I love this show so mch

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Parenthood: 1x04 Whassup

I am really falling in love with this show. Absolutely love the dynamic between all the characters and when they all get together it's wonderful to watch on screen.

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Scandal: 7x01 Watch Me

Scandal I missed you, I am not sure I like Olivia much anymore. She's gone so far from the person she started out as that I'm not liking her. I still love Mellie, she's sticking to her values.

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