

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x15 Yesterday's Enterprise
13 Reasons Why: 1x03 Tape 2, Side A

At this point, my main feelings are that I'm grateful that I never had to go to an American high school.
This is gripping and quite uncomfortable to watch.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x10 A Quality of Mercy

What a great way to end the season. From the moment we saw that maroon movie-era uniform I had a feeling that we were in for something special. This weaved itself in with an alternate take on a classic TOS episode with great skill, as well as throwing in some fun stuff.

I particularly loved the way that they altered the lighting here to match the TOS style, with actor's eyes/faces smoothly lit up in highlights.

Was it a little too on the nose in it's tribute at points? Maybe. But I'm okay with it, and it had enough of a twist on things to make it work. Introducing Kirk this way was a deft, sneaky move and I liked it. And a cliff hanger ending! SNW, you have my attention and my heart.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x20 Citadel Rescue

During Master Piel's "funeral", I half expected one of the clone troopers to turn to they other and say, "they never bother to do this for us."

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Another Life: 1x01 Across the Universe

I was really into this until the last 10 minutes or so when it went off the rails. It doesn't help that this has come so close on the heels of Netflix's* Nightflyers which is an extremely similar concept, but straight away the characters and storytelling here are better (but that's not a high bar to beat). This obviously doesn't have much of a budget, but the writing is fun enough to not make that a big issue.

Right now it's just a bit bizarre. That final moment was nonsense. Just as with Nightflyers, why send a crew of clearly emotionally unstable people on such an important mission? Staging a mutiny on the first day? Beyond ridiculous.

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Dark: 1x02 Lies

Honestly, I'm finding it all a bit dull. There's intrigue but I don't care about any of the characters.

The guy in the hotel is adult Mikkel, right?

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x23 Fury

What a bizarre way to bring Kes back, and ultimately send her off again. Nothing about it rings true or follows naturally from the last time we saw her, and it left me both confused and mostly annoyed at the lack of care that went into it all. Still, the time travel aspect allows for a bit of fun by transplanting us back to season 1 Voyager, and the battle with the Vidiians has some cool stuff.

This episode feels like a missed opportunity in so many ways. It could have finally resolved the Neelix/Kes relationship which was sort of handled off-screen previously. It could have been a positive story that gave the crew new hope and let them reconnect with an old friend as well as being able to say goodbye properly (this is especially true for the Doctor). Instead it's unnecessarily bitter.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x19 The Fight

Chakotay: I need to go on a vision quest.
Me: -turns off episode-

I hate the way that whenever Voyager needs to show weird aliens trying to communicate, they just copy DS9's Prophet visions.
It was nice that the actor playing Chakotay's grandfather was the same actor from the TNG episode 'Journey's End'.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x24 Time's Orphan
Star Trek: Discovery: 1x07 Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x15 Lower Decks

This flips around the usual Trek formula and gives us a story from the POV of the lowly ensigns. We see the main cast doing their thing, and then they disappear and we don't get to follow them. It was an intriguing concept and really well done here. The four low-ranking crew members (and the civilian bartender) that we follow are all interesting characters that the script allows us to become attached to. Seeing things from their perspective actually makes the senior officers feel more intimidating - Picard's dressing down of her is actually quite hard to watch.

The editing between the two poker games is excellently done.

Lovell and Ogawa are likeable, but Taurik is maybe a bit too Vulcan to really enjoy. Mostly, this is about Ensign Sito and the excellent performance behind her. It's a testament to the strength of the episode that her death seems to have far more weight than any previous one on the show.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x11 Parallels
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x05 Remember Me
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x16 Q Who

The first encounter with the Borg was probably quite creepy back in the late 1980s, but watching it today it feels a bit underwhelming. Far more interesting is the performance of Guinan, and Picard's need to become humble before Q. Lots of things here which were never followed up on, notably the concept of baby Borgs which was completely abandoned. The 18 dead crew members do lead a bad taste in your mouth, and severely alters any playful side we may have seen in Q.

They also set up a big mystery with Guinan's background, which was never mentioned or explored again. Lt. Gomez could have become an enjoyable recurring character, too.

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Star Trek: 2x01 Amok Time

Fantastic. The mystery for the first half, visiting Vulcan, the ridiculous ceremony and battle with THAT music. Welcome, Mr. Chekov. These characters have really come to life by this point, and Spock's reaction to finding out Kirk was alive was gold.

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Star Trek: 1x27 The Alternative Factor

Nooo, no, no, this is just my least favourite kind of episode. Confusing and poorly executed, nothing really made sense here and basic storytelling was abandoned in places. Lazarus' beard was the star.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x01 The Next Generation
Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x11 Devil's Deal

The perspective shift here made for surprisingly compelling storytelling, I found myself totally wrapped up in this. Plus we got some welcome faces returning! It's good to see that not all clones have become brainwashed killing machines and at least one here seems to still have his personality and sense of right/wrong.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x04 Forget Me Not
Star Trek: Picard: 1x09 Et in Arcadia Ego (1)
Locke & Key: 1x01 Welcome to Matheson

I wasn't won over by this premiere, but neither am I writing off the show entirely. I can see potential here. Unfortunately, this pilot spends a bit too much time on characters that I don't think I liked very much. The young-adult angle means it's focused on teenage angst which isn't great, but some of the writing felt like it was designed to make people idiots. The hockey kids that Connor spoke to seemed to actually state that it was cool that he got to watch his dad murdered in front of him - surely even teenagers aren't that moronic?

On the plus side, I was entranced by Echo. What a great voice! Bode is very young so I guess he can be somewhat forgiven for falling for such an obvious trick, but his mother certainly can't be for just walking into the creepy mirror of doom. I wish TV characters would be allowed to have at least a little bit of common sense once in a while.

The ending mirror sequence did suggest that there is the potential for some crazy/spooky fun ahead. I'll keep watching for now.

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His Dark Materials: 1x01 Lyra's Jordan

I'm cautiously optimistic based on this first episode. It seems faithful to the book and I really like the cast.

I felt like maybe there was too much awkward exposition up front and yet I still feel like I would be pretty lost if I didn't already know the story.

Were there helicopters in the book? I don't remember that and it seemed out of place with the 1920s technology feel of the rest of the world. Also, it felt like only the main characters had daemons with none in the background.

But, there were also moments here where I was completely entranced by the story being told. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

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Disenchantment: Season 1
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 7x19 Strange Bedfellows

Damar has made an incredible character journey though this show: background soldier, to arrogant right-hand man, to leader of Cardassia, to an alcoholic in a downward spiral and now a rebel. He's become the most compelling character now.

I can't help but think that Kira's unwillingness to work with Kai Winn and find a way to help her despite her desires was a bit shortsighted. She's only pushed her further into hate and the consequences will be bad. Winn is a tragic character but it's so easy to just despise her, further testament to what Louise Fletcher brought to the role. Still, it remains icky to see her and Dukat together.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x11 Latent Image
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x19 In the Pale Moonlight
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 5x26 Call to Arms
Star Trek: Voyager: 1x14 Faces
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 2x23 Crossover
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x20 Journey's End