

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Game of Thrones: Season 7
The Handmaid's Tale: Season 1
Legion: Season 1
Love, Death & Robots: Season 1
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1

There's the occasional good episode in here, but this first season borders on unwatchable at times and shows no hint of the ambition and storytelling that would come later. Very basic plots, and the characters are simplistic.

The voice actors all do good jobs though, and while the animation isn't as good as it will later get the visuals are still strong. The Clone characters are the most interesting even at this stage, but they aren't quite being given enough to do.

At the end of the day it's a kids show and a lot of this is forgivable with that mindset.

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The End of the F***ing World: Season 2
Disenchantment: Season 1
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance: Season 1
The Boys: Season 1
The Good Place: Season 1
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Season 1
A Series of Unfortunate Events: Season 1

Unbelievably good production design caused this to look more like a film than a TV show. This program created its own world, and it's stunning. While it got a little weird at times and felt a bit repetitive and predictable, there was enough here to make this stand out as something special. The humour was perfect and I really enjoyed the little fourth-wall-breaking moments. Great actors all around, and some good twists. I also appreciated that the font used for Sunny's subtitles reminded me of playing Monkey Island.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Season 2
Star Trek: Discovery: Season 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 4
The Mandalorian: Season 1
Mindhunter: Season 2
Star Trek: Lower Decks: Season 1
Future Man: Season 3
Lost in Space: Season 1
Castlevania: Season 1
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 3
The Last Kingdom: Season 1
Torchwood: Season 1
Defending Jacob: Season 1
Star Wars Rebels: Season 1
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 3

[7.5/10] The show finally begins living up to its potential. While it's still plagued by a number of weak episodes and pantomime villains, there is also really epic storytelling here. In addition, we are given strong character moments that finally make the show feel more personal. Ahsoka especially gets some excellent development.

The arc based around Asaaj Ventress was the real high point for me - even if it introduces the character with the worst name in Star Wars (Savage Opress). It finally gave her some depth and Dathomir is a visually striking location. Similarly, the Mortis arc was daring in its exploration of the Force and felt truly significant.

Some great clone-based episodes too, though I wish there had been more. The bad episodes do bring the season down and it can feel like a videogame a bit too often, but when it's good it's very good.

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The Expanse: Season 1
Cobra Kai: Season 1
Future Man: Season 2

While I have to applaud the show for changing things up so much and not repeating what has come before, honestly I found the new direction to be a bit too much to take. I could barely recognise the show I enjoyed so much before and I just couldn't get into this. It completely lost the fun factor and changed the character's personalities too much, leaving us stuck in a really uninteresting and unpleasant future. Splitting up Josh, Tiger and Wolf for the majority of the season was a poor decision too.

This also felt a lot cheaper, especially with how it stayed in the same location the whole time.

There were good moments throughout and I thought the last couple of episodes helped redeem things a bit (despite Seth Rogen making a completely unnecessary appearance that felt too much like ego-stroking). It's been announced that season 3 will be the final one so I'll probably watch it to finish the story up, but I really hope it returns to the fun time travel antics of season 1.

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