

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Star Wars: Forces of Destiny: 2x12 Porgs!

I freakin' love the Porgs.

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Westworld: Season 1
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 3x01 New Captain

I was all set to enjoy this and then the awful Bill Hader showed up. Who's next, Ricky Gervais?

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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny: 1x06 The Imposter Inside

A bit too cheesy. Could have done without the silly banter and the fight was a bit simplistic.

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The Orville: 1x10 Firestorm

This was great, maybe my favourite so far. Parts of the episode genuinely creeped me out. Alara is great and really good when taking the lead in an episode.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 3x10 Warlord

That may well be the lamest pre-credits sequence in Star Trek history. They're supposed to get you excited for the episode.

Quite terrible all round really. A lot of time spent down in a meeting hall with a bunch of aliens, and very little time spent with our main characters. The usually reliable Jennifer Lien doesn't do a great job as a villain, either. I take it that she and Neelix are on their way to finishing as a couple given that there was no resolution to the break up scene.

More crappy aliens with leaves in their hair. Awful rescue attempt by Tuvok.

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The Americans: Season 5
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x19 Through the Looking Glass
The Americans: 5x04 What's the Matter with Kansas?

This has slowed to a crawl and is full of uninteresting plot lines. It's not the same complex and thrilling show it was in seasons 1-3. This felt like a whole bunch of nothing.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 2

Season 2 gives us a show in growth that begins to establish its identity. It's a definite improvement over season 1, while still not reaching the stellar heights that were to come. There's a good deal of character exploration and the actors have all improved greatly, seemingly getting more of a feel for what they're doing. The storytelling becomes a bit more complex and there are some continuing threads that spread across episodes, notably with the build up of the Dominion as a presence and the crossover stories with TNG that give us the Maquis.

The supporting characters such as Garak, Dukat, Winn and Bareil also get a lot more definition. While there's nothing here that is as impressive as 'Duet' from the previous season, it's definitely more consistent overall.

Best episodes for me: Cardassians, Necessary Evil, Armageddon Game, The Maquis, The Jem'Hadar
Worst episodes for me: Melora, Second Sight, Rivals, Playing God

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x23 Emergence

This was like somebody attempting to do an imitation of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode.
So, pretty much a Star Trek: Voyager episode.

I was bored out of my mind. It didn't make a bit of sense and not only do the actors not really seem to care about what's happening, it feels like the characters don't either. This was lazy beyond belief.

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The Americans: 5x01 Amber Waves

That digging sequence certainly did go on. And on. And on. And on.
And on.
There's a point where something becomes tense, and then a point where something is clearly just there to pad out time. We know that this show should be much better than resorting to that.

Otherwise, a solid but uneventful episode. A season opener should do more to grab your attention. I find myself enjoying the scenes at home with Paige and Stan, etc., much more than anything else. That's the core of the show's drama and in that respect everything else can feel lesser, so following Oleg back to Russia seems like an annoying side step. The teaser was the most shocking part, seeing Philip and Elizabeth with their new "son".

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Master of None: Season 2

When a show gets scarily close to things you went through with an ex...
That was a difficult watch for me, and I loved all of it.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x22 Imaginary Friend

Two things really stood out to me in this:
1) Clara bears a distracting resemblance to Mark Wahlberg.
2) Troi and Picard pronounce "Clara" in a very odd way.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x20 Cost of Living

An unfortunate embarrassment for all involved. I do like seeing how Worf is handling being a parent, but not when the script is as awful as this. It's got a lot of humour, but that doesn't save it.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x18 Identity Crisis

I have zero memory of watching this episode before. I don't know if that's because it's one I somehow missed previously, or one that I blocked out of my memory because it's so bad. I'm not surprised to learn it was Brannon Braga's first effort.

Redeemed somewhat by an excellent guest star and pretty cool effects (the glowing eyes and Predator invisibility).

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x14 Clues

Not much to say about this one, other than it's fun and comes close to being a classic TNG show. The central mystery is really intriguing and Data's behaviour makes you want to know more, but there's no drama or jeopardy making it feel somewhat languid. I didn't enjoy the opening Dixon Hill holodeck scene even with Whoopi Goldberg adding so much character to it.

I did involuntarily laugh when Geordi says "why didn't our beards grow?", and then the camera cuts to Riker with his massive facial hair. Just an odd editing choice.

The concept of "resetting the ship's clock" makes zero sense, because as soon as they encounter another ship or planet the crew would realise that they are missing 2 days! I would also have found it much more satisfying to see exactly how they correct all their mistakes the second time around. A shame, this episode has a lot going for it, but it falls back on the reset button (something which I mercilessly mock Voyager for) almost literally.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x10 The Loss

Counsellor Troi didn't get many episodes focused on her during the show's run, and those that she did weren't always all that great. This is a bit of an exception, it gives Marina Sirtis a lot more to work with and she has to show a lot more range than usual. I thought she handled it pretty well.

It would be funny that she reacts to her loss of powers by becoming a bit of an unpleasant person if it wasn't so sad. Personally, I like any exploration of the Riker/Troi relationship and you know things are getting serious when he calls her "imzadi" (which if you're not paying attention, almost sounds like he's saying "I'm sorry" with a funny accent).

The Troi/Crusher argument is great - and shocking to see Deanna being so aggressive - while Whoopi Goldberg's scene is wonderful.

The adventure solving the problem of the 2D aliens is way too full of technobabble. It's almost a shame that Troi recovers her powers at the end, with no lasting effect on her character.

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Twin Peaks: 3x02 Part 2

The Evolution of the Arm was not what I was expecting!
This is insane and I think I love it.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x11 The Hunted

A bit bland all round, despite some creative (for Star Trek) fight scenes. Worf almost suffers the same injury under a bunch of cargo crates that would affect him later, and James Cromwell makes an appearance as not-Zephram Cochrane! I like that Data is the one to predict Roga's clever moves, especially following the previous episode's discussion of him trusting his intuition.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x09 The Measure of a Man

A powerful episode, if somewhat lacking in subtlety. Data's trial is gripping not just due to the script but due to the performances of all involved, notably Patrick Stewart and Jonathon Frakes. Whoopi Goldberg also proves her presence to the show as invaluable and lending an extra quality of class.

Sure, the result here is never in doubt but the episode pulls no punches. It's regarded as a classic for a reason, although it would be outdone many times over in the years to come, and looking back it does feel somewhat quaint.

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13 Reasons Why: Season 1
iZombie: 2x14 Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind

Wow! That ending!
Hello, Keith Mars :)

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Santa Clarita Diet: Season 1

Netflix finally manage to make a great comedy show. The central concept is not the most unique, but the laughs are genuinely funny and both Barrymore and Olyphant carry the show to a better place. Sheila and Joel are extremely likeable characters, and end up being the most normal people in comparison to the ridiculous humans surrounding them.

I was a bit disappointed that the show fell back on being needlessly vulgar most of the time, but that seems to be Netflix's thing. The younger actors also aren't the most amazing, but they got better as the show went on. The season also ended on a bit of a "that's it?" note.

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Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia: 1x25 A Night to Remember

Convenient memory wipe is convenient. And poor writing.

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The Last Kingdom: 1x03 Episode 3

Brida is the only sensible character. Why won't Uhtred listen to her?!

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Legion: 1x04 Chapter 4

That was terrible. Arty farty nonsense masquerading as entertainment.

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Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia: 1x16 Roaming Fees May Apply

Blinky and Toby surf out of a giant's butthole. This show has changed direction.

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Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia: 1x07 To Catch a Changeling

Sometimes I find myself appreciating the way this show is taking its time and giving us a very full story. At other times, like with this episode, I feel like it's just standing still.

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iZombie: 1x09 Patriot Brains

Okay, potential BIG ISSUE with this episode.
They didn't make it too clear, but I got the impression that the guitar was supposed to actually be one that Kurt Cobain used - HOWEVER, Kurt was famously a lefty. That Jaguar guitar was right-handed.

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