

With Carmen Sandiego...

Escape Plan: The Extractors

I almost didn't watch this one after the travesty that was Hades. This movie redeemed itself.

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Escape Plan 2: Hades

Nowhere near as good as the 1st one. I think they spent too much time on special effects and less time on storytelling and actual escape plans. Still rated it high just because.

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The Superdeep

This was by far one of the longest movies that simultaneously held little to no plot. Excellent premise. Failure in execution. But hey, gotta give credit to the film makers for getting the mousy scientist to take her clothes off and toss water over her head for the wet tank top competition. :rolling_eyes::joy::joy:

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Bloodhounds: 1x01 Episode 1

Great 1st episode!! Really draws you in and makes you want to hit "next episode "

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This is one of my all time favorite westerns. I cannot recommend it enough!!

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Inside Man: 1x04 Episode 4

This was a fun series to see how the storyline overlapped. Even if a few parts were a bit over the top it was executed well. My only complaint - the very ending with Janice.

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Loved it. Not sure how I missed this when it came out.

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All Through the House

This movie was so bad but it gave me 80s slasher movie feels so I had to rank it high for nostalgic purposes

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Better Watch Out

The only redeeming quality for this movie was the final minute. Otherwise...meh

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It's a Wonderful Knife

The movie had its moments.

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Not sure why it took me so long to watch this. I haven't laughed that hard at a movie in a long time.

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Love and Monsters

This was hands down one of the best movies I have seen in a while.

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The Batman

Largest complaint for this one - why were they all whispering all the time? Otherwise, ho-hum addition to the verse. Nothing new here. Carry on.

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I saw this a couple years ago not realizing it was a prequel & enjoyed it. Just watched the 1st movie Malevolence then watched this one again. As a stand-alone, this movie isn't terrible. As a prequel...soooo many plot holes. Plus the timeline doesn't really match making me wonder if the writers even watched the 1st one :thinking:

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Cold Pursuit

This movie was just plain fun. Action with just enough comedy to let you know not to take this thing seriously. Not what I expected and 100% satisfaction upon viewing. Plus, that ending...:joy::joy::joy: Classic.

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Five Nights at Freddy's

This one was better than I expected and had an almost 80s feel-good horror vibe akin to Gremlins.

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The Strangers

This was a great movie overall but seriously, Kristen is one of the dumbest characters ever written. I mean, put your damn shoes on. :joy::joy::joy:

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Insidious: The Red Door

I think I might like this best out of all.of them. I may have to watch them over back to back just to be sure. Decent story though. Akin to the 1st two.

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Black Christmas

I remembered watching this and hating it when it came out. Couldn't remember why and pegged it to be because im a huge fan 9f the original. Watched it again last night. Started off pretty good. Then figured I had to be wrong. Until...the black ooze. And then I thought, oh yeah...that's why. :rolling_eyes:

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Sister Death

Extremely slow start but worth it in the end

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Halloween II

I never understood the amount of hate towards this movie. It delivered what all sequels should - a higher body count. Nothing new to report plot wise. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

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Halloween III: Season of the Witch

I hated this in 1982. I tave it space and watched it again this year. Maybe not hating it as much but it's still a rather slow movie.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x06 Goldbug

Despite the ultimate ending, Tamerlane's fall was beautifully shot.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x05 The Tell-Tale Heart

I have always been a fan of Carla Gugino but hands down, I think this is her best role ever.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x02 The Masque of the Red Death

This episode (and series so far) can be summed up in one word: Brilliant

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Not a bad little film. More story with some good creepy effects. Gotta love predictability.

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Stephen King's The Shop (Firestarter) meets The Matrix. Pretty good flick even if it was predictable. Solid acting and the effects were good. Overall worth watching.

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Primal Rage

Wow that was bad. I mean, even for my standards and love of bad horror...bad. the creature was one thing. But what was up with the old hag? As in, every stereotypical cartoon hag? That's where they lost me. Maybe before that. Definitely before that.

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Invitation to Hell

Definitely dated but still a fun romp.

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Prince of Darkness

This is one of those movies I would love to see remade. There was a lot of substance behind it but it seemed to have failed through delivery. Still a favorite

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