


Star Trek: Discovery

Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck...

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The Flash: 6x04 There Will Be Blood

Seriously? Cancer zombies from the suddenly not so Hippocratic doctor? Ugh.

That big boo for Halloween :thumbsdown:

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The Flash: 3x13 Attack on Gorilla City (1)

The emotions and logic are getting wackier and wackier in this show... and not in a good way :(

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Locke & Key: 2x01 The Premiere

I don't remember it being this cringe... This was bad.

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The Flash: 7x10 Family Matters (1)

Gothic emo Nora... :rolling_eyes: everybody was so annoying in this episode that I start to feel like that too, ugh

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness: 1x02 Cult of Personality

Meanwhile in the United States...

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Black Summer: 1x06 Heist

Very cool episode but it just drops in out of nowhere which makes it seem very random and more confusing than enjoyable at the start... Odd but good.

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Ghost Ship

Entertaining movie for what it is. Not good but not bad either. Definitely watchable.

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Van Helsing: 1x01 Help Me

I like the setup of the backstory and the scenery but is it just me or do the dialogues and behavior seem very odd? Not one of them asked the right questions or acted remotely like I would expect them to. I'll give episode two a try, because Van Helsing actually seems like a pretty cool series, but when they keep behaving like this it's just going to get annoying.

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The 100: 6x04 The Face Behind the Glass

Don't care much for the easy lays and stubborn royalty so I'm happy to see at least Octavia and Dyoza are keeping one storyline interesting...

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Black Summer: 1x03 Summer School

Seems no zombie show can do kids right... Just a filler episode and shitty plot. Not writing the show off yet though, still shows promise

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The Walking Dead: 9x10 Omega

Seems like people liked this episode. I just found it a very long way to make it clear that it's a crazy white hillbilly momma running things... meh on the episode and premise of the new bad guy so far.

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Banshee: 4x01 Something Out of the Bible

And just like that a whole completely new setting again :O There's no stopping this show. Great episode and I can't wait to see how things unwrap. Still definitely one of my favorite shows.

Poor Rebecca though :( Revenge will be messy :)

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Marvel's Agent Carter: 2x01 The Lady in the Lake

Off to a great start, loved the atmosphere and the way they pick up the story again. The humor was on point too, not as skin crawling as some other shows :) I just liked 2x01 very much and makes me want to see the rest.

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Big Mouth: 6x01 The Hookup House

Strong start of the season, looking forward to seeing the rest :thumbsup:

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x13 Chapter Thirty-Three: Deus Ex Machina

Wow, this episode was so bad/awkward/nonsense.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x05 Die Trying

Oof, this struck a covid/2020 cord for me and I loved it. Looking up!

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The 100: 7x12 The Stranger

Murphy 100% made this episode. The rest is kinda boring to be honest.

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The Circle: Season 1

Came in kinda wanting to hate this show but watch it as a guilty pleasure. Even the introductions from day one made me want to be mean about the contestants. But I can genuinely say that it turned out a positive and fun journey throughout all season 1. Happily surprised and faith in humanity slightly restored.

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The I-Land: 1x02 The Gorgeous Palaces

All white men are rapists! Welcome to 2019 Hollywood/media. I'm surprised that there isn't a trans person in a wheelchair washed up on that beach. What a horrible annoying characters and no progress being made. I'm done.

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Nate Bargatze: The Tennessee Kid

This guy has a nice way about him and had me laughing a lot. Definitely recommendable and not your typical loud mouth American stand up.

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The Strain: 4x03 One Shot

Zach will never ever become a likeable character anymore. He has even surpassed annoying and reached the "laughable" stage now. Please just kill him off already... brutally and unnecessarily cruel. Doesn't even need to be creative: I'm thinking chained up in a cellar, poisoned, in front of his dad :P

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The Autopsy of Jane Doe

I was left with the feeling that not a whole lot happened. The story wasn't that interesting to be honest. It really isn't more than the haunting of a morgue with a pale naked lady on a table, and the haunting part wasn't that special. I do have to say that I liked the set and cinemagraphics. Acting was fine too. There's just not a whole lot there.

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Shooter: 1x02 Exfil

Well this show is more annoying than suprising xD I'm out.

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Van Helsing: 1x04 Coming Back
Arrow: 4x12 Unchained

Why on earth didn't Oliver wear his mask, serious wtf moment in this episode... still above average for The Arrow though, worth a 7.5.

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The style isn't too bad but the story was just very thin in this one and unbelievable when it comes to two best friends. Simply an unsatisfying watch.

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The Bob's Burgers Movie

I like the show, and the movie did have some small funny moments, but mostly it's too much musical and feels like one single dragged out it a movie with padding around it.

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Travelers: 2x05 Jenny

Oh so we're helping the future with COVID. K, that makes it slightly better.

Good episode though :yum:

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This movie should have been called Tether...

Nice ethical issue and well shot but way too slow and unsatisfying ending. I would at least have liked to see them recuperate after the sacrifice and get to Mars.

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