


The Falling

Looks good but beyond that complete nonsens. Don't waste your time.

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9 Songs

Only the p*rn parts are nice and even those are shortly cut sometimes....

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Almost stopped watching after the first half, second half made up for it though. So delightfully dark.

Edit: get to the birthday party, that's all I'm saying...

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x09 Subspace Rhapsody

Songs were really well done, have to admit that. Didn't even feel the usual horrible musical cringe that I normally experience. And they did manage to make the story somewhat interesting. But the same issue with all musicals in a non musical show does persist: not much really happened. The songs made it harder to keep track of what little did happen because you have to be in the mood for a song and pay attention and a simple interaction gets turned into minutes of singing rather than the 10 seconds it is. So yeah, good quality as usual (8) but not much happened (7) and it's a musical so 6 it is for me.

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28 Days Haunted: Season 1

Don't bother. Less drama and more credibility can be found on YouTube. In episode three it went full American drama so killed it off there myself. Seriously not worth your time.

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28 Days Haunted: 1x03 Episode 3

Oh boy, they went full American character this episode :face_vomiting: Nevermind, bye show, any last shred of credibility went out the window with this drama.

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The style isn't too bad but the story was just very thin in this one and unbelievable when it comes to two best friends. Simply an unsatisfying watch.

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Big Mouth: 6x01 The Hookup House

Strong start of the season, looking forward to seeing the rest :thumbsup:

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The Midnight Club: 1x10 Midnight

Was this the same show i was watching before? This episode is so weird and quite bad. Nice cliffhanger at the end though but this format doesn't seem suited for a second season really. Weird unsatisfying ending

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The Bob's Burgers Movie

I like the show, and the movie did have some small funny moments, but mostly it's too much musical and feels like one single dragged out it a movie with padding around it.

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Travelers: 2x05 Jenny

Oh so we're helping the future with COVID. K, that makes it slightly better.

Good episode though :yum:

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Locke & Key: 2x01 The Premiere

I don't remember it being this cringe... This was bad.

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The Flash: 7x13 Masquerade

If the Flash has learned me anything... It's that I'm a masochist. Don't know why I'm still watching this and Chester being the exact same crybaby as Cisco doesn't help. What's with the emotional focus in all these later seasons anyways, is there something wrong with just a plain old bad guy? Feels like they're rehashing this emotional shit each episode.

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The Flash: 7x11 Family Matters (2)

Taxi Barry and Nora the bad communicator. What a hot piece of garbage. They're not your f*king kids! And don't you dare comment "Chill. Out."

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The Flash: 7x10 Family Matters (1)

Gothic emo Nora... :rolling_eyes: everybody was so annoying in this episode that I start to feel like that too, ugh

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This movie should have been called Tether...

Nice ethical issue and well shot but way too slow and unsatisfying ending. I would at least have liked to see them recuperate after the sacrifice and get to Mars.

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The Frankenstein Chronicles: 2x01 Prodigal Son

Okay okay. Promising setups but damn that dreamworld and asylum was tedious and way too long. Purely a background episode and nothing more.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x13 Chapter Thirty-Three: Deus Ex Machina

Wow, this episode was so bad/awkward/nonsense.

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The Walking Dead: 10x13 What We Become

Horrible episode, and then the last bit happened which made it interesting again.

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The Walking Dead: 10x05 What It Always Is

Alright... right?
Negan is so giving the story a gigantic boost.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x05 Die Trying

Oof, this struck a covid/2020 cord for me and I loved it. Looking up!

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Very rough start but the second half got better. Some damn good scenes in there when it comes to the infected and fighting them off but the story is very bad throughout.

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The 100: 7x13 Blood Giant

Took a while for me to come back to this show after the break but wow I couldn't care less now about what happened in this episode... I think watching other better shows spoiled in the meantime spoiled me a bit.

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The 100: 7x12 The Stranger

Murphy 100% made this episode. The rest is kinda boring to be honest.

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The Flash: Season 6

The season I quit the flash. I don't know what they did but the writing ended up making the characters a bunch of unbelievable crybabies and the adversaries were bad too. So much better stuff than this to watch out there.

Was fun while it lasted but yeah it's done. Go watch 'The Boys' if you want a super hero show that's interesting again :wink:

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Dark: Season 3

Love how difficult to follow this third season was but how clear it all becomes in the end. Superb writing!

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Dark: 3x08 The Paradise

Very satisfying and well done ending. If only Game of Thrones could have has this level of writing of quality writing :sweat_smile:

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The Meg

The "you left them to die" remarks at the start of the movie annoyed me so much :grimacing: They were false, they were cringe, they were absolutely unnecessary for the story. Just outright bad writing that. Luckily she literally apologized for that :sweat_smile:

Beyond that a typical fire and forget stereotypical Hollywood movie. Looks well enough. A list actors with decent performances too but there's not much there beyond that.

Best bit basically was "what happened to your hair?" The trailer sums it up, if you're into that then watch it, if you're not then you didn't miss anything either.

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Upload: Season 1

Had my doubts but colleagues said it was funny so gave it a try. Episode one wasn't too good and only emphasized my doubts but I'm happy I kept watching. The show has depth and is quite funny too. Apart from episode 1 it's definitely good.

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The Circle: Season 1

Came in kinda wanting to hate this show but watch it as a guilty pleasure. Even the introductions from day one made me want to be mean about the contestants. But I can genuinely say that it turned out a positive and fun journey throughout all season 1. Happily surprised and faith in humanity slightly restored.

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