

Orlando, Florida

The Prince of Egypt

I can officially confirm the mid to late 90's was the golden age of animated movies.

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Godzilla vs. Kong
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

After Terminator: Dark Fate, you all need to give this movie an apology.

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The Flash

Writing out a review is too much for this insult to comics, audiences, and the film industry. Christina Hodson, Geoff Johns, and all the manchildren responsible for this nightmare need to lose their jobs. Easily the worst, most obnoxious film ever released theatrically on this budget. Thank God it's going to lose $300M at the box office. People are rejecting this slop.

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Come Play

Shout by filmtoaster
BlockedParent2020-11-30T07:13:38Z— updated 2020-12-05T04:46:28Z

He just wants to be your friend.
Jacob Chase has entered my shortlist for upcoming young horror directors. This was masterful. Roque Baños' score is some of his best work, even above his collaborations with Sam Raimi. While the timely message of our screens becoming a substitute for real life companionship, something that Pulse already tackled back in the day, turning the concept in to a creepypasta style horror film works wonders. The jumpscares are organic and inoffensive, the cinematography and use of the creature in his scenes are devilishly stylish, and little Azhy Robertson acted his ass off. The film handles his autism very tastefully, and I can speak to that since I have one brother who is exactly the same as him. It's a scary idea, that while his attachment and use for his devices are a necessity, they could be doing more damage than good beneath the surface; And that we've become overreliant on technology to solve our problems. I don't get what the backlash behind the film is geared at, but I think those are just looking for something to be upset about. The ending is what got me, nearly made my eyes water.

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Shout by filmtoaster

When Norman Bates ran in the room dressed as the dead mother while the soundtrack played, I legit got chills. I was disturbed to my core. I've never seen a movie so effectively freak me out that quickly and that deep. I almost started shaking when I saw that image.

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Murder on the Orient Express
The Disaster Artist

Like Tommy said, "You can laugh, you can cry, you can express yourself. Just don't hurt yourself."

When they started comparing scenes from this movie to the original during the end credits, I nearly lost my cool in the theater. This movie is not just a masterpiece, but an important one. Everyone is invited to come live on Tommy's planet, where we all love each other, and the world is a better place to live. Anyone who has dreams should watch this movie. It's not just a humorous look at the strange creature that is Tommy, but an inspiration to those who want to make it big in any industry. It hits the mark on every technical level, but manages to tell a surprisingly mixed emotional fable, like, it's hard to believe this really happen. It's human behavior, as Tommy says in the movie.

I can't watch The Room the same way again. James Franco, you are brilliant, sir.

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Lu Over the Wall
Mission: Impossible - Fallout
Christopher Robin
The Wizard

Unironically may be one of the most important films for 80's film preservation. No film captures the childlike spirit of that time than this sweet little film about a couple kids traveling cross country to a video game competition. The film starts with a little boy, Jimmy, walking across the deserted country road alone on his journey to get to California to properly bury his sister's remains, and by the end, is driving back with his family, happy and fulfilled. It's genuinely funny, heartwarming, and fun for the whole family. The product placement and Nintendo partnership is just an icing on the cake that adds to it's dated charm. This will definitely go in my collection.

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An Extremely Goofy Movie

The Godfather Part 2 of animated films.

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Final Destination 3

If there's one consistent quality factor to these movies, it's the score. For a film that prides itself on it's grotesque, ironic kills that are the showstoppers and ticket sellers of the franchise, the music plays it straight. Lots of haunting memorable strings. The script playing it so safe is what makes these movies just average, but the characters and their kills are what step the series up and apart from the crowd.

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Attack on Titan

My personal favorite of the Ghibli films. It's charming, it's adorable, it's magical, it's dramatic, it's heartwarming, and it's beautifully animated. One of the best animated films I've ever seen. Watch it now and you're heart will be filled with joy.

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Texas Chainsaw 3D

Good intentions ultimately squandered by a really terrible script. The opening five minutes should've been the entire film. So much effort was put into replicating the house from the original film, and it only lasts on screen for a few minutes. No amount of homages can save this really cliched horror story.

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The Dark Knight Rises

"You're a big guy-"

"For you."


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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Damn, I just rewatched several parts of it, and I forgot how good this actually was. I was on the Genisys hype train for quite awhile, but once it wore off and I looked at the staying power of each of the Terminator films... this is the most memorable Post-Terminator 2 sequel to come out. Nick Stahl actually does a great job of continuing the lonely and paranoid character, John Conner, and I actually prefer Arnold's performance here over Genisys. The downright depressing and almost hopeless attitude the movie has makes it a rather fitting entry into the series, despite it being not directed by James Cameron. That ending with the nuclear bombs going off is actually bone-chilling. One of my favorite moments of the whole series. The story repeats a little too many beats from the previous two, but it works them around in a way that feels new and fresh. The action is a blast, the crane sequence being the peak of the first act, and there's lots of great moments. Overall, very good movie that I underrated for awhile there.

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Terminator Salvation
Jaws 3-D

I guess SeaWorld likes being portrayed in horror movies. This and Blackfish. It's insanely fucking stupid and it's an insult to the original JAWS, but that's what I love about it. It has fun with itself.

Paul: So writers, what should we do for the 3rd film in the series now?
Jim and Bob: I know! Let's put the shark in SeaWorld and have it attack tourists.
Paul: Get the hell out of this room.
Jim and Bob: leaves
Paul: We are so using that idea.

I actually really like this movie. It's actually very enjoyable. It's a fucking shark loose in a theme park. What more could you ask for? But this movie does get actual points for the music and the shark animatronic. Both are done extraordinarily well and there are some genuinely creepy moments with the shark.

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The Onion Movie

The most underrated comedy of all time. I mean that.

This has non-stop hilarious skits every minute and every single one hits their mark (Minus one). Each one tackles a different modern topic, ranging from movie critics, to identity politics, to terrorism, to advertising, to celebrities, black people, white people, etc. No one is left behind in this satire of epic proportions. It seriously had me rolling with laughter throughout the entire movie. Steven Seagal as Cock Puncher needs to be a real movie.

I adore this movie. I love it more than Spaceballs.

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The Secret Life of Pets

Holy crap, I need to make a video comparing this movie to Toy Story, 'cause some of the plot elements and even lines of dialogue are identical to the Toy Story trilogy. That being said, the movie itself is just above average. Decent music, pretty good animation, and some genuinely funny moments that bring this rip-off to enjoyable-enough levels.

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The Empire Strikes Back

Would anyone of my followers like to see me take on the Star Wars movies before the crap-fest Han Solo spin-off comes out? I have some thoughts I could get off my chest, but it'd take awhile to write.

Just going to throw this out there: I like The Phantom Menace.

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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Evil Dead
Deliver Us from Evil