

Orlando, Florida


An absolute clusterfuck of a list spanning every genre imaginable. Basically every film I want to see and a lot I'll probably never get to. It is continually updated.


How can I delete this list?


After watching a few hundred new releases from the worldwide film industry, these are my personal select favorites from the last four years which I can vouch are enriching, unique cinematic experiences for one reason or another that I would recommend folks of a variety of demographics to check out. The latter list is the dumping bin of bare minimum acceptability, but these are the best if you only want my choice treats.


American Cinema has been on a downward trajectory for the last two decades, both in ticket sales and mass critical approval. With the rapidly decreased quality of movies in just the last few years, it's hard to find anything worth watching anymore, with the sea of lurid trash flooding Netflix, scripts being passed on for not being "diverse" enough, Disney's MCU being the staple template for blockbuster movies, and shows getting cancelled left and right. 'And if you're a White Christian, it can be hard trekking through lists to find movies that are even acceptable to watch from a moral stance.
If you're etching to watch a newer film to stay relevant, this list can maybe provide. I'm stopping top favorite lists from each year, because frankly, I don't have enough movies each year to justify. This list will just be all the films I've personally seen that I can vouch are decent or even good, but despite that, it's iffy and case by case. This still covers all genres, so it's not without faults. Still tread with caution, read the notes.


A bunch of films with White people in them, and can involve White culture. They have to show them in a positive light, that's really it. This is built off Yggdrasil's pro-White list and many others from forums/greentext boards. These are what I'd consider great films, most of which teach good morals, that feature predominantly White casts. Given the extreme anti-White rhetoric plaguing American mainstream right now, it's nice to have a reliable list of watchable films. This list encompasses all genres, that's why it's a mess.

If you have a problem with this list existing, move on. There are plenty of racial pride lists for other ethnicities on Letterboxd, including black nationalism. This is just to catalog the best of cinema featuring Europeans.


We must secure the existence of our kino and a future for White cinema.

Movies that expose the truth, controversial or otherwise. Asylums, race relations, presidential assassinations, government power, propaganda, and more.


Same as the other list, only this is for episodic television involving either White people or pro-White culture. Absolutely no anti-White people propaganda will be found in this list. The shows here feature overwhelmingly White casts and/or often feature pro-White messages.
A few of the shows you won't want to watch in their entirety, like The X-Files (stop at Season 6), The Simpsons (stop at Season 11), or Friendship is Magic (stop before Season 8). Do your own research to gauge how a show progresses.


It doesn't sell, it just doesn't.

These are verifiable instances where a film/series lost a significant amount of money because of consumer backlash or disinterest, and were subsequently scrapped or cancelled. These failures are only attributed to political circumstances, i.e. agenda-driven, typically leftist propaganda.


To keep track of all the current anime I've completed, by season if possible. Most of these I recommend, are high quality, and are filled with fanservice or clever stories.


Whatever shit that's coming out post-2020 that looks interesting. Some of these will be bad, but I try to only go for projects I know the director and writer on. I'm now including anime since that's mostly what I watch these days, better industry than Hollywood.


This list is a work-in-progress and it's not in order yet. I don't even know if I will put it in a numerical order of sorts, because how can you really decide what makes a movie better than another? But as for now, these are some of the films I consider my absolute favorite.


It's when a studio/creative admits they've fucked up in the past and takes steps to rectify it. A rare sight and doesn't include just good new remakes or whatever. It has to be a clear case of backtracking to get the series going again, and receives positive critical reception and/or box office as a result.


"How does it feel to have lived long enough to see all of your favorite franchises go down in flames?"

"Feels great."

This list only covers franchises that have verifiably died due to poor quality. For the politics-only version, check the 'Get Woke, Go Broke' list.


If you're excited for any of these, you probably have no taste. More will be added as I think of other odious piles of trash to slap on here. Feel free to comment with additions!

Credit to Diego (Ascended) Tutweiller for the original list, was kind of out of date and didn't include movies I would include.


List found on /tv/, thought would be fun to go through.

Lots of tits except the tits don't replace the plot
Preferably from the 80s but no newer than 1991
not produced or written or directed by a woman
preferably with Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens, Michelle Bauer, Elizabeth Kaitan or similar "talent"
One to zero Afro-Americans

List progress 0%


This is an all encompassing watch through list of many online and community fan films and projects that are non-profit productions meant to pay tribute to their respective brands. Speaking on the legality of these creations, copyright is a restrictive legal practice that stifles the artistry and drive that make these homages. What should be protected under fair use and open availability to franchise-able ideas, these are easily available projects you can check out online today. Give them the backing they deserve.


A documented list of all the movies I wish to see coming out in theaters in 2017. Not much else to say, but this is just what I'm looking forward too.


A backlog of films I didn't get around to see using MoviePass.


I didn't see many movies this year, but I'll try to compile a list of some kind. Hopefully the movies speak for themselves.


Yes I know, I have absolutely terrible taste.
These are all of the 2015 movies I've currently seen, rated in order by terms of enjoyment. This is not objective, these are the movies that I liked watching the most. Enjoy and hopefully you'll agree on some of them.


Trust me guys, I know this list isn't very good. I didn't see many movies that year.
I have not seen every movie to come out of 2016, so I can only make this list based on what I happened to see. To be honest, I didn't go to the cinema that much that year.


As the year goes on, other stuff will most likely get shifted around and new stuff may be put on. But for now, these are just the 2017 movies I've seen so far and where I'd rank 'em. Remember, it's completely subjective.


My personal selection of favorites. The year has only started, but I've already seen enough films to warrant making a top list of 2018. Because January is usually a shit month for movies, I've only seen like two movies so far I've enjoyed. As the months go on, there will definitely be ones higher ranked, so this list is very incomplete.


So far, not much has caught my interesting, however, I saw Alita Battle Angel 13 times, so that adds up a lot of going to the theater.


"Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. You made me so happy. I don’t want you to be lost or afraid or anything like that. From here on out, I know things might be hard sometimes. But no matter what may await, please don’t regret meeting me." -Furukawa Nagisa


4chan and I recommend these spooktacular movies fit for the whole family.

Mostly found footage, but it's extended to all the horror I want to delve in at some point, or even recommend.


A collection of Eastern (Russian, Korean, Japanese, etc.) films to watch, since the western industry is unfulfilling these days. This list will get longer and correspond with my watchlist.


The deconstruction of a genre, presented with the glorious aesthetic of Frank Miller.

The best of DC, Marvel comics, and Pulp that has ever appeared on screen.


A lot of these don't fit under my regular recommendations, nor exemplary productions that showcase the best of the industry. These could be self-indulgent guilty pleasures that sound like fun, and I don't want to forget about checking them out. Stuff like Jackass won't appeal to everyone.


This is just a list for me, I'm a total fanboy when it comes to knights, swords and anything of the sort. I asked around for movies to watch, and this is the list I've assembled. Also, contains fantasy films with beautiful White women in them.

Excalibur I've already seen, but I could keep watching it over and over.


Sexy, beautiful White/tan women; all films that wouldn't fit under the other category lists I have up. If you want to watch a fun movie and appreciate bodies, watch away.


"I want them to know that death is coming, and it can't be stopped."


All of the animated Disney films I have seen arbitrarily ranked based on my enjoyment. This is really hard to do, since some I like equally and can't pick which one is better. This is an incomplete list as I haven't seen every Disney movie, and I need to revisit some I haven't watched in years.


Given Universal Studios has no idea anymore how to manage their most beloved and culturally important franchise in their horror catalog, it'd be best to offer the best of new remakes and adaptations that have been produced using the titular characters as a substitute. This is a cutoff period of 1992 to 2022, a good thirty-year stretch the same way the original cinematic universe ran.
None of Leigh Whannel's remakes are included.
