Shout by filmtoaster

Jaws 3-D 1983

I guess SeaWorld likes being portrayed in horror movies. This and Blackfish. It's insanely fucking stupid and it's an insult to the original JAWS, but that's what I love about it. It has fun with itself.

Paul: So writers, what should we do for the 3rd film in the series now?
Jim and Bob: I know! Let's put the shark in SeaWorld and have it attack tourists.
Paul: Get the hell out of this room.
Jim and Bob: leaves
Paul: We are so using that idea.

I actually really like this movie. It's actually very enjoyable. It's a fucking shark loose in a theme park. What more could you ask for? But this movie does get actual points for the music and the shark animatronic. Both are done extraordinarily well and there are some genuinely creepy moments with the shark.

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