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Succession 2018

I sense a lot of Shakespeare's King Lear here, soooo looking forward to next season


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I was close to stop watching the show after the first three episodes. Everyone seemed to be a self-absorbed rich asshole, the show itself seemed to be going nowhere. But I'm so glad I didn't stop watching. Episode five was the first one where I thought "Oh, maybe it isn't so bad after all." It only improved afterwards. With all the schemes, backstabbing, and generally horrible people it's basically Game of Thrones set in 2018 New York. Succession is probably the best show on TV at the moment. I can't wait for season two.

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No show can make talking so exciting.

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My expectations coming into the series was I would get to see the manipulation, struggle and strategies used for the race to succession. But all we got was insecure family members having child-like tantrums and a dumb storyline.

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This looks like it's going to be Rich People Shameless. I'll watch because of Adam McKay but it does look like it might end up being derivative.

P.S. This opinion is only based off the first episode.

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Overall this is probably a better show collectively, but I preferred Billions. I didn't really like any of the characters all that much in this show. They were great but none made me excited to see what they'd do next or just joyful to watch a scene involving them.

Billions started taking dive in quality, but I enjoyed the crazy hyperness from Axelrod and the frenemy relationship with Rhoades.

This? Everyone was their own worst enemies. The real meat of the show wasn't my style. I'd say it was the disrespect for what they have.

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Will be finishing the final episode tonight. Every single person was right, Succession is genuinely maybe THE best show I have watched in my life. Every single character and plot build up, and the way they implement certain jokes so early on that end up being so major to the plot is just such good fucking writing. I really can’t put all my thoughts into one comment. Genuinely going to feel like a different person after I finish the finale tonight.

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seasons 1 and 2: Very interesting, good story, good caracteres development.
season 3: quality downgraded but ok season.
season 4: quite garbage stuff.
Ok show, overall.

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Shout by adansantos
BlockedParent2023-10-18T15:48:38Z— updated 2023-10-28T15:25:07Z

This is a very hard watch. Literally. As the cringiest dialogues ever seen on TV, force your eyes to constantly roll up to the back of your head, thus impeding you from actually seeing it.
Once you get over the fact that this is cringe-tastic on purpose (I hope!), it's alright. Just very repetitive. The same plot for all 4 seasons though. And the fact that there is not a single character who you can root for, doesn't help, they are all either despicable, stupid or hapless.
Also, how is this classed as "comedy". It is not funny in the slightest, it just makes your skin crawl with second-hand embarrassment. 2012 was funny. Veep was hilarious. This is just so awkward and cringey.

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Hard to swallow ending I feel there is much more to tell so disappointed I want more.

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I don't get it. It's too much fucked up too much drama. But I guess this is what makes it kind of real! But it's fucking fuck fucked up that's that

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Disguatingly epically good. Very sure Fortune500 companies are run like that.

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Not exactly what I personally consider a masterpiece, but I definitely found the characters enjoyable. I could care less about the technical aspects of the narrative and the business and political dealings going on half the time, but whenever the characters interact and their true personalities shine through, it can be a pretty good show for me.

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By far the most overrated show I’ve watched. If you like boring time passers this is the once for you. Ending of season 1 and season 2 were the only interesting parts of the show. Everything else is boring conversations and characters talking on a phone.

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Daddy abuses his children for 4 seasons. Not sure why people compare this to game of thrones.

When you reached season 3 you heard the title melody for 99 times. Not a testament to a great soundtrack.

Terribly overrated but not bad.

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Oh yikes the dad tries to get a handjob from his daughter in the second episode. The excuse he has a brain tumor or some shit and he on drugs. But i think thats too much already. I was liking how awkward it was. But its not worth it.

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Amazing show , well acting crew . welldone

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Kendall man deserved to be the successor...
Jeremy Strong's performance commendable and must goes for an Emmy...
I was taking notes everytime Logan Roy come to speek...His quote: "Life is a number on piece of paper, a fight for knife in the mud" are really deep meaning words :100:

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Succession will be looked back on as one of the greatest shows ever, or at least it should be. Each season just got better and better, building to an incredible final season that was just knockout. Probably the best example of the power of writing combined with perfect dialogue/line delivery. Every performance elevates an already near perfect script, every character is devastatingly and perfectly understood, the tone is an incredible blend of drama and dark comedy, and even the technical aspects as far as directing and camera work was so engaging. The first season may have taken a bit for me to warm up to, but as I said, it only got better and better and better. Also one of the best examples of giving us a show full of awful people yet somehow managing to make us care about and root for them based on our own preferences and taste, not because of any redeeming qualities as the finale so perfectly exemplified, but because watching these people and their disastrous relationships is just so engaging. Tense, thrilling, hilarious, sincere, and wickedly smart.

9.5 // Outstanding

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Seriously, this show is a goldmine for quotes. Love it!
The writing is masterful, the cast performances are incredible, and the cinematography is amazing. It's nothing short of brilliant. I rate this show a solid 9 out of 10. The only reason it's not a perfect 10 is simply because I despise Tom with every fiber of my being but at the time, his victory in the end has greatly amplified the impact of the show's finale.

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Kinda dislike the way they wrote Shiv the last season, it felt off sometimes, but overall it was a great show with memorable characters and scenes, I've suffered emotionally greatly watching it.

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Shout by Dudaai

Great show with a great cast, acting, sets and script, it needed to end though and I'm glad the writers didn't continue to try and milk it further. S1 & 2 were the best for me. S3 was OK but S4 had an awful lot of padding, the last five episodes felt like 1 hour crammed into 5, watchable but not riveting.

For me the show lost the interest / appeal once Logan Roy died and after that was just treading water covering basiaclly a funeral and the eventual sale of Waystar. The ending was somewhat unexpected but they started to telegraph it the latter half of the final episode with the various phone calls and conversations. I'm really surprised "Tight-Rope Tom" didn't can Greg though, probably because he thought Greg was much like himself, a totally self-serving, conniving, slimy, two-faced bootlicker.

Great TV overall but not something I'd feel inclined to watch through again, S1 & 2 held my interest more as there were numerous mini-stories unravelling, S4 there was just one, a long and dragged out one. I'd give the seasons a rating of:

S1: 9
S2: 8
S3: 6
S4: 5

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[HBO Max] Jesse Armstrong manages to wrap up the main arc of the series in the final episode. A Shakespearean tragedy that serves to reflect today's society, with kingdoms of clay and a poisoned legacy on which the root of the confrontation is sustained. It will remain as one of the best fictions of recent times, which has been given the opportunity to conclude as the tragedy that it has always been, wrapped in splendid moments of humor and irony. And it builds such a clear look at the fragility of the US political and business system that could only have been described from the outside.

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One of the best ever made. From the beginning to the end. Real masterpiece in every aspect.

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Has a refreshing realness to it that was really entertaining. The first 2 seasons were excellent but I'd rate the next 2 as just... good. It seemed as though there was no smart person remaining in the room. Devolved into simple backstabbing. Would have appreciated some better judgement calls from the siblings that didn't make them seem as simply spoiled kids out to get their own. Overall worth a watch.

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Shout by Darth

In short my Honest overall rating would be 9.8/10, but I loved the show so personal bias makes it a 10/10

Even tho I didn’t like the series finale because it copied The Newsroom and felt like a “don’t ask for a sequel” episode instead of a genuine conclusion to the Roy family rein.

As a whole the writing, acting, and chemistry is incredible. It was so good it felt like every episode for 4ish seasons was a reality tv show O_o

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Peak motherfucking television. Words do not do it justice.

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Shout by Tallion
BlockedParent2023-05-12T00:32:49Z— updated 2023-05-29T22:53:42Z

S1: this season was pretty thin. The characters, plot, storylines, everything about it lacks depth and originality. A few good characters, not Ken, but they are so basic, it is hard to care at all.

Finished the series and i can see why some may like it, but it really has the feel of a poorly laid out process. lets just jump from one meaningless drama to the next. Except for Greg, nobody really felt convincing in their roles and when they ping pong between their emotional states, it just gets old...

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This show is up there with Breaking bad,the sopranos and the wire.

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Shout by tex
BlockedParent2023-04-17T05:12:05Z— updated 2023-05-03T01:52:37Z

Don't get fooled by its first episode. What I thought was just a show about rich assholes ended up being one of the most heartbreaking depictions of family trauma, cycles of abuse, and amazing commentary on our late-stage capitalist society. Impeccable performances, a narrative that keeps you hooked and on the edge of your seat, compelling and complex characters, and some genuinely funny satire. Probably the best of current modern television.

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The patter in this show is hilarious,Brian Cox is superb and plays the part brilliantly.

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I want to root for the kids but none of them inspire any confidence. All of them together don't add up to one backbone.

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Shout by Deleted

If dark comedy is a flavor, it's chocolate. And this episode was a whole chocolate cake (one that Connor Roy would have problems with). Holy shit! It's only episode 3 and they already made one drastic decision they can't walk away from. If we just got that this soon, I'm sure we're in for a hell of a season and an unpredictable conclusion. Shit!

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Another top notch show that I've only recently started watching.Its like a modern version of Dallas,The acting is superb and storylines couldn't be any better.Im only halfway through the first season and looking forward to watching the rest of the show.

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So, I tried watching Succession when it first aired and I didn't like it. I tried again after a couple of seasons. I didn't like it. I know it's the last season. I came here and read some of the reviews. Someone said it got better in the 5th episode. I actually made it through 6 episodes. And I still don't like it. So that's it for me.

Do people really talk to one another like that? Do rich people really act like that? Ugh. I don't want to see people acting and talking like that.

I see enough bad behavior in the real world and on my twitter feed. I don't need another source.

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Finally decided to give this show a go as so many friends have told me to give it a watch in the last couple of years.A bit slow to start with but I expect it will get going,I.kean looking at the ratings it has to get better.

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#teamtom Astonishingly good television. I'm devastated this is the last season.

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I didn’t know capitalism could be THIS entertaining…

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Shout by kgherdeg
BlockedParent2023-01-22T05:53:22Z— updated 2023-05-29T20:20:44Z

what an incredible journey that absolutely sticks the landing. some of the most complex and believable characters in tv history. i think this might be my favorite show of all time

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A great drama/comedy that kept me hooked.

I think its written and produced very well.

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Boring aborning Bornimg Boring Boring

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Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool

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Succession has some excellent writing which reminds me of The Wire, but not quite at the same level. It feels like some 'hints' are only dropped to mess with our heads and they don't lead anywhere in the end. Aside from this nitpicking, it's fun to watch the character development of Kendall and Roman especially, but maybe I just have a thing for underdogs.

Top the writing off with brilliant acting, witty one-liners, amazing cinematography, and voila, you've got yourself a really good show.

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I really don't get the obsession with Succession. Everyone in the show is truly despicable and easily hated. If I can't connect to any character, what keeps me watching? Is it just because people want to see rich people struggle, they want to toss all the one percenters into a bucket of "worst people alive because they have significantly more money than me"?

I got through four episodes, barely. The last two episodes I kept asking "why am I watching this?" and finally just pulled the plug, never to return.

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Every single god damn character in the show is a MAJOR god damn buttwipe and's hard to stop watching, because it's like a massive trainwreck. With multiple trains. Made of money. And lawyers. And corporate-intrigue. And screwed-up family-ties.

Friendly warning: you may find yourself glued to your display/TV for several days.

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please! Please! I beg you to never turn your phone on or get distracted when watching this series - it’s not even an ask it’s a fucking command. The soundtrack - orgasmic, the script - SO FUCKING SMART, the characters - written so complex yet so hated that you end up hating that you’re rooting for some of them. Give it time to settle in your system and then you’ll become so addicted that you’re already playing the next opening credits before the episode ends.

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Makes Dallas look like the teddy bear's picnic

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This series is great TV . Brilliant writing. Marvellous characters that are spectacularly portrayed by incredible acting performances.

Clever dialogue. This hits the spot. Can not wait for season 4.

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Lol most of these reviews don't understand the plot of the show. It's pretty good like The Newsroom was, I definitely recommend people who like succession to try The Newsroom

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If you like this show, you should watch The Newsroom

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Stunning, wonderful, repulsive, disgraceful, horrific, beautiful and hilarious in perfect equal measure. The goldfish bowl of the 1% is a masterpiece and already some of the best television ever made. A super solid 10/10 in so many ways. Enjoy from between the cracks in your fingers, it's a revoltingly exhilarating ride.

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3 seasons of going in circles with the same plot-line and every one is a self entitled narcissist - pulling plug after S3/Ep1
S1 - 8/10
S2 - 5/10
S3 - 2/10

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Brilliant I freaking love it. That cast amazing

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A great show to value the guillotine ... Eat the rich!

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I have watched shows on the CW that are much better than this. Brian Cox does not a 8 + show make. No offense to the CW or Brian Cox... only to the politics and acceptance of shows from HBO. May you be the last bastion of fake ratings in Hollywood.

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I can't believe the emotional pull HBO must have to get such great ratings with such trash writing... it's almost like a closed loop system and swallowing their own load. Brian Cox and the irony in his name carries the entire franchise which I hope stops with this zygote. We are not so lucky. Think of the unlikeable characters in this show and equate them to the so called creators of this show and that will be reality.

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That's my first time watching the show I'm in s1 and I literally hate everyone

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Now us Brits are infecting American television - can we please keep our smarmy, pretentious attempts at 'satire' away from people with genuine talent? The only parts which are worth anything were aped from the family dynamics of The Sopranos

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  • Story 4/5
  • Characters 5/5
    • Manace 5/5
  • Depth 4/5
  • Cast 5/5
  • Artistry 4/5
    • Music 5/5
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This show is 100% incredible. Its ability to make you give a crap about the problems of these revolting human beings is truly astounding.
The humour is on point, the drama is heart-wrenching, the performances are all award-worthy, the script is very witty, very smartly written.
What are you doing if not watching this.

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Every character is a dick but you can’t turn away. Good show. But so damn sloooow. I kept wishing this was on my tivo so I can use quick mode. Also not a racially diverse show.

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Literally no one in this show is likeable yet you can't fucking get enough of it.

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Midway through season 2 and the quality of this show can never be overemphasised. I’m usually gracious with these silly ratings, but when a show is this good I suddenly over critique and make sure it “earns” its score. But that’s because this show makes you feel uncomfortable. Especially Season 1, where you don’t know who’s who or what their agenda is, you can’t pinpoint who you like or who’s the John Snow and watch it play out as expected. Everything is just so well executed from the brilliant acting to the technical stuff with the annoying focus shifts.. all make it difficult not to be fully engrossed with the story.

Tom has to be one of the weirdest characters though. One minute you want to punch him, but then he’s hilarious in the next. Turning out to be the Phil Dunphy fan favourite.

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I just love it. It's so intense it almost feels perfect. I love characters and how they are portrayed. I even love the little odd moments from the more quirk characters. I haven't seen this quality in a while.

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Terrific show. Plenty of talent working as a unit, I love an ensemble cast focusing on telling a story, weaving their characters mini-dramas into the larger tapestry.

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When the show first started, I gave up after 3 episodes because I didn't get the appeal. But I decided to give it another shot, so recently I went back and by the end of the first season, I was hooked. The second season was even better.

An absolutely masterful look at power dynamics within one of the best ensemble casts I've seen in a while. The dialogue is just so brilliantly written, each character is so fascinating in their own way that it's always great to see them bounce off each other.

I can't wait for Season 3

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I really like the show. Brilliantly written.... IMO. Looking forward to the next season.

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Kieran Culkin is fun to watch.

And Greg's character cracks me up. Interested to see where this goes, but already at the second episode things were getting a bit slow and technical. I don't mind the financial mumbo jumbo myself, but not everyone in the room was into it.

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Drags on... rich white people, I get it.

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So far watched the first 3 shows - very good. Will definitely see this one till the end.
F-bombs a little over the top however (I'm NOT an anti-swear person), but just because you can, doesn't mean you HAVE to. Same with the stupid scene with Caulkin and the window... seriously? That's "entertainment"????

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