Shout by Justin Numerick

Succession 2018

Succession will be looked back on as one of the greatest shows ever, or at least it should be. Each season just got better and better, building to an incredible final season that was just knockout. Probably the best example of the power of writing combined with perfect dialogue/line delivery. Every performance elevates an already near perfect script, every character is devastatingly and perfectly understood, the tone is an incredible blend of drama and dark comedy, and even the technical aspects as far as directing and camera work was so engaging. The first season may have taken a bit for me to warm up to, but as I said, it only got better and better and better. Also one of the best examples of giving us a show full of awful people yet somehow managing to make us care about and root for them based on our own preferences and taste, not because of any redeeming qualities as the finale so perfectly exemplified, but because watching these people and their disastrous relationships is just so engaging. Tense, thrilling, hilarious, sincere, and wickedly smart.

9.5 // Outstanding

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