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Star Wars: Andor 2022

This is the best of the Star Wars shows.

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It was satisfying for me because it’s sort of Star Wars for grown-ups – it’s a more realistic and complicated society that they’re living in and the claustrophobia of the fascist regime is palpable. I think we have a good season ahead of us"

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Awesome story, characters, visuals, sound design, actors,.. Even the 'side' plots with characters that are not directly in contact with Cassian are interesting. This show feels likes quality. As someone not on board the Star Wars train (yet?), it was great !
The season 1 finale is especially good - every aspect of it. The funeral was moving, the music played by the banda was exceptionnal, the battle scenes were fascinating. I have to say my favorite scene of the whole series my be the advil ringer kicking a (I like to imagine out of breath) stormtrooper out the top of the tower. Hilarious.

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This show ruined Star Wars for me. It's my favourite Star Wars media and I know nothing will ever come close. It's not for everyone as it's quite the departure in style.

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When is season 2. I'm on the lookout for both this and Peacemaker.

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i need diego luna carnally

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I have never watched ANYTHING Star Wars in my life but I loved this. also, I need Cassian baaaaaaadddddd

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In contrast to the Star Wars tradition, Andor has somewhat complex political intrigue and characters, minimal gun gunfights, no light sabers. It shares Star Wars DNA in the setting, the conflicts, and the (exquisitely rendered) environments. If you go into this expecting Star Wars, be prepared to be disappointed or pleasantly surprised. In my opinion, it's better than most shows and movies in the Star Wars universe. But even still, outside of this Star Wars frame of reference, I'm not sure if I'd call it a "great" show.

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good show that expand in an interesting way the univers post Disney. have some issue but for the most part i find it s the best of the Disney show, it s well written, well played, and had some cool planets and decoration

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I don't think I'll ever finish this tbh. Unfortunately I cannot care about any of the characters and 80% of the episodes are quite frankly rather boring.

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made me wanna run through a brick wall to fight tyranny

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After watching the first 2.5 episodes after it was released and got bored from watching it I returned to e if it got better... And it did!

I just finished the season and I must say it's a darker more along the lines of 'The Expanse' style of Star Wars focusing on a very small portion of that world.

I'm glad I took the time and energy to come back to Andor. I'm now looking forward to season 2!

If you tried watching Andor to begin with push through the first 2-3 episodes and you will be surprised by this storyline. it clearly has No Kathleen Kennedy fingerprints on it.

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finally some good star wars tv

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I'm not that big a Star Wars fan. I cannot tell most of the characters apart. I have enjoyed Andor season 1. My favourite Star Wars tv show/movie so far.

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I hate the main character. He is so irredeemably unlikable, it's practically unfathomable that someone would write this, and it would get greenlit for production. Aside from being more boring than watching paint dry, one of the oddest things about this show, which is incredibly irritating, is the audio. In at least two of the first five episodes, they employed this background audio, which in one case sounded like a cellphone notification and in the other, a high-pitched squeal. I can't believe that no one caught this in post, b/c it's so hideous to listen to.

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These are not the comments you are looking for...

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For me the best spinoff, no lame, just a lot of intrigues, fights, and politics, yes, I think that's the biggest positive point here.

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Super boring show. I had to force myself to watch until the end. I'm actually dumbfounded as to why this show is getting good reviews.

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This may be the first star wars original show which gave me the clone wars vibe. THEY MADE IT REAL GUYS!!!

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Not just a "good star wars show" -- this is simply a fantastic show. All the leads are top-notch. Highly recommended.

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If you can forgive the first three episodes you'll be rewarded with a good show. It does what it says on the tin and gives us the very beginning of the conception of the Rebel Alliance.
The very end was shit though. I didn't get it (I may have to revisit this later).

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Ok. So the Rogue One creators need to do all the Star Wars now. Andor is outstanding. Best of the shows, even topping The Mandalorian. Dark, gritty, compelling. Outstanding characters and development. Truly capturing the early days of rising galactic fascism and those who would resist. Highly recommend.

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Star Wars fans don't deserve good things. you deserve The horrible prequel films you man-children love so much! never have I seen a show so perfectly explore what fascism does to people and y'all just don't get it?! why because Luke Skywalker isn't in it? grow up!

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No subtitles for episode 3. Why?

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The series starts very slow. It takes it time to get going somewhere. If compared to its dreadful peers like Book of Boba Fett then Andor is a true gem. When evaluated by itself, then it is a very decent series, but it really relies heavily on the StarWars canon. You need to know what 'the empire' is and who Palpatine is and why the empiral navy taking over on planets is so scary. Most people likely know. But you really do need that basis.
Anyway. Series. Starts slow, picks up after 3 or so episodes. The culimination of season 1 is superb, though it does not 110% fully makes sense that all main characters are bothering to travel to the same small city. I'll forgive the scenario writers lacking in that area, as it did bring a very nice final to season 1 and leaves me wanting for more.

Diego Luna is absolutely superb in his role. Kudos for that.

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OMG am I happy I've started watching this series. I never bothered until one evening I found myself extremely bored.
It's just very good. Maybe I'm over appreciating because I ignored it for so long.

I used to watch Star Wars for pure entertainment but this is something else really. I've never hated the empire this much. To me this tv show is more like a serious drama tv show. A high quality one. One without crap or nonsense. Just a good story and excellent execution, with lovely sceneries.

In fact, this could have been made in an entirely different setting (non star wars, or even non scifi) and it would still work, with some adaptations. That's how good and robust the story is. It's not relying too much on the Star Wars label. I would love to see this approach more often in the Star Wars universe.

I can't help but think they nailed it on the very first attempt of trying something drastically different.

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horrendous piece of bantha poodoo, this was

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Imagine if this was the movie we got before the last trilogy. Or did it take all the backlash from the last trilogy to get to where we are today?

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I don't remember the last time I enjoyed anything Star Wars this much. Probably Rogue One. The Book of Boba Fett was good, but the stuff Tony Gilroy makes just hits different

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Sorry but i'm not impressed with this show at all. and this is coming from a huge stars wars fan. gave it a 6. just found it boring.

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:heart: x7
This didn't follow the normal Star Wars TV show formula, which makes it stand out from the other series. The thing I seemed to notice for some reason was the music score of the show. Not sure I can quite put my finger on it, it just felt different and somehow better.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The second-best Star Wars show (Mandalorian is the best).
It gets better and better every episode, so stick with it.
Solid 8.5/10

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[Disney+] It offers everything expected of a "Star Wars" spin-off, after several failed attempts, without the need to use too many elements that make direct reference to the galactic saga. But above all it works as a perfect framework of political background thanks to the participation of Beau Willimon, creator of "House of cards" and screenwriter of "The Ides of March". An odyssey of transformation of a rebellious anti-hero who takes care of the portrait of the characters without making it feel like a too isolated story. An absolute success.

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A proper Star Wars TV show. This came out of nowhere. Whoever managed this entire thing needs to be showered in gold. This is how you take a great franchise and do it justice.

Excited for future seasons.

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More of a 8.5 than an 8. Some story arcs/conclusions could have been better but overall a very good package.

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This series is better than most Star Wars movies

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10/10. This was a slow starter but after the first few episodes it became clearer what it was about both in terms of structure and style and boys did it reward you. The writing was next level, it never slowed down and kicked so much asses and had so many clever dialogs I couldn't even count. If you ever think wow this is by far the best episode yet believe me you'll say it over and over again.

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I should probably come clean straight out of the gate, I think ROGUE ONE was the best of all the Star Wars movies. When I watched the pilot of this series, I thought, This feels like ROGUE ONE?!”, then I recognized the protagonist, then I noted that Tony Gilroy, of the movie, was writing the series, pluses all the way around. This was a masterful series, the performances, the cast (so many talented A-list cameos), the drama, the heart and the story arc, all working in concert to give us a superb production. I give this series a 9 (masterful) out of 10. [Drama Adventure]

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After making it through a rather slow and uninteresting start, the prison arc and the closing episode really made for a solid entry into the Star Wars universe. However, it wasn’t the best it could’ve been. I wasn’t a huge fan of the speed in which the first arc was handled, there was a bit too much setup without defining the characters importance or details in a succinct way. There were also a bunch of random episodes that were very much filler, without many events at all with just barely enough action to pass as an episode at all. In the end, the slow start and filler held down what could’ve been outstanding.

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Best Star Wars TV series yet. Just watched season finale...Bravo!

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A rather boring show. At least it did not come with a weird Boba Fett Gen Z biker gang …
Had low expectations and they were not exceded.

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Very, very good show. I think it might be the best Star Wars has to offer. I was hooked by the story of every single character and I could not ask for anything more. Knowing that almost all of them die before seeing the fruits of their labor makes me care for them even more. Love it

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Maybe the hype got to me, but for me this show wasn't a masterpiece. I think I liked 50% of the episodes. The show is really slow, predictable and even boring at times. The pacing really started to annoy me after the first few episodes. Luckily it picked up somewhat in episode 5 & 6, but after that I only really liked episode 10 and the finale. It's just taste and preference to be honest. I do understand and see why people love this show, it just wasn't always my cup of tea.

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so those confused by this show I would just say give it till the end. It's got great heart and I am for one looking forward to season 2. first few episodes I wasn't to sure but it sure grew on me.

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It took a while to get going but it ended up tense, thrilling and highly enjoyable.

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A really good Star Wars tv show!

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This is exactly what modern Star Wars should be.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2022-11-15T19:14:01Z— updated 2022-11-18T12:49:36Z

Is this really Star Wars? Where's the muppet show, fluffy animals and goofy droids? Where's the B-movie writing and acting? Where's the cheese?

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Boring don't feel like Star wars. Black people and women all over the galaxy now what happen to all creatures. The only human should be the main cast and clones.

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The best Star Wars show ever made. It’s even better than The Mandalorian.

You don’t know what you are missing out on.

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S1 Got off to a slow start, but now I'm completely hooked, great story, best star wars show I have seen to date. More like an adults Star Wars

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Nina Gold coming for her 5th Casting Director Emmy

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As far as this show goes... its getting worth and worth...

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This soap-opera in space needs more action. Also, lot’s of time it just doesn’t feel like Star Wars. It feels like…. Earth.

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Why so many worlds without aliens?

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I just watched the 7th episode. Uninteresting characters, endless boring dialogs, no action whatsoever, the protagonist is arrested out of the blue and put to prison for 6 years, for what exactly?? For just happening to be there. Ok, i am not buying whatever you are serving Disney, if you don't have to say something new to Starwars fans, please don't make yet another Starwars serial, just for the sake of it.

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By far the best Star Wars Disney has put out. Possibly the best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back. Instantly brings me back to reading EU novels in school, finding out about all the weird corners of the universe. Every single episode has dialogue that has me jumping on my couch. Star Wars doesn't deserve this show, but cannot go back to the shallow pool it's been wading in for years. Not that we know more is possible.

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Didn't think much at the start but now I'm loving every minute.

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I felt like the show had a slow beginning but it's getting better and better, the worldbuilding is fantastic.

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Meh.. I love everything Star Wars really - I even liked Obi Wan, but this is just extremely boring so far. I had high hopes because Rogue One was my top 3 after Empire and ROTJ. Too bad..

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Half the time I feel like I’m watching Galactic C-Span coverage talking about empire politics.

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In my opinion, this is the best Star Wars related thing released in a long time. It's very well done and it's got much more of a darker feel to it. It's not filled with all of these cliché chase and battle scenes that encompass most of the previous Disney releases. This actually has depth and story building mixed with great acting.

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Shout by {S}
BlockedParent2022-10-05T15:46:10Z— updated 2022-10-26T16:37:41Z

This show is atrocious. Dull and depressing, miserable characters, questionable acting, dark and muted colours, the list is endless... This doesn't look, feel or sound like Star Wars.

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It's great to see Mexican actors in the Star Wars universe. But so far this series is boring as a star wars story.

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what the hell this is good??

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Finally a good Star Wars tv show.

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First Star Wars with believable dialogues. For any Star Wars fan it's a 15/10.

If you are not a Star Wars fan - just skip it, you'll probably find it boring and slow.

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Shout by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2022-09-23T13:43:15Z— updated 2022-10-12T22:30:53Z

Not terribly impressed so far, but also not surprised. The more they try to churn out one Star Wars series after another it'll keep getting watered down and less interesting in the name of making a big cash grab using set pieces from the other several Star Wars shows out there.

I'm definitely going to give it the season to rate this, but it just isn't all that interesting for episodes 1 through 3.

I do love how the rating of this show is so high from people who voted for it before it ever aired though...

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What is it with all the ex eastenders actors in this?Cheap wooden ones.

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Rogue One Vibes. No Lightsabers. 9/10!

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Will keep watching but I am not impressed at all so far with episodes 1-3

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nice show. darker than the classic star wars

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Wow, this is excellent. Might be the best Star Wars show yet.

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When by episode two you start rooting for the bad guys.
btw this is Moses story, right, did I guess right?

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so, 2 episodes in and still have no clue what the fuss is about? what am i watching??

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I know Diego Luna will absolutely serve:muscle:

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it's so dead it's worth spending time making a comment on it. Star Trek was supposedly dead and look at it now

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Pssst... I have news for thee. Star Wars is dead. Sorry. This is not the series you are looking for, move along now.

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UPDATE: Disney+ “Star Wars” prequel series “Andor” will now premiere September 21. The debut was originally set for August 31.

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I hope this will be good!

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