Best episode so far, very entertaining.

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Hot damn! That was exciting! And, for me, this was one of the trekkiest Discovery episodes, so far. I enjoyed "Super Saru": even though that was somewhat tacky, it was also a pretty cool moment.
Nothing says Star Trek better than the Federation preventing genocide. Another race saved, hooray!

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2022-03-17T15:14:05Z— updated 2024-01-22T19:42:47Z

Yet another great episode and I loved how pike and the Discovery crew stood their ground,
gave me chillbumps.
Our Red Angel is super frickin awesome
Holy-shit that was an Epic
I swear this show can do no wrong,
best Trek of them all, to that
there is no doubt.

"So The Red Angel
Is A Humanoid In A Futuristic
Exo-Suit Advanced Far Beyond
The Federations Capabilities
And Knowledge You Say".

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Shout by Ro

What a delight to watch

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ooooh ...the game is afoot!

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I mostly enjoyed this episode. I never did like Saru much but I like him a little better now. They completely screwed General Order 1. They beat it like a red headed step child.

Now the Red Angle makes me think of Babylon 5. A dude in a space suit floating through time. He is the One. No. He is not the one.

I wasn't a fan of the bad guy race. I mean it did kind of look like a skinny Predator covered in oil. Wouldn't it be hard to make sophisticated technology while your are dripping black goo? Why would a race of black goo people design their ships with clean dry rooms and corridors?

I second the complaint about transporting through shields. It's not as bad as transporting across the galaxy like they do in the Kelvin movies but it's still irritating.

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General Order 1, General Order 1, until we have a figurative gun at our heads

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I'm not really fond of this episode. The history and relation between Kelpians and Ba’ul was very predictable. I had imagined that the Ba'ul could also be the Kelpians after their transformation, as the only alternative.

The Starfleet on the other hand acted pretty much nothing like they were supposed to. How they ignored the Prime Directive for some lame excuse was actually one of the lesser sins and is almost Star Trek standard.
But to transform a complete race without their knowledge or consent, ignoring the risks that those might face from the Ba'ul, with either a genocide or war as the result? Absurd.

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When you are up, you do everything possible to follow up

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A typical American insolence "because we know better".
On this poor planet it will end with the same "success" as on Earth it ended in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria!

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Lazy writing and some weird character makes this a pretty mediocre episode. Saru is probably my favorite character so its a huge disappointment.

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Predictable as hell and obviously the authors go out of their was to avoid any real action. Boring.

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I really enjoyed learning more about the Kelpians. That is much more interesting, much more Trek, than the "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" arc.
Couple of thoughts:
How can Saru beam down amidst red alert with raised shields? That's the stuff that drives me nuts, those small details.
Isn't intervention in the evolution of a species a prime excample for violation of the Prime....of General Order One? "No starship may interfere with the normal development of any alien life or society"
So is the "Red Angel" indeed a time traveler and will that be the explanation to make everything right ? After all the producers promised that at the end of S2 everything will be canon. But I must admit it raises some alarms with me.

All open for discussion.

And those director must be a huge admirer of JJ A because that lens flaring was at times unbearable.

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I'm the first kinda person to say hierarchy only works for people that deserve the respect but then again I'll never make it in an environment where hierarchy is everything. I can't even cut it in a normal work-environment at times let alone military command.
That said I would clearly have a ball on the Discovery and even get to do what I want on it. Pike gets his ass handed regularly by two individuals of lower rank and he just lets them off.

Let alone the fact a Klingon with a human skinsuit/graft is apparently all friendship bracelets now.

Anyways, I gave up on this show being Star Trek, cause it isn't. It's just something disguised as Star Trek and a lot of people seem not to care or ignore that it isn't Star Trek (a lot don't though). Oh wait... that's just like... this show is so meta!

And the red angel starts to look like Bernham more and more.

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I actually really enjoyed this episode. One of Discoverys best. But the Star Trek feel still eludes us.

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