Hmmmm, I'm I the only one wondering if the "Red Angel" is simply "Q" or another of the "continuum" in a more benevolent guise before they got tired of playing nice, nice with the inferior beings? Just a thought.

Well, I guess the old adage that "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it" really does prove true, for, how quickly the DISCO crew seems to have forgotten the consequences of the last time one of theirs put their foot down, drew a figurative line in the cosmos and "Fleetsplained", why it has to be our way or the highway, the highway in this case being another war with a species not uncomfortable with the complete annihilation of anyone or anything that gets in their way.

Could the Red Angel be like your third period gym teacher back in the pre-conflict resolution days, when they just strapped both antagonists into a pair of boxing gloves and said "have at it" until both parties were tired, crying, or just bloody enough to realize the whole thing was pointless and stupid. That would be an interesting take, if, the "Kids" weren't playing with weapons of mass destruction.

Hard to call the predators on Saru's planet 'the BAD guys, once you learned their lots were once reversed and THEY were once the "Saru Snax". (Saru doobie doooo...) Not that I approve of their methodology, but, I can understand their reasoning. After all, We once nuked a couple of Japanese cities to "prevent the loss of American lives". In 20/20 hindsight maybe not the most humane call, but again, I can understand the logic given the circumstances and thinking at the time.

As James Madison aptly stated, "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on the government would be necessary." "The great difficulty lies in this: You must enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place oblige it to control itself".

Here's to ALL of our BETTER angels, be they Human, Alien, or otherwise.....

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