I really enjoyed learning more about the Kelpians. That is much more interesting, much more Trek, than the "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" arc.
Couple of thoughts:
How can Saru beam down amidst red alert with raised shields? That's the stuff that drives me nuts, those small details.
Isn't intervention in the evolution of a species a prime excample for violation of the Prime....of General Order One? "No starship may interfere with the normal development of any alien life or society"
So is the "Red Angel" indeed a time traveler and will that be the explanation to make everything right ? After all the producers promised that at the end of S2 everything will be canon. But I must admit it raises some alarms with me.

All open for discussion.

And those director must be a huge admirer of JJ A because that lens flaring was at times unbearable.

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@finfan ahah! The lens flaring! I noticed the same. What an annoying and distracting trend...
I honestly don't know how the Federation reacts when confronted with genocide. Does the Prime, huh, General Order One prevail, or does the species about to be wiped out prevail, instead? What would Picard do? I seriously doubt he would let a whole civilization burn. I'm sure there were actual examples of this dilemma in previous Star Trek series, but my memory isn't good enough to recall any.

@misnomer Well, from where I stand, saving a species and then interfering in the evolution of said species is very much on opposing sides, and the actions taken contradicts itself.
One is very Starfleet the other is more playing god even if the intensions are good. It's a clichè but the road to hell.... Whatever you name it, the Directive has always been bend and Captains have been given leeway. But for my taste this was a bit too much.
For example, Picard was willing to fight for the Ba´ku and prevent their resettlement to uphold the Prime Directive against forces within the Federation. It's not the same scenario but a Picard aknowleding such a move as done by Pike ? I just can't see that.
