Absolutely excellent, probably the best episode of the season so far. Some real edge-of-your-seat enjoyment with stunning visuals.

  • This very nicely followed up on Saru's episode of Short Treks (which is now finally on Netflix, although it's hidden away). It seemed to me that Saru was becoming a bit unhinged at moments here but I think he did know what he was really doing, and acted in the best interests of keeping his crew safe. Still, he really did put the ship in danger when he started mouthing off to the Ba'ul when Pike was trying to communicate with them!
  • The design of the Ba'ul was incredible and effectively creepy. It reminded me a lot of the creature that killed Tasha Yar back in the classic TNG episode 'Skin of Evil'. I have to wonder if that was intentional.
  • Dr. Culber is clearly extremely uncomfortable with his new body and being back on Discovery. I can understand why Stamets might not particularly notice, but the other doctor really should be aware that Culber is going through severe stress/panic psychologically and be trying to offer him help in that regard. No way should he be resuming normal duties yet!
  • The Red Angel becomes more intriguing. A time travelling humanoid in a mechanical suit? Tell me more!
  • I had assumed that all the plant life growing in Saru's quarters was a holographic projection in the previous episode, but it appears to all be real here.
  • Tyler has settled in to a strange role, seemingly at one with the whole Section 31 philosophy mere days after joining up with them.
  • I still really want to know what the hell Airiam is!
  • Do humans drink tea? If Michael was British then she'd probably be correcting Siranna's brewing methods :p
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@lefthandedguitarist That second point you make - I was thinking about the same line. But remembering what Armus said about those who left him behind I'm not sure I could make a connection. But interesting line of thought.

@lefthandedguitarist I was getting some serious Alien vibes from that Ba'ul creature (and then the long hair over the "face" made me fearful of Sadako/Samara, instead). But that Skin of Evil theory is definitely interesting and makes some sense. Anyway, I really liked your comment and I wholeheartedly agree that this was one of the best Discovery episodes, yet!
Also, what the hell is Airiam, indeed! I thought it was just my ignorance, not knowing the origin of that character, but I guess the ignorance is purposely generalised. Intriguing character!
