Well, I can safely say this episode was the best since the start of the season, though, it is very dark, it reminds me of some of the old star trek episodes.

I want to have faith, did you cry at the beginning of the episode? :(
If I have a path, I am still searching for it, that was good!

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2022-03-17T13:53:39Z— updated 2024-01-22T14:38:00Z

Sensational episode and we went
in for one and came out with two,
now that's what starfleet is all about,
"The Save".
I LOVE the voice overs makes everything seem more epic, as if it's not epic enough anyway.
I just love how every episode is like watching a feature length movie, I just love everything
"Star Trek Discovery"
I'm glad May is gone for good now,
because for the first time this episode
she started to Annoy me, especially when
she pulled a type 3 phaser on one of
our own, a very beloved one at that.
what I will miss however with May
is the way she talks with her accent,
as she sounds exactly like
"Kendra the Vampire Slayer"
from "Buffy" lol lol.
This phenomenal show can do no wrong.
This Show just keeps moving forward.
I'm watching Leland though,
do I fcuk trust him,
I love how Philippa keeps him in
check and accountable.
l loved how Philippa hissed like
a Snake at Michael after her
comment lol.
This episode was epic and
this show is so fcuking cool.
Best Trek Ever.
(next episode
"Hit It").

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It was like watch a movie. A movie episode. This is not TNG but it is the Discovery way. Something else. I started to be used to.

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Shout by Ro

Well, well.
Anthony Rap will have a great workout soon

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Shout by kinky

Everyone's so worried about Section 31 being out in the open, just like that, but no one snaps knowing this was the first time ever we saw littering aboard a Federation starship?

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This series needs less dialogue on the brink of distruction.

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It annoys me that everyone seems to know about Section 31 when almost no one should know. Every time they ignore canon for no good reason it makes me want to track the writers down and slap the shit out of them.

Section 31 is suppose to be more like mission impossible than special forces. Carefully making little adjustments to keep the Federation safe and going in the right direction without anyone knowing.

I thought bringing the doctor back was a stretch.

Episode 2 this season was good progress for this show. This episode was not.

I would have liked more interaction with Pike, Michael, Georgiou

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The contrived way that they've reintroduced Georgiou and Tyler to the show is clunky at best and really, really stupid at worst. Either one of them just happening to be what they are and where they are would be bad enough, but to have them both there is so unbelievable and unlikely that it's almost a dealbreaker for me. It's more like bad fanfic than anything else. Add in the fact that Burnham's tedious voiceovers are getting more and more pompous (which I wouldn't have thought possible) and you have a recipe for really annoying me. As for plot specifics here, the way that everyone on Discovery patiently and quietly stands by while the ship is being destroyed was also beyond stupid and only served to conveniently allow Stamets and Culber to have their overlong and tearful (and as fanfic-ish as the other stuff) reunion. In reality, Pike would have been saying "Get the hell back here NOW!" at least five minutes earlier. So yeah, I didn't like this one much at all and would be at the point of bailing if I didn't like this Pike so dang much.

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Rescuing a partner is sometimes dangerous, secrets even more

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Did not care for this episode. Really disliked everything about it. May’s voice is one of if not the most annoying thing ever.

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Hopefully this Tilly storyline is now over for good because it's been BAD.

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Another boring and stupid episode. Tilly is as annoying as Wesley. And to top of it all they brought back that useless fucker.

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Worst episode yet. I hoped second season will be better, I guess I was wrong.

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Section 31 is an elite secret force used to keep the Star Fleet in tact. Why is Ash Tyler, who was part of the Klingon Empire, now part of Section 31? This is not how Section 31 should function.

Section 31 also does not answer to Federation Admirals. Why is this Section 31 guy apologizing to a Star Fleet Captain?

Section 31 had a tractor beam engaged only to not having Discovery need it. Why is Section 31 even in this episode?

This is the second time they pulled the bait and switch with Spock.

Happy to see Hugh back. Loves the character. Could they use the same process to bring May back?

I liked where the series was going, but this episode got a number of things wrong. Discovery can do better.

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This was a GREAT episode. And I'm saying that because YES MY BOY IS BACK <3

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Shout by Reiko LJ

I don't know why but Anthony Rapp has got such a slappable face. Maybe it's because I know how insufferable he was back in the Rent days. I just don't vibe with him or his scenes.

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This season is all over the place. There are some spectacular visuals and cool ideas intertwined with pathetic dialogue and drama. They need to lose the voicovers. I know it's supposed to be star trekie but they're just cringy.

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what is in the right mind, to flashes black badges to public as of what ash do?
it is deteriorate the meaning of 'never been know there's such section'

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