I liked the episode with the proviso that, HOPEFULLY, this is part of the end game of a long story arc, and NOT the writers throwing stuff against the wall hoping that something will stick. They are still quite schizophrenic as far as deciding what direction they want to take this show, either, "to boldly go where no Trek has gone before", or to play is safe, try to appease and not alienate the Trekkies, and whenever some particular viewers segment has a hissy fit, backtrack, throw in a little timey whimey, mycelial network voodoo, and course correct in a bid to try and keep everyone happy.

Personally I prefer the "First star to the right, and on till morning" approach, that is, pick a fracken path, and stay on it till the nacelles fall off, but, that's just me. I realize they are trying to make this show work, but, they, like a LOT of studio heads, realize that the old tired format was just that, old and tired, yet, there are those who continue to cry and moan whenever anything "not canon" is presented, so, they take two hesitant steps forward, then, in a panic, dust off another old character, even if it means JLP coming back ala Professor X in a dilithium powered wheel chair, or Pike without his, all the while teasing us with beta murder death kill version of Spock, who, will probably be the biggest letdown since Geraldo opened that safe....

Meanwhile Poor Tilly is suffering from the fungal version of Stockholm Syndrome, after being spoor spooged, mind fondled, dissolved, reconstituted, and then disgorged, sputum covered into another dimension, then has like 30 seconds of WTF anger, followed immediately by "How can I help", delivered in that tone that makes you want to slap it right out of the mouth of the person that uttered it.
Maybe it's just me, but, I like to at least like to have dinner and a movie before breaking out the body butter and latex.

Back on DISCO, NOT Georgiou, goes toe to toe with Michael (I AM my brothers keeper) Burnham, and her drop of an apple non verbal "if you're feeling froggy,.... jump, reply, told me all I needed to know if and when bets are ever being taken for that future throw down.

And, since old friends have been discovered and resurrected, does this mean all is forgiven and we'll get to see a big ol group hug with Staments, Burnam, Voq / Ash and might be Hugh? Hopefully it wont depend on this weeks Q score, and they already have that figured out.

One can only hope......

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