Remember the story of the boy who cried wolf? If you don't: google it. But the second I heard Spock was gonna be "captured" I knew it wouldn't be Spock (regardless if this Spock is actualy the REAL Spock).
Remember secret organisations that work in the shadows? If you don't: google Bilderberg and other. But apparently everyone knows who and what Section 31 was. It was one of the many awesome things introduced in DS9 (it's where I remember it first from) and allowed such incredible options. In here it's just the CIA, but less covert in their covertness. Hell, here's a special badge so everyone can recognise you.

It's sad to realize you want a show you've loved for decades to fail so they can get back on track to become the show you love in the first place. Give the fans the real Star Trek back, hold canon, stop rewriting the past to fit your narrative. Respect what came before, learn from it and move on from that to please everyone. I do not understand why they feel the need to destroy what was... Does it all have to do with IP, copyright and 25% difference?

- Missed opportunity to have it been called Article 13 but I guess the people in charge would love to see that come to pa$$.
- So this episode was basically another touchy feely love story in which people say goodbye to eachother with another surprise solution cuz Burnham
- Glad to see Pike finally giving some orders that have some gravitas. Even if it is to Ty... no wait, Tyler DIED and is a skin-puppet for Voq. But sure, remnants, sure...
- So I guess Pike didn't rip out all the holograms... Hey, CBS, if you do reshoots to appease the angry masses and have your character say "we'll rip out these holo-ghosts" maybe... don't use them anymore? You try but with so little effort it offends even more.
- The way people look at Burnham when she steps on the bridge is getting old. Burnham sucks.
- Watching this show makes me feel like I was back at my old work, where I suddenly found myself surrounded by young people who couldn't stand me saying things how they were, who insisted on having "positive vibes" even though they (unknowingly?) participated in bringing the mood down. Everyone on this show is patting themselves on the backs, everyone is cheering everyone else but they're not seeing that they're the most unfriendly bridgecrew since... ever. And passing the fourth wall, they don't realize (or refuse to realize) the sinking ship they're in.

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