The contrived way that they've reintroduced Georgiou and Tyler to the show is clunky at best and really, really stupid at worst. Either one of them just happening to be what they are and where they are would be bad enough, but to have them both there is so unbelievable and unlikely that it's almost a dealbreaker for me. It's more like bad fanfic than anything else. Add in the fact that Burnham's tedious voiceovers are getting more and more pompous (which I wouldn't have thought possible) and you have a recipe for really annoying me. As for plot specifics here, the way that everyone on Discovery patiently and quietly stands by while the ship is being destroyed was also beyond stupid and only served to conveniently allow Stamets and Culber to have their overlong and tearful (and as fanfic-ish as the other stuff) reunion. In reality, Pike would have been saying "Get the hell back here NOW!" at least five minutes earlier. So yeah, I didn't like this one much at all and would be at the point of bailing if I didn't like this Pike so dang much.

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