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Midnight Mass 2021

I thought this show was absolutely wonderful. It is a meditation on religion, and explores every facet of it. It certainly is a slow burn though, so if a slow burn + religion is a turn-off for you, then I don't know how much you can get out of this show.

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Definitely enjoyed it, really wanted more

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I still haven't watched Mike Flanagan's House of Usher but I can seriously say, without a doubt, that I am a fan. Really big fan. I am not into religion at all, so you'd think this type of show would turn me off. Also it has a LOT of verbal diarrhea, probably a bit more than the Haunting series and at times, it is way too slow. But it's such a nitpicky thing to me that I will not rate this lower than ten. Zach Gilford is fantastic, Kate Siegel is fantastic but man, Hamish Linklater.... what a gift. He was enthralling from start to finish.

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The best series ever that touches topics of religion and its messages.

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Classic Flanagan. It's just perfect.

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Almost quit watching cuz I thought it was just another horror show. Boy was I wrong. I was totally hooked after second episode, especially because I was raised Catholic.

I’ll watch again soon bits THAT good.

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This was an absolute masterpiece!
I won't say much as to spoil, but how they intertwined religion, life, death and horror is amazing.
ALSO Zach Gilford gives one of the BEST monologs I have ever heard/saw!

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Shout by Fiqih
BlockedParent2021-10-05T08:04:31Z— updated 2021-11-23T06:27:22Z

It seems that this series was very suitable for adherents of any religion, that a blind fanatic of a religious teaching can be more dangerous than an atheist, agnostic, or infidel. Those who are blind fanatics can even justify spilling the blood of others.

So, who is the real sinner?

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Horror show.

Passion project by Mike Flanagan whose last two projects were fucking fantastic.

Rahul Kohli.

Shit, that's all you had to say.

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it's a hard watch. It's slow, wordy character development will have you often asking "what's the point?" It's a story about religious interpretation and how ones interpretation of religion determines what's evil. This asks "Is our interruption wrong? and what if what we considered to be an incorrect interpretation is what's actually right?" This is a dark show that questions religious beliefs. If that interests you then it's worth watching. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was a movie or a 4hr mini series, as it tends to drag especially through the first 3 episodes but the premise is thought provoking enough to warrant interest through til the end.

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I really hope Netflix keeps coming with this quality of TV Series.

From the characters build up to the dialogue to the moment when the ancient angel vampire is revealed to the whole community in the Easter Vigil Mass. This series was a freaking masterpiece. Netflix definitely nailed it with this one. And I’m so glad they made it as a Limited Series instead of most likely ruin it, if it was made as a multiple season series. This was just the right amount of episodes, the pace of the show was on point, the dialogue of Riley Flynn with Erin Greene talking about what happens when you die, to every part of Riley and Father Paul as well as Father Paul to every mass he gave. It was just chilly but at the same time you couldn’t stop listening, it felt like everything was real instead of reading a script. Great job to every main actor leading this show till the end, Samantha Sloyan as Bev Keane was incredible in her sinister character… Damn, she indeed made me hate her, that’s when you know someone is doing a great job on their character.

Can’t recommend this show enough!

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Finally got around to finishing this show. It's really good but not worth spending 7 hours on honestly. 80% of the show consists of monologues. I mean there are some truly great ones but most of them are unrealistic and way too pretentious for my liking. That said though, I really like how it highlights some of the most poignant issues with Christianity, or religion in general, without necessarily feeling like attacking it. As someone growing up in a devoutly religious family, I appreciate this show on a personal level despite the preachiness and pretentiousness. If this was cut into a film, I would probably rate it higher. But if you're a fan of slow burn horror with satisfying ending, this show is for you.

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Quick and fun watch.. I don't know what's scarier.. monsters or religion

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AWESOME! Good Job with this one.

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the best thing to happen in this entire show was watching Bev Keane burst into flames. racist bitch. and poor Joe

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1) No way they don’t see all this happening and don’t immediately think vampires right??
2) I hate Bev I despise her in every show she’s in
3) I adore Mike Flanagan and everything he makes. This series was fairly different than his others very slow getting to the craziness but as usual wonderful.

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This is a whole other level of fucked up! Absolutely loved it.

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Underrated show. One of the best Netflix has.

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Watching this at Easter was a great choice. The story happens on the same time and it has all the ingredients of the Flanagan formula. Horror, misteries , special atmosphere and intense characters . It also plays with our beliefs and, most of all, to the way we relate with religion. An amazing limited series that truly progresses from episode to espisode, finishing in an intense finale.

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It’s not for all tastes. A slow build. Lots of religious content. Some excessive monologues. But it’s worth it. It’s building to something, and it pays off. It’s high quality, thought provoking horror. If it was 2 episodes shorter with less of the excesses that slow it down, it would be exceptional horror.

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As with all Mike Flanagan stuff, this is a show about the human spirit, about love, loss, all things held dear and about the humanity in us. Wrapped in a veneer of horror. The finale was a bit drawn out and preachy; the show could have been 6 episodes but I appreciate what it's trying to do and it pulls a lot of it off. If you like Mike Flanagan stuff, don't miss this

For anyone who liked this one, I highly recommend the anime Shiki which does a lot of what this does and very well but takes much longer to get there

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Oh yeah, this is FANTASTIC. Someone in one of the comments said it had too much religion. It treats religion in one of the most appropriate ways I've ever seen. It's also got one of the most original premises that I've seen. Better than both of Flannigan's "Haunting" series IMO.

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[Netflix] Mike Flanagan's less terrifying and more reflective series debate on faith, defines the figure of God from the perspective of the theodicy of Saint Augustine, which finds divinity in its relationship with humanity. Although it delights too much in its own dialogues, there are elements of reflection that look to the malleability of the sacred texts, that can be interpreted from moderation or from extremism.

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I would love to attend the Midnight Mass at Crockett Island! 8/10

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Shout by Magenof

Decent show but should we assume they live in a world without vampire movies and stories? You see that thing and think Angel?!

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Buried under its monologues and overlong runtime, is a treasure trove of thoughts about death, guilt and peace. The monologues delivered were an absolute joy though.

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it was boring till episode 4 ... i would have cut a lot of unnecessary scenes and set it to a 4 episode mini series , acting is good but not emotional enough , kinda predictable but still enjoyable

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Quite an interesting, non-obvious plot of bloodsuckers. ;)

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Hot take: Out of all Mike Flanagan's work, this is his best, most engaging, and most terrifying one yet. Monsters, ghosts, and zombies don’t scare me, but people who misuse religion for sinister reasons do.

I went into this one blind, and so should you. Trust me, it is terrific. Also, shout out to the actors who memorize vast blocks of text during monologues. As an actor myself, I couldn’t imagine tackling that.

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Watchable but i think it would have probably worked better as a film because the pacing drags at various points during the series.

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Enjoyed every episode, and I loved the tunes especially Holly Holy.

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Hamish Kinklater steals the show, even though his character's trajectory isn't always convincing. Not convinced by ending, either, but watchable nonetheless.

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Who else wished Sam and Dean Winchester were on that island?

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If you can ignore a major plot hole amongst a few others, slow-paced, interesting yet irritating, religious propaganda-driven plot, you might just find this show enjoyable:thinking:
Perhaps schools in small islands don't include Vampirism in their syllabus! Perhaps there's no cable TV or internet there!:rofl:

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Everything this (half) season of American Horror Story should've been. Plus 20 extra minutes of rambling dialogue per episode just in case you doubted the cast had an amazing ability to memorize so many lines.

The last two and a half hours are easily among the best episodes of the year, however, not everyone might drag themselves through those 15-page-long scenes and the sequence shots just to show off some seagulls leading to that A+ climax. Rewarding, but too contemplative a build-up.

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Okay show with great acting, but it certainly drags on. I felt that this show was begging for a tight 6 episodes rather than the very long 7.

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Interesting story, but way way way way way way to drawn out. Could have been a great 3 hour movie.

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Pretty trippy story, but the message was just too cringy.

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Slow, sometimes boring, once again they mixed several ideas from different movies, that Is ok but again a bad ending, I love vampire series but this one use the vampire Lore just to justify the script.

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Fair but probably
to generous.
I absolutely love
Mike Flanagans works
that guy is a genius and
knows how to tell a story.
That being said this just
didn't do it for me,
nothing in it worked for
me at all, very very
Underwhelming and just
not that interesting,
I was bored 75 percent
of the time.
and If I hear
"It's an Angel" one
more time
I'm going to lose my Shit.
Definitely not
Perfectly Splendid
it was barely okay.

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Painfully slow build-up for an underwhelming payoff. The 7+ hours should have been trimmed by about half if that's all they were going to do with it. The actors do their absolute best to carry it and they barely keep it together at some points - way too many by the end.

It's truly a shame because the supernatural element seemed very interesting to fall short like it did for me.

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Veeery slow with looong "meaningfull" talks. Nonethenless the foundation of the story is a good one.

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Quite slow. Flanagan has a clear ability to do suspense very well or to bore you till death. It's worth the opportunity though, but it is not going to scare you. And if you're an atheist, it most certainly doesn't make you question your beliefs. Eternity is the word most used in this series, but it only describes the monologues of Erin.

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So a priest goes on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, enters a cave, finds a creature there that preys upon him, turns him into a vampire and he's like IT'S AN ANGEL OF THE LORD I am saved. There's misinterpretation and there's plain stupidity, which made it very hard for me to enjoy the series.

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Parts of this show are really really great. The acting was superb, the slow reveal was great, and even SOME of the monologues were fantastic (most of the church ones were awesome, and I am agnostic). Other monologues felt out of place and very unrealistic. The last 2 episodes were filled with classic bad decision making wholly to help move the story a certain way. I would not recommend this show to anyone unless they were really bored and didn't have much else to do.

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started off interesting but gets pretty dark

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I watched the other two Netflix shows made by Flanagan and found them very good, with an interesting story and developed characters, good balance between character development and paranormal elements. This series starts off well, but after discovering "the mystery", the series becomes meaningless. On the other hand, the development of the characters is not good, their stories are not attractive, and it suffers from including too much religious content. It has not been a good choice for a show, although Stephen King fans may find something of interest.

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Sadly, my recommendation is to skip this.

The worst, nastiest, vile, monster in this series was Bev Keane. I had a really hard time watching, tolerating that character.
There are also way too many long boring monologues. And it's also quite slow-moving.
How could anyone see a vile demonic-looking Vampyre and think "Angel". If anything any person with half a brain cell would think "Demon".

Also, the Father Paul character who was so invested in what he was doing for 6 episodes, has a very sudden change of heart in the last episode - not hardly likely.

But I suppose that some folks out there will like this nonetheless - it's definitely not for me tho.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The last episode ruined all what was build, as little as it was, in previous episodes.

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Mhmhm, Netflix. I'll watch 1-2 episodes but it will probably suck

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awful acting, awful boring monologues and awful special effects, I mean, do they actually know how old people look? the makeup is just so terrible.... this should have been a three episode series...

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I really had to roll my eyes when this show, which was probably 2 episodes too long, turned into a zombie attack show.

The first 2 episodes were interesting, the next 2 felt like fillers and then not long after that, the "zombies" appeared. Spare me.

It really felt like this was a movie script that someone decided to turn into a tv show.

It could have been an all time great and I suspect it will have a cult following in decades to come........ but I'll never get that time back.

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Very slow moving, and WAY too much religion - I had to fast-forward through a lot of tedious monologue. Couldn't finish the 3rd episode - don't care what it was all about.

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Do not watch, extremely bad acting, a very boring script

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This is PURE SHIT MIXED WITH TRASH, the WORST show i have ever watched! I hate myself for forcing watching the 7 episodes, killed my time, this is GARBAGE

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I wish I hadn't watched ... fast forwarded 98% of every Episode - with a very predictable anti-climatic ending ... don't waste your time on this show.

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Incredible. So well written, directed, acting... I sincerely can't think of anything I would change or err on.

One of the series biggest strengths is the environment it creates and wraps you in. To that end, do yourself a favor and dedicate time to watching this.

Don't let it play in the background, you'll miss a large part of the experience.

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I didn't see the original film, just casually start it and I originally thought I am watching something else - how it relatively slowly unfolded, a bit of strangeness here and there, was really entertaining for me. A kind of comicness of it was accurately peppered in. How the angel reacts to blood is quite similar to how my guineapigs react to the salad I have to say...The philosophically-religionistic aspect of this show is great too.

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A really nice take on a well trodden tale. The old testament spin on a story that's been told a thousand times is really quite special. I won't spoil it at all but when you get to the bit that makes you think that it's all getting a bit silly, stick with it. It works it's way through. Kudos Mr Flanagan, another top effort.

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Mike Flanagan is the king of heartbreaking, doomed characters. Not the best or the worst show, but I thought Riley and The Sheriff were fantastic. At least I'm glad I watched it for them.

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Shout by Strykar

This was like a Stephen King adaptation, but a flawed one. Stories like this don't work in modern day. One glaring plot hole is how does nobody in this universe know what a vampire is?

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I loved this show! Give it a chance folks!

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What a great show with superb acting. Loved how they connected the Bible with the plot. I pretty sure there is a big morale behind it. 10/10

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