Review by abel

Midnight Mass 2021

The first episode was superbly slow to me, but it does show all the important characters on the island to keep track of for later. After episode one, every subsequent episode gets better and better. Throughout the show, I would say there are a lot of slow parts and long, verbose monologues and religious tirades - enough that I could just scroll Tw*tter mindlessly while listening to the dialogue and hop back in when something started happening. If they could have cut those parts down and just kept the parts where important things were happening, I think the show would have been a lot more enjoyable overall. But when something interesting does happen, it hits hard.

The ending was pretty touching, left open enough that you can speculate on what happened next. I also thought the mythology was intriguing (again, wish they'd expanded more on this and cut out some of the boring stuff), especially the 'angel'. Maybe I would have liked some speculation from the characters about why the fuck God made his servants so fucking ugly and monstrous??? Honestly, maybe that thing was a demon. How would we know? It never spoke or said "be not afraid" or anything... Maybe it would have been even more interesting for it to have spoken and been more of a ~character~ in the story, though its role is already useful in its own way. There's a lot to speculate about, lore-wise, which is cool.

Overall, I think this is a decent show that needs some real patience to get into. You need to be drawn into it for one reason or another to get through that first episode. Personally, I went in blind and thought this was just a drama or something but once I saw scary events happening, I stayed for the horror (which it does deliver on). I think anyone who wants to watch this also needs a decent mental constitution for death, blood, animal death, cannibalism, vampirism, and those kinds of things. Just lots of death and talk of it - it's a huge theme. Also religion. If you don't have some interest in religion or if you dislike the topic, I think this show would be very off-putting. It's worth it if you can handle all of that.

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