Review by Ranchpig

Midnight Mass 2021

Amazing show from start to finish. So unusual and unique and well done. Actors who are mostly unknown yet give compelling performances, cinematography, sound design, even the low budget effects were decent though the makeup is pretty shoddy. The star of the show is the script. Spoiler: Vampire Priest who thinks he's doing the will of God
The pacing at the beginning is perhaps a little slow, but character development is thorough. The 2nd act is brilliant with the revelation of the main plot. Everyone did a splendid job building the tension into revealing the main story. The ending was a little unrealistic, a little chaotic, and a little predictable, but in all honesty, wasn't a horrible way to wrap it up. At least there was satisfying closure even if it was a bit campy. But to me that's what made me forgive it. It was finished. So many shows feel obligated to throw in a cliff hanger in hopes of a continuing story. This story was complete and really well done. I'm so surprised this missed my radar.

I think people who come from a religious back ground will get most of the Bible references, especially if they were brought up devout. To uninitiated, it will be somewhat foreign. Some have complained about the pacing. I think that's a byproduct of current film/tv making. There are uninterrupted scenes that are minutes long. This is unheard of in modern film. Even less so in TV. We are so used to shots bouncing around in under 5 seconds. It's a style I particularly find over-used and annoying (along with shaky cam). But I can see how people find it harder to watch. Try going back to the great movies of the 50s or 60s. 10 or 15 minute scenes. So to me it felt natural and where used it was particularly poignant dealing with heavy metaphysical contemplations.

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