Shout by Arturo B.L

Midnight Mass 2021

I really hope Netflix keeps coming with this quality of TV Series.

From the characters build up to the dialogue to the moment when the ancient angel vampire is revealed to the whole community in the Easter Vigil Mass. This series was a freaking masterpiece. Netflix definitely nailed it with this one. And I’m so glad they made it as a Limited Series instead of most likely ruin it, if it was made as a multiple season series. This was just the right amount of episodes, the pace of the show was on point, the dialogue of Riley Flynn with Erin Greene talking about what happens when you die, to every part of Riley and Father Paul as well as Father Paul to every mass he gave. It was just chilly but at the same time you couldn’t stop listening, it felt like everything was real instead of reading a script. Great job to every main actor leading this show till the end, Samantha Sloyan as Bev Keane was incredible in her sinister character… Damn, she indeed made me hate her, that’s when you know someone is doing a great job on their character.

Can’t recommend this show enough!

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