We finally find out what Hodor means! cries

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Shout by Lydia

Arya went back for Needle and I cannot to see her became a badass warrior now and kill The Waif, Daenerys speech at the end was everything that I have ever wanted, Game of Thrones has to stop being to bloody amazing all the time

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Can't believe that this show is still getting better and better!!

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I knew he'd come back this episode to be honest xD
Emilia Clarke as always surprising us. WHAT A PERFORMANCE. That ending scene, wow gave me the chills. She always does. The star of this week :D
Kings Landing plot is really pissing me off. Like I wasn't already hating this storyline, now the faith and crown form an alliance?
I can't even :| Just destroy the faith and get it over with. In the words of the Mad king "BURN THEM ALL" xDD
Kinda puts the episode down tbh. Remember when Kings Landing was awesome? I miss that :(
I'm glad Arya saved Lady Crane's life. And I'm glad she's not a "No one" either haha. Excited for her fight with The Waif.
Can't wait for her and the rest of the Starks to reunite. It's gonna be like the Jon and Sansa moment but with steroids ^_^
Nice episode overall. 8.5/10

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That last scene gave me goosebumps. Queen Dany does it again!

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For the love of God!
That was an amazing ending!
I adore badass Sam!
Arya, what the hell are you doing??
Benjen is back! Bran you needs to do something memorable. It will be the only thing than makes me forgive him about Hodor.
Am I the only one who wants to hit the "king" on his face?

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Shout by chair

Totally called that it's Benjen as soon as I saw the rider. It just clicked in my head. So happy to see that fucker. Benjen's back. Tell a friend.

I think Arya's training and becoming a no one storyline was hella rushed while still dragging at times? Hopefully I will forgive and forget it once she starts kicking ass.

Sparrows need to get rekt. Like seriously. Or at least make them take a shower. I feel like it will change things. I always feel like a new person after some good old scrubbing.

Oh and Dany and the dragons are my sexuality.

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Shout by Ro

Cersei Lannister: "Stand at the head of our army where you belong, where Father wanted you. Show our men where their loyalties belong. Show them what Lannisters are, what we do to our enemies. And take that stupid little castle back because it's ours and because you can."

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Shout by Deleted

To sum up this episode in a word: anti-climatic. I'd call it a filler episode and one of the worst at that, but it actually progresses the plot in major ways and makes good on things that have been building up this season: Sam's trip back home, sparrow's punishment for the queen and Arya's journey with the faceless men. It's just that all of those plot threads, along with the new ones and characters introduced, were dull and largely unsatisfying. There were no memorable scenes, be it emotional, dialog driven or action. Not every episode can be a banger like last week's but this isn't even a filler episode so it should be more interesting and exciting than this. One of, if not, the weakest episode in the series -- any yeah, it's still pretty good.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked a lot the arya scene, she understood cersei in that moment. and saved lady crane. Now has to run xD
I got spoiled the Benjen part but well I can't deny I love seeing him back
The sept scene was expected...
The tension in HornHill OMG. WELL DONE RANDYLL.

Didn't liked the dany scene.... too much fanservice.

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The legendary Coldhands aka Uncle Benjen Stark :D

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Joffrey was cruel and cowardly. Tommen is a fool and a coward. I am surprised at how manipulable this boy is. But I need to acknowledge that the High Sparrow made a master move by taking the King to his side. Nobody expected this.

Arya's storyline is getting more amazing each episode.

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It was a nice episode with lots of dialogue and character development. The ending with Margaery was surprising, it is unclear whether she really "found religion" or just uses it as a part of her political play.

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I wanted Queen Maergery naked... WHYYYYY !?

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That Aria, that Cersei, that Kalesi

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GoT S06E06
General Plot: 6/10
Single Plots:
King's Landing (6/10)
Daenerys Targaryen (5/10)
Bran Stark (6/10)
Samwell Tarly (5/10)
Walder Frey (6/10)
Arya Stark (6/10)

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I feel like this episode was just a filler for the next one.

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Shout by Deleted

Now that's the kind of episode I expect from season 5. Don't disappoint me, Game of Thrones.

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Fuck Daenerys, I hope it never be queen of westeros.

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Shout by tiagoaph

Wait, let me just fetch the dragon that I got there hidden in the corner...

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you may say that season 6 of got spoiled us because every episode is so powerfull on its own.. this episode was just.. ''meh''... nothing really important happened.. just side stories that needed to be seen...

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ohh, Coldhands it's here

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Now I wish Joffrey was alive. Spineless Tommen. He don’t deserve to be a king.

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The ending felt repetitive. Another "yas queen/look at my dragon" moment. Yawn. Just get to King's Landing already, geez.

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Benjen is finally back! Kinda expected him tho, not that surprising lol

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Shout by Deleted

Yasssss uncle Benjin is here to help

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I mean it's cool and all but the Daenerys subplot is sooooo repetitive.

And is it just me or Lady Crane was really that hot. :sob:

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