This episode was kind of disappointing. It may have to do with the fact that the previous one was possibly the best episode in the series, but regardless it didn't further the plot much, and it gave us an unexpected twist in the kings landing plot, where it seems that Margery has turned to support the faith that imprisoned her and her brother. This doesn't make sense as an action from this character, unless of course in a future episode this proves to be the case of using the faith to further her cause (that I admit would redeem this episode somehow). That the teenage king do whatever she says makes sense. Daenerys plot hasn't been furthered much. The re-appearance of the dragon is always dramatic, but she already had enough loyalty from her men, after they witnessed the unburned in action. She didn't really need the dragon to convince them to ride the wooden horses. Finaly Brans plot remains de attached from the rest, although we are finally starting to suspect that he may play a part in the battle against the white walkers. The return of Benjen has potential, and he can possibly act to unite the north under the Starks, as he could possibly fill the need for a strong lead in the Starks plot line.

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