I knew he'd come back this episode to be honest xD
Emilia Clarke as always surprising us. WHAT A PERFORMANCE. That ending scene, wow gave me the chills. She always does. The star of this week :D
Kings Landing plot is really pissing me off. Like I wasn't already hating this storyline, now the faith and crown form an alliance?
I can't even :| Just destroy the faith and get it over with. In the words of the Mad king "BURN THEM ALL" xDD
Kinda puts the episode down tbh. Remember when Kings Landing was awesome? I miss that :(
I'm glad Arya saved Lady Crane's life. And I'm glad she's not a "No one" either haha. Excited for her fight with The Waif.
Can't wait for her and the rest of the Starks to reunite. It's gonna be like the Jon and Sansa moment but with steroids ^_^
Nice episode overall. 8.5/10

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They do that, they end up with a destructive civil war on their hands. The last time the small folk rose in rebellion against the crown in Westerosi history, they butchered five of the Targaryen dragons. I believe Margaery is being the smartest of the lot here, manipulating both the Sparrow and her husband to avoid a total bloodshed.

No I know. I didn't mean it literally. It was smart move. Going against the Faith would have been a bad idea. It happened during Joffrey's time too when they threw shit on his face and Joffrey wanted them all dead, the crown couldn't really stand up to the common people then. I just meant it that way because the King's landing storyline is just so dull right now. I don't even look forward to them like I used to.
Yes I agree. She's always been like that, trying to find the best solution. I wonder what's gonna happen with Cercei in the trail. I feel she won't be allowed to have a trail by combat with the Faith involved.
