Not bad
+Bran's escape is getting more interesting
+Sam, Gilly, and the rest of the Tarly's dinner was great. That sword will come in handy when fighting the Others even if it seems a little out of place that he stole it now.
+Arya parts were spectacularly written. How she is able to feel sympathy for the actress even when she portrays a person that she despises (considering her reactions to the fates of every other person she knows are the same as she feels about that actual person). I really like the way that this performance actually draws her back to her previous life and how the actress who played Sansa had sort of drawn her in by planning this dubious assassination of actress Cersei when real life Sansa innocently played a part in pushing her out into Essos with her cooperation with Cersei not knowing that she was planning on taking out her father. The connection with acting's figuratively putting on the face of another and the Faceless Men literally doing so is also potent and did an excellent job at emphasizing how Arya was more interested in the idea of doing the things she planned and less so with the literal actions. The acting, cinematography, and general atmosphere wasn't anything special but the writing was on point.

*Frey talking shit/Jaime talking about being sent out to the Riverlands- hopefully they stick closely to the books on this matter, can't see a better way of doing it.

-Sparrow making the Royalty his bitches (on one hand I get why Margaery would have a change of heart after being held captive like that and how the plot needed to progress fairly quickly to keep pace with the rest of what was happening around the world but on the other hand it felt like a really fast changing of heart especially since Loras still remains trapped. Tommen also has a change of heart because his parents don't understand that he is the King and they should notify him of any big plans that they have which I think sort of made sense but also could've been done in a better way, especially if they drew it out and had him objectively choose the faith and repentant Margaery over his over politicized parents I think that would be far more interesting and make the whole thing feel less forced.)
-Danaerys' scene was cheesy as fuck, it's going to be hilarious when Euron purposely sinks the Dothraki while at sea and steals her dragons with the Dragon binding horn which for some reason they still haven't shown

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