F...., never been so angry for an episode ending before now..... (Read the book)

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Pretty good episode
Arya's story development is quite intriguing and i look forward for her future as a possible Faceless Man (Woman !?)

Lannisters were a bit boring in this episode. Cersei got all cocky..again.. and karma is a bit of a bi%$h in Game Of Thrones. I m sure she will get what she deserves sooner or later. Tyrion's part was boring.Nothing much to offer than the fact that they're finally going to Slaver's Bay. And, even though Jamie offered the only fighting scene in this episode, the whole travel to Dorne is just bad.

I expected more from Olenna... She practically just stood there and did nothing for both Loras and Margaery! I hope this changes in the episodes to come...
And finally, Sansa..Oh, damn you Sansa... i freaking adore you! She will outlive them all! Both the bath and the "wedding night" scene were kinda powerful in their own way but they both show how much she has grown. She is finally able to do what she has to to survive.

All in all , this was a decent episode.

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People, let's be honest, were all watching this show because its so "ground shaking". If you dont like violence then why watch in the first place?!
I'm disappointed that the camera moved away from the "action".. That wouldn't have happened in the first season

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Olenna Tyrell: "Put the pen down, dear. We both know you're not writing anything."
Cersei: "Ah yes, the famously tart-tongued Queen of Thorns."
Olenna: "And the famous tart, Queen Cersei."

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Kill a main character and the audience calls it the best episode in the show. Rape a main character, and the audience calls it the worst episode in the show.

Remember when those Night's Watch defectors took over Crastor's Hut? And they raped all the women there? And we saw some of it happening on-screen? No one got mad then. No one even mentioned it. Same when Daenerys got raped by Khal Drogo and that was shown on-screen. No one was mad. But then it happens to Sansa off-screen and suddenly the show is "ruined".

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Everyone is so mad and I don't get it. You want the show to be sunshine and rainbows? You want the characters to start considering "oh but I don't want to hurt any of the viewers feelings". If you didn't see that coming, can't foresee just how drastic the Sansa/Theon story line may become, then you are blind. This is not a happy show, and this is not the worst thing I've seen on it.

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wtf is wrong with you people?
this season is boring? worst episode ever?
go watch the walking dead or something

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I'm glad that I don't read books so I can appreciate this for what it is.

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Are you joking about the rape ???
You must be !!!!
Puritans go and watch sons of Anarchy and stop the bullshit ...

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Joffrey was a coward. And apparently, Tommen is also a coward. How does he simply allow his queen to be taken prisoner with men there who could protect her? Silly boy.

I hate Ramsay Bolton. I think I hate him even more than I hated Joffrey. Sansa has been through so much... She didn't deserve this.

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I honestly don't know why I'm still watching Game of Thrones. The ending scene was more painful to watch than the Red Wedding and Oberyn's death together.

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The only great thing about this episode is the title. unbowed, unbent, unbroken!

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No Khaleesi, No party.
Poor Sansa, that was son WRONG!

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Worst episode of the season, and probably of the whole series.

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Be a woman at that time not vey good

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And here we have the new Joffrey!. Oh god, I hate the whole Bolton's house. This episode wan't very good though

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this was just another boring episode

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Shout by Deleted

The series starts to be anoying...really.
It was 6th episode of season and no real development

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Season 5 has next to ni action. Its boring as hell, characters have next to no development and next to no plot.

Plus how things ended up for Sansa for me in this episode just made it so much more Idiotic. She acts so strong headed and a woman on a mission then ends up not doing ANYTHING!

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The storylines for this show are incredibly weak and poorly written. They try to use easy picking, low-hanging fruit to get an audience to feel a certain way. The problem is, after they make certain characters just despicable, they then attempt to make them sympathetic. Serial-rapists and child molesters are not sympathetic individuals. If anything, it should make people question the writers of the show for thinking that someone like that could be redeemable. We should question the choices they make in their private lives.

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Shout by Deleted

I love the show. I even accepted most the changes the made from the books. But the end with Sansa... Sansa and the Bolton was wrong but this... The only good thing now is that I don't care anymore about Coldhands, Stoneheart or else. I'm just watching another thing I hope I d

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+Dorne confrontation
+Tyrells BTFO

*Jorah and Tyrion meet the slavers
*Arya and the Faces

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winterfell horse shit

Yeah, we get it. GOT has a lot of parts that take you by surprise and piss you off. Those are supposed to have some bearing on what would happen in a realistic situation or to advance some plot. This bullshit in Winterfell is going to have absolutely no importance in the greater story, Dumb and Dumber (DB Weiss and David Benioff) are literally putting this in there for the sole reason to piss off viewers which pisses me off even more. This is the type of shit that makes people stop watching your show.

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This season is ... boring!!

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What a way to ruin a great show. This season has been the worst.

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Rape is not entertainment. Fuck this show.

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Shout by Gabriel

Very unnecessary change to the book, very unnecessary terrible episode ending. Worst episode of the entire show.

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This was disgusting. R*pe is not a plot device. It's disgusting and lazy writing.

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Frakking worst, most useless episode ever!!! Hated every part of it!!!

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at this point i'm just hatewatching................

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Shout by DeWitt

The final scene of the episode was definitely repugnant. Another rape? REALLY? [...]

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Shout by Deleted

So how does one become a c**k merchant?

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The hate in the comments for this episode is strong.

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Trakt users when a sadistic piece of shit does exactly what a sadistic piece of shit would do: :astonished::scream::scream::rage:

(They were complaining about the season being too boring and lack of violence before this)

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Hallo?? Do you remember Khal Drogo e the magic first night with Daenerys? A night full of sun & stars.... the people don't remember...

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Shout by Deleted

Justice for Sansa. D&D are the worst.

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I'm still trying to get over the one guy commenting the he was "disappointed that the camera moved away from the "action""... The "action" meaning a rape scene...

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For me, it was a decent episode, but for the people who actually read the books, not so much, I don't understand the hate obviously. But oh well.

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I'm once again compelled to ask some of the commenters on Trakt "how the fuck did you get this far into the show before the sexual violence became a deal-breaker? And why were so many of you complaining about how 'slow' this season was going, wishing for episodes like this, before being upset by your demands coming true like it was the Monkey's Paw that made it happen?"

Media literacy was dead long before this episode aired in 2015, but reading all these fucktacularly stupid hot takes almost a decade later makes me realize how much worse it's getting.

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After all these years, I still detest that last scene

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Poor Sansa… she deserves something so much better, I feel so sorry for her :disappointed: I am so angry with that guy!

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Even without the wedding night, I'd still be an awful episode. The only thing I liked is the development in Arya's story, which was one of the worst storyline this season.

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Arya's story line was really interesting, and the scene when she poisons the sick girl felt quite moving, as it may be for everyone whose loved one was suffering from a terminal disease , there were some good dialogue scenes with Tyrion and Jaime, but because of the tragic ending I don't really know what to do with this episode, it was quite a good episode until Sansa's wedding night .

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proud hatewatcher since episode 1

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Shout by Dan Conway

Aww, poor Sansa!! This season seems to be getting better and better though.

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Shout by mylifer

Full of pain and evil. I wonder when we will see piece of justice.

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I think this episode's the most painful one yet

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Shout by Deleted

this was SO unnecessary. i can't even....................

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Shout by Deleted

D&D took my pride and my dignity and my hope and my money. They took and took from me until I no longer existed. That's murder.

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Those snake sand are kind of ugly. Poor Sansa, I always felt sorry for her.

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