Everyone is so mad and I don't get it. You want the show to be sunshine and rainbows? You want the characters to start considering "oh but I don't want to hurt any of the viewers feelings". If you didn't see that coming, can't foresee just how drastic the Sansa/Theon story line may become, then you are blind. This is not a happy show, and this is not the worst thing I've seen on it.

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"Everyone is so mad and I don't get it" So, you condone RAPE? You think it's okay that an underage girl got sexually assaulted? "This is not the worst thing I've seen on it." Probably because this is the third rape scene we've seen in these 5 seasons (third rape scene that was completely made up by the writers, just because they appreciate shock value and abuse). Do you even UNDERSTAND why people are upset? Some of you here who make comments like this just make me feel sick. And yet people like you think the rest of us are being unreasonable for complaining about actual issues. You know what, I am going to quit because i don't want to be a part of this BS anymore. Disgusting.

Do you really need to make this personal? Your post is full of insults. You're taking my words and you spin them around making completely false assumptions. All I'm saying is that you know what you've signed up for since the very first episode. This is taking place in a world were terrible things are happening (just like in our world) and terrible things will happen to 'good' people. In the real world that isn't any different. Does that make it easy to watch? of course not! Do I condone all the horrific things that are happening? of course not. It's offensive that you tend to think otherwise and it says a lot about you.

I am not twisting your words, I feel disgusted with all of you who make comment about how there's no actual reason to be upset "because we should already be used to it"... I'm not even going to argue with you for making excuses for this atrocious writing because "terrible things are happening" and how we should all accept it. If you can, then great - keep watching and absolutely support every decisions D&D make, no matter how wrong they are. I'm done.

So you're OK with the gratuitous sex and violence? People getting set on fire then torn to shreds by dragons? A brother and sister having an incestuous relationship resulting in 3 children? A pregnant woman getting stabbed in her pregnant belly, and young women washing corpses? But you draw the line at an off screen sex act that can barely be called rape at all. Sansa agreed to marry Ramsay and knew that he would bed her. She never said no or protested. She knew she had to do it. It was horrible, but she consented.

To me boycotting a series because a female character is raped is about as ANTI-feminist as it gets. Game of Thrones is one of the most authentic, dramatic series with some of the strongest and most realistic female characters ever depicted on TV. So let's abandon it, because it has the audacity to illustrate a traumatic event, that will most likely empower Sansa to become a survivor.

@kvdsteege >But you draw the line at an off screen sex act that can barely be called rape at all. Sansa agreed to marry Ramsay and knew that he would bed her. She never said no or protested. She knew she had to do it. It was horrible, but she consented.

This is rape apologia. Marital rape is real. Google it.

@the_argentinian : Just get a life, will you? I suggest you Google ‘TV-Show’. Spoiler alert; They are FICTIONAL. Thank you

@the_argentinian : you just earned yourself a trip to the ‘reporting your account to Trakt’ island. This is highly insane and insensitive. Again; ITS A FUCKING TV SHOW.

@frankjacob oh, noes!
Lmao, the irony of you complaining about insensitivity while repeating "it's just a tv show, bro"

@the_argentinian : How can I be insensitive towards characters that do not even exist? You on the other hand, call a real life person, with a real life, that you don’t even know, a rapist. That’s really uncalled for.

@frankjacob how you feel about characters reflects on you as a person.

@the_argentinian : keep these kind of comments coming. It makes it that more easy for Trakt to delete your account. Again; un-called for. I feel sorry for you. Find yourself some friends

@frankjacob lol! Sorry truth hurts your feelings.
