Funny, So much people argueing about sansas rape. Are you joking?????
A lot of characteres die every season, a lot of shit happens and no one bats a eye.
But, this time, poor Sansa got raped. I really dont care, because she had a lot of chances to run away, but she choose to be stuck with the "mad guys", so its kinda her fault. The hound : lets escape, Sansa; no, i wont go. Briene: came with me, Sansa: nop.
Are you joking??? She is the WORST character in the shows, and she fuckin deserve to be raped. Why? She fucking bully her sister, betrayed her father, FAMILY, friendes,....., she had chances to run, but choose to be stuck. Can you see?? She is a doll, a puppet, unlike her sister (Arya) she has no personalaty.
The red wedding. unlike rape, in westeros its kinda normal, the frey
s betrait was even worst, because the north lost is power and now belong to the Boltons. By the way, that kind of betray was against all the rules, which exist since the conquer by the targerien.
Also, Danaerys was raped, but i guess no one gives a shit.
One more thing, this season is the worst season of the show. I could see any of the other season in a day, this season im forcing myself to whatch a episode (fully).
Last, why the fuck do they change so much from the books???? So much character dont appear and the worst ACTIONS, that were KEY, also were choosen to be omited. Almost 9moths of wait to see a terrible season, so much different of the books. RIP 9.5 imdb rate ~^

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